Disciple of Immortal

Act 5: Chapter 6: Trap of Polorock

Act 5: Chapter 6: Trap of Polorock

「When I gathered information about Ramiel in the 《Fairy's Wings》 while listening to Mel's complaints. I came to a conclusion that this Polorock itself is a giant mouse trap.」

「W-What is actually happening in this city?」

「I've told you before that Mel received an offer from a merchant of Polorock to open a store in this city right? That was the trap. This girl is deceived by that merchant's sweet words about the prime location in Polorock and comes to this city with the assets that she accumulated in the countryside.」V/\IssịT n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).𝘤𝑜/𝓂 for the b/est novel reading experi/en/ce

Rosemonde spoke with a rather dumbfounded face.

「I-It's because Wontz-san is recognizing my talent! He even helps me by paying half of the early investment! HALF!」

Mel was trying desperately to cover that person.

The man called Wantz seems to be the one who invited Mel.

「Upon a closer look, the price of the land and building is clearly exorbitant, right? You even complained about that after all.」

「B-But still, this is Polorock's prime location…」

Rosemonde then looked at me.

「In short, that man called Wantz has been involved with land merchant and property from the very beginning. I'm sure that the price of this land has been spiked from its original price, then he told her that this land happened to be empty, then robbed her of her composure by saying that he'll help her pay half of the initial investment to make her sign an exorbitant contract, truly a swindler indeed.」

So this kind of swindler exists in Locklore too.

Man, I guess I underestimated the commercial city of Polorock.

There might be an even nasty dark side to this city.

「By the way, the flow of money in this city is fully controlled by the Greed Company. No one can do business in this city unless they register themselves in the Greed company, naturally, Mel has already registered herself. But since she had no previous record in the Greed company, she had to deposit a lot of money to them. So in case they did something that besmirch the reputation of Greed Company, the Greed Company will take part of their deposit as reparation money. Their deposit will be back as long as they open their store for two years in this city but…」

「… The contract will be different.」

「To put it simply, if the store folds within two years, she'll be forced to to tough job under the name of the Greed company and forced to forfeit all her deposited money. In short, it's a scheme that forces her to forfeit all her money within two years.」

The moment I heard that, I covered my face with both of my hands.

「Another thing, Mel lost her initial investment due to the deposit to Greed Company. And Greed Company will send money lenders to such people. And by playing around with complex interest rates, the interest rate will reach as much as 5 times the normal interest rate in Manarak.」

… They took money and loaned money with a choking interest rate.

From her story, I assume that Wontz was a big shot concerning land and property transactions.

He might be the leader or big shot of Greed Company.

There was the smell of conspiracies all over the place, the system that allowed such people to rob gullible people like Mel of her money.

「What's matter Kanata? You look pale, I'm just getting started though.」

「Stop… I understand the situation.」

I had a headache just by hearing that.

Maybe the best choice was to leave this city immediately.

After knowing such a story, the brilliant townscape looks less brilliant to me now.

「Geez, you're overestimating the problem, Rosemonde-san. As you know, Kanata-san, this person tends to make the problem look more troublesome to scare me.」

Even though she tried to dismiss Rosemonde with a light tone, her face was paled.

Though I wanted to tell her to accept the reality, I then realized that she might realized it and did this to prevent herself from breaking.

Pomera aside, even Philia who always smiled happily no matter what had a twitched smile on her face.

This was supposed to be a troublesome story and yet, once I opened the lid, it turned into a huge scandal.

「The ever-kind Wontz seems to make an arrangement for Mel to work in the Dark Ward in case she goes under. It seems she doesn't want to make trouble for her family in the countryside.」

「Enough, I don't want to hear it anymore…」

I reflexively begged Rosemonde to stop telling such a sad story filled with conspiracies.

I've heard about the Dark Ward from Rosemonde before.

It was a lawless area, the slum that was born due to the disparity between rich and poor.

「Wait a minute? It shouldn't be a problem… As long as this store prospered right?」

「Correct. After that swindler Wontz baited her with funding for initial investment, he quickly provided land and property at dirt cheap prices. Not to mention that she needs to stay for more than two years.」

「… So?」

「Originally, Greed company had few policies to tighten their leash on the newcomer so that the top brass of the company could enjoy steady profits. That's why the newly opened store can't win against the existing store. There is already a huge gap of scale and fame between the two. Anyhow, the moment Wontz saw that the situation of the 《Fairy's Wing》 was pretty favorable, he told the store in this area that 『The policy of this magic tool store would make a profit』.」

「Aah, okay… I understand the gist of the situation. enough. I think I'm going to feel depressed if I hear more.」

I interrupted the story since I pretty much understood the situation.

「I just came at the wrong time!」

Mel interrupted right after me.

「You can cut the optimistic act in this hopeless situation you know!?」

If she didn't accept the situation, she would be swept under the rug.

「You know right, Kanata? There's a gap in Wontz's swindling plan. He used bait to swindle her of her initial investment and kick her out once her store went under. But if her store can make a profit and stabilize her business, she can get back her initial investment along with a store located at the prime location, giving him a punch in the face. After that, as long as she can build her fame, she can file a complaint to Wontz's swindling case. It might sound like a pipe dream but, I believe that Mel can do that.」

Said Rosemonde fervently.

「Geez, Rosemonde-san. I certainly am a genius but, you won't get anything by praising me.」

Said Mel, touching her flushed cheeks.

「This isn't the time to be embarrassed, Mel-san…」

「Don't you feel annoyed by this situation? That's why I've a request for you, Kanata. Can you help Mel to develop the product for her store in exchange for me agreeing to go with you to the Peach Dragon Village?」

「Developing… Product?」

「You're an otherworlder right? In that case… In that case, you must know about one or two items that sell like hotcakes in another world right?」

I see… So this was the reason she asked my help as an otherworlder.

Just when I was wondering why he made me to hear such horrible fraud right in front of Mel herself, it turned out her goal was to make me understand the situation.



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