Disciple of Immortal

Act 5: Chapter 7: Product Development

Act 5: Chapter 7: Product Development

「Eh! Kanata-san is an otherworlder!」

Said Mel as she grabbed my shoulders.

「Y-Yeah, I am…」

「Do you have information about otherworld items!?」

And brought her face closer to just an inch away from mine.

She spoke roughly till a bit of her spits came out.

「More or less…」

「Can you save me for that fugly trash swindler called Wontz!? 」

「So you did realize that you got swindled by him! Finally admitting it huh!」

Maybe she averted her gaze from reality before Wontz extremely meticulous methods.

Maybe she is finally willing to accept the reality after seeing a glimmer of hope.


「Don't call me by such an honorary name please!」

Pomera caught Mel's back and pulled off the latter from me.

「C-Calm down, Mel-san! You're troubling Kanata-san!」

「I-I mean, they really are going to kill me at this rate…」

Her face was smeared with tears and mucus.

「What do you think, Kanata? As a reminder, I can guarantee that Mel is a truly genius magic tool craftsman. All you need is to give her a bit of inspiration. You can leave her on her own after you teach her a bit of your knowledge.」

This person really loves to take care of the other.

The way she looked relieved upon hearing that Ramiel simply ditched her might be her true feeling, even if she knew that she had been deceived by the latter.

In a normal situation, other people in her shoes would curse Ramiel first.

「… U~hm, actually I have a few items that I want to sell but are too precious, you can put them on display.」

That might be able to attract customers.

And since I couldn't go too far, the highest-ranked item I could take out might be the item below A-rank.

「Most people might not care what an adventurer had. And this place is a magic tool store. The customer will be looking for a magic tool. Currently, another place has a much better product selection and cheaper price.」

「Well, that's make a sense…」

「Don't you know one or two good items from the other world? That's what I'm looking forward to but…」

「P-Please, I-I'm looking forward to hearing about the product too! I'll do anything for you if you save my life, be it becoming your slave or selling my organs!」

Mel begged me while seizing my clothes.

She was way too desperate.

I guess that was how cornered she was right now.

「I-I know I know! I'll do my best to help you!」

I guess I wanted to help her too.

Not to mention that this was a request from Rosemonde herself.

If we could solve the problem by lending my knowledge, sure, I would lend my knowledge.

But, otherworld items shouldn't be that rare since there was already so many otherworlder who came to this world before me.

Not to mention that I had no expertise in this place.

Mel, I, Rosemonde, Pomera, and Philia, the five of us were sitting around the table, brainstorming for the new product of the 《Fairy Wings》.

Since I lacked common sense of this world, the first thing I did was to know how developed the magic tool in this world was.

「I thought there'll be something at least and yet, it's nothing here…」

I was left bewildered around ten mintues after the beginning of the meeting.

At one point I heard from Mel about the potential of magil tool and she told me to tell her anything since she might gain inspiration from that.

Yet surprisingly, I couldn't come out with anything.


Said Philia energetically as she raised her hand.

Mel who by chance was letting Philia sit on her lap gently caressing the latter's head.

「There~ there~, you're just so adorable, Philia-cha~n. I'll do my best to make a bear cup for you~.」

Said Mel as she rubbed her cheeks on Philia.

This person was an amazing person for sure.

Even though she just confirmed that her current situation was akin to ropeless bungee jumping, she could still act as if it was no big deal.

And though Rosemonde had already said it, Mel might be a real genius.

「Then please write your opinion. Everyone can freely offer their opinion.」

Said Mel as she dipped her quill pen into the ink and started writing.

「Come to think of it, plastic might be a good thing.」

It was something that didn't exist in this world.

Just how much production cost could be lowered if the current manufacturing was replaced by plastic?

「Plas… tic? What is that?」

「A cheap and easy-to-handle material. It is made mainly from petroleum.」

「Oooh! Awesome! This is it, we have to make it somehow!」

Said Mel as she looked at me with bright, glowing eyes.

「T-That's where the problem is… I have no idea how to manufacture it.」

「Aah, yes… Can't be helped then, okay…」

Mel dropped her shoulders in dejection.

Though I did learn about alchemy from Lunaire, I still had no idea about how to create plastic from petroleum.

Though Lunaire might be able to do that if I gave her a hint from my existing knowledge, I myself couldn't do that.

「I think I can handle some cheap, and easy-to-handle existing metal but…」

It would take an enormous amount of time to research the way to create such a metal with alchemy and mass produce it.

And since it wouldn't have that much impact either, the cost-to-performance ratio might not be that good.

「Please, Kanata-sensei! I promise to give you 90% of the net profit!」

Mel took my hands as she bowed to me.

「Stop with that "Sensei" already… And you'll be the one in trouble if you split your profit that way.」

I received the quill pen from Mel and wrote about the product in my mind on the paper.

Easy to use toys ranged from bicycles to trump, shampoo, spray, or canned products.

I tried to write something that might be of some use alas, it might be something that had already been found in this world or something that I couldn't reproduce.

「OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Sounds like there's a lot of things we can use!」

Though Mel looked really happy, I on the other hand couldn't find an idea that was fit for her.

And since the letter was blurry, I had to run ink on it again and again.

When I applied too much ink, the letter became a blot of ink.

「… It's hard to write with this. Do you have something easier to use?」

「Something easier? What are you talking about?」

After pondering for a while, I added a felt-tip pen, a sign pen, and a ballpoint.

This might be the best product.

Rather, I would push this since using a quill pen and ink was too troublesome.

Let's make it our hottest commodity.



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