Disciple of Immortal

Act 5: Chapter 5: 《Fairy's Wings》

Act 5: Chapter 5: 《Fairy's Wings》

I was talking with Rosemonde in the general store magic tool, 《Fairy's Wings》.

「So uhm… Rosemonde-san, will you come to Peach Dragon Village to meet Ramiel?」


Rosemonde frowned upon hearing my question.

「I mean, if I bring Rosemonde-san to see Ramiel, she'll tell me about one of the 《Invisible Hand of God》… Someone called Nobunaga.」



Yup, it was impossible after all.

Rosemonde's reaction was only natural. From Rosemonde's perspective, she had no reason to meet Ramiel.

「I'm in real trouble this time. According to Ramiel, the other member had a higher level than her.」

Anyhow, they were the people who controlled the world from behind the scenes after all.

When it comes to the people with higher levels than Ramiel, it was only natural for some of them to have higher levels than me.

And naturally, they might own weapons that were more troublesome than their level.

Even Ramiel was using the Dragon Hole to defeat me.

「Please Rosemonde-san. I've no choice but to rely on you this time.」

「Tch, that's rich coming from you. To begin with, that's your problem, not mine.」

Rosemonde squinting her eyes, clicked her tongue then sprawled on the table.

I guess I couldn't ask for Rosemonse's help in this case.

Maybe I had to rely on Riddler to get me the information about Nobunaga from Ramiel.

「Well, the ship had sailed. I've no choice but to go, but I can't say the same about getting the information. Just don't come to me when you're in trouble.」

S-So kind…!

「Y-Yeah, just having you cooperate is enough! Moreover, Ramiel doesn't seem to have malice to Rosemonde-san! I think she feels guilty about leaving you secretly in the city and want to apologize to you for that…」

「That Ramiel feels guilty?」

Asked Rosemonde with a puzzled face.

Seeing that look on her face, I quickly tried to recall Ramiel's look from back then.

『Well, I ditched that weak adventurer in the Polorock city.』

Darn, no matter how I look at it, there was no sign of remorse at all.

I guess she really didn't feel guilty about ditching Rosemonde.

「… Sorry, I guess I ended up exaggerating things since I want your cooperation no matter what.」

「As I thought, shall I pass then?」

「N-No, please go with us! I'll even prepare a handsome amount of reward for you! Please, I don't care even if you ask for 100 million or 1 billion…!」

「Stop it, that amount of money is so damn scary! Your sense of money is crazy!」

Rosemonde struck the table as she warned me.

Then, she touched her chin as if she recalled something.

「No, wait a minute, money huh… Hum. Come to think of it, are you one of those otherworlders?」

「Eh, how did you know about it?」

I didn't remember ever telling her about this fact.

That's why I was quite surprised to hear that Rosemonde knew about this.

「It's a well-known fact that 《Ares Hand》 is an otherworlder. Your name and appearance bear some resemblance, you even cooperated with her in the so-called 『Manga』.」

I see, that was enough clue indeed.

Still… My cooperation in the published manga wasn't something that Kotone herself wished for.

All I did was teach Gannet the basic knowledge, adjust the page, some little adjustments, and explanations, reading the ruby katakana, so it would be published even without my assistance.

「I admit that but… What's the relationship of this and that?」

「Thank goodness, Rosemonde-san. You seem to be able to find that Ramiel girl, Does that mean the issue has been resolved?」

A woman wearing a monocle and a bright red mini hat then asked as she came from the storefront.

She was the shopkeeper of the general store magic tool 《Fairy's Wings》, Mel.

She was originally a magic tool craftsman from the countryside but then, she moved into Polorock to open her store after receiving an invitation from the merchant of Polorock who happened to pass by.

Magic tool craftman was something like an alchemist.

In contrast with alchemist who emphasized the transformation of the material itself, the magic tool craftsmen focused more on molding and transformation of the material.

The line that separated both professions was vague, some of the skills needed by alchemists were magic tools craftsman's skills, and vice-versa.

In short, alchemy turned the soil into metal while magic tool makers turned the said metal into screws.

For magic tool makers, understanding magic to the point of paranoia and creativity was more important than versatility and understanding of alchemy.

「She's involved in a really troublesome scheme though. Tch, sorry but I can't help you, Mel.」

「No worries, I'm just useless after all.」

Mel waved her hands with a wry smile on her face.

「Sorry for taking your time, Mel-san. Even though this should be your business hour. You must be… Able to hear our voice from the storefront right?」

Rosemonde shouted a while ago after all, there was the voice of a chair being knocked over too.

We might scare a few of her customers.

「… Ah, well, actually, it's pretty normal for my store… To have no customer at all…」

Mel scratched her head awkwardly.

Her store is located in a good place in Polorock and she didn't slack in terms of putting goods and the exterior of the store either.

Maybe she was trying to be humble.

The reason why there was no customer today might simply be because we spoke way too loud to the point of disturbing the customer.

「I guess we shouldn't cause more trouble for her. Let's continue to nearby ca—」

「Don't worry Kanata, she meant it, her store has no customers at all.」

「Roseonde-san, that's a bit too–」

「I tried to help her when the store opened while searching for Ramiel at the same time but, it turned out to be a fool's errand. I mean, I couldn't get any information since no one visiting this store.」

Unpleasant air drifts in the room.

Even if that was the case, no need to reveal it so openly like that.

「In short, you want me to help her right? You don't have to phrase it in a way that will cause misunderstanding! Pomera, see you in a completely new light, Rosemonde-san!」

Said Pomera as she glared at Rosemonde.

I thought that Rosemonde would retort back alas, she just heaved a sigh, drank the water in her glass, and opened her mouth with a serious look on her face.

「… She got herself involved in a fraud case. It's a trick used by shrewd merchants to trick ignorant craftsmen from the stick to enrich their own pocket.」

Pomera was dumbfounded upon hearing that.

「Y-You're mistaken, Rosemonde-san! I'm just saying that things got a bit harder right now! But, this is where the real challenge!」

Mel spoke resolutely while clenching her fist.

But man, she was put on a facade.

「But even with fraud, it's still a mystery how she set up her store…」

「That's because this place is a terrifying giant monster called Polorock.」



Knight's Chivalry <— A Wholesome story!!!

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