Disciple of Immortal

Act 5: Chapter 4: The Lich Touring Around Yamato(Side Lunaire)

Act 5: Chapter 4: The Lich Touring Around Yamato(Side Lunaire)

Around the time Kanata reunited with Rosemonde in Polorock, Lunaire was visiting the imperial capital of Yamato, Kyou in the far east to gather more information about the 《Demon King of Sicth Heaven; Nobunaga》.

A gorgeous multi-storied building was lining up before her.

The building was painted with vivid red color and had gold coating used on many of its parts.

Lunaire, clad in black 《Impurity Sealer's Robe》 was strolling around for shopping while carrying Noble Mimic-disguised as a box- wrapped in some clothes.

Once she arrived at a rather deserted place, she lowered Noble Mimic.

「… I'm a bit tired.」

「How RaRe oF YOu tO FeeL TiREd.」

「I'm not tired from the walking. I'm just not used to a bustling place like this. Let's find an inn and take a break for a while. We can still be doing an investigation without going around thanks to the 《Eye of Tiamat》 I got from Sophia.」

Said Lunaire as she took the golden crystal from her bosom.

The eye of the wise dragon, Tiamat.

A terrifying item that enables its' user to see faraway places.

It was a really convenient item that didn't even exist in 《Cocytus》.

But, the high elf who lived for ten thousand years readily gave the item to Lunaire the moment the former realized that the latter was confronting the dark side of this world, the 《Invisible Hand of God》.

As long as she goes to the location that showed by the 《Eye of Tiamat》 and the information she collected so far, she can chase the 《Invisible Hand of God》 even if they hide at the end of the world.

Though one needed the proper amount of concentration and magical power to use it, it was a truly convenient gadget, Lunaire had always been doing some intelligent gathering in her spare time using that 《Eye of Tiamat》.

「Let's doing a bit more research during the break.」

When Lunaire said so, the spectacle projected by the  《Eye of Tiamat》 changed quickly.

「Using tHat JusT OncE is AlReady eXhauStiNg, noT To MenTion MAny TimEs And Yet… I GueSS I Was WrOng.」

「I agree with you. We're talking about someone who has been living far longer than me after all, she must've many of this kind of item.」

「ThaT'S HiGh ElF FoR YOu.」

「But that doesn't change the fact that this is a precious item. Maybe she has a reason for giving this item to me. This reminds me that Sophia looks strange when I ask her about the 《Invisible Hand of God》. It's strange that she, who lives far longer than me, and knows so many details about that organization has never gotten herself involved with the 《Invisible Hand of God》.」

「In ShoRt… ArE YoU SuSpeCtINg ThAt SoPhia HaS SomeSoRt Of HiStOry with ThoSe Guys?」

「Yeah, she might be the enemy of the 《Invisible Hand of God》. At first, she was hostile toward me and didn't even take a second glance at the ring that I gave to her as a present. I think the reason she willingly cooperates with me isn't money or something like a sense of justice, she must've another reason. Maybe she believes that I can give a fatal blow to the 《Invisible Hand of God》. Or maybe, she just regarded me as a mere pawn for her goal.」

「Ah, That'S Huh. WeLL, ThAt MiGht Be The CaSe.」

Noble Mimic nodded with his entire body.

Upon reflection, they thought that there was no connection between Sophia and the 《Invisible Hand of God》.

Otherwise, there was no need for her to give the all-purpose information-gathering gadget from myth, the 《Eye of Tiamat》 to Lunaire, her enemy.

「Well, Sophia's goal aside, the most important thing is the result of the cooperation. Maybe we should go to see her again once we hit the wall. And since we now have the 《Eye of Tiamat》, finding her is much easier than before.」

After she spoke, Lunaire shifted her gaze from the crystal, looking back at the main street of the imperial capital, Kyou.

A pair of couples wearing gorgeous kimono was walking happily along the street.

「The kimono thingy seems to be really nice clothes. M-Maybe I should buy one so that I can show it to Kanata later.」

「MAsTer… Don'T YoU ThiNk ThAt FinDing ThoSe GuyS ComE FirSt BeFore You ThiNking About UnRelAteD ThinG?」

Said Noble Mimic with a dumbfounded face as he peeked into the 《Eye of Tiamat》.

The image reflected in the crystal was the image of Kanata walking in what was seemingly a general store.

「WhAt ARe YoU SEarChinG FoR, MasTeR!」

Noble Mimic quickly unleashed a tongue attack.

Lunaire stooped forward to dodge that attack.

「What are you doing, Noble? I just want to confirm Kanata's safety. That's only natural right? He has become the target of the 《Invisible Hand of God》 after all.」

「YoU JuSt Said A WhiLe AgO that YoU're lOOking FoR a Clue! So AlL YOu DiD UntIl Now Is Just GaZing At KAnAta's ImaGe in ThaT CrysTal!」

「What are you talking about? I just spent 90% of the 5 minutes to looking at Kanata!」

「ThAt'S MosT of The TimE! DaRn, MAsTer AlWaYs beComE LikE This WheN She iSn't AwAre of It!」

「Aaah! Just when I thought who he's looking for, it turned out to be that armored woman again! This remind me that this person is acting overly familiar with Kanata! Maybe I have to go and give this person a piece of my mind!」

「Ain'T THAt The SamE, As UsUaL, YoU DaMn StAlKer! ThiS MeThoD IS EveN NaStIEr ThaN The TrAnSpAReNt SpIrIt FrOm BeForE! GEez, LeAVe ThIS CrYStAL To Me!」

「What are you talking about, Noble? I can't watch over Kanata if I leave this crystal in your custody!」

Lunaire kept the 《Eye of Tiamat》 away from Noble Mimic's reach immediately.

「Oi, WhAt Do YoU ThiNk, KaNata? YoU AlsO Don't WanT to Get spIed on By HeR WitH tHis MethOd RiGhT!?」

Noble Mimic suddenly called out as if there was another person behind Lunaire.

Hearing that, Lunaire quickly turned around and hid the 《Eye of Tiamat》 behind her back.

Noble Mimic didn't miss such an opening, he quickly used his tongue to take the 《Eye of Tiamat》 from Lunaire's hands.

「Ah! You tricked me, Noble! Give it back to me!」

Noble Mimic took the 《Eye of Tiamat》 into his body and shut his mouth tightly.

「FROm ThiS PoInt, I'LL be The One In CHaRgE oF GaTherIng thE InForMAtIOn and ChecKing KaNata's SafEty.」

「Don't joke with me! Noble lacks the magical power to use that 《Eye of Tiamat》 properly.」

「If MaSTeR UseD 90% of The 5 MinUteS to StaLk On KaNaTa, The ReSt Is PlenTy EnouGh.」

「Please! 10 minutes, give me 10 minutes per day!」

Said Lunaire as she grabbed Noble Mimic's side and shook the latter.



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