
Chapter 63: Elysian you were, Averlonian you are

Chapter 63: Elysian you were, Averlonian you are

I was sitting in my room on my favourite cushion as I read this little novel Beatrice recommended to me. It was an interesting one, detailing one of the Blade’s past sagas. Apparently he had this odd rivalry with this young Kraken, and they later became good friends. A strange pair to be sure, a Pig and a Squid or were Krakens closer to octopuses? I don’t know anyway, it was an interesting read, although I am wondering if even half of this is true.

These events apparently took place so long ago, barely any records exist. Most of what the people now know are passed down oral traditions from songs, stories and poems. Not exactly a very reliable historical source if I do say so myself.

Well on the topic of… history, this was supposed to be a momentous day. I was currently waiting for Cecilia who was preparing something to show me before the ceremony. Today was the day that the Empire officially was formed and recognised as a proper entity and the final conversion of the other city states into provinces within the empire. 

I wonder what she’s going to show me…

Well I didn’t have to wait long, barely an hour later I heard a commotion outside the door. I was about to tell them to come in but I remembered Cecilia eats, sleeps and fucks in here so she’ll just let herself in.

Sure enough the door opened and Cecilia walked in with a bunch of servants carrying two rolled up bunch of fabrics, they looked like flags. They placed the banners on a nearby table before bowing and exiting the room.

“What’s that?” I asked curiously as I sat up.

“The old and the new.” Cecilia replied with a smirk.

“The old and the new?” I asked as I moved over to the table and Cecilia unfurled the large banner.

“Huh… this is the old banner of Elysia…” I said as I looked at her.

“Yes exactly, the banner of House Elysia, the house that once all feared. Long ago, above in the Elysian skies flew the red phoenix.” Cecilia said as she ran her hand over the banner.

“So this is the old, do you have a new banner in mind?” I asked as I turned to look at the other rolled up banner. 

“Oh yes, red was once splendour but now it is a pale shadow of what we can be…” Cecilia said with a smirk as she gestured to the other banner.

I looked down and saw the banner, I couldn’t help but smile at the sight. 

“Azatharine would be flattered.” I said with a laugh.

“Well culturally someone like her is quite significant. In a different time she might actually be worshipped as a god.” Cecilia mused.

“So from red to white, quite an upgrade.” I said with a chuckle.

“Yes, my house colours are now black, red and white. I think the white suits you as well, considering your hive is mostly white as well.” Cecilia said.

“Still what’s with the fangs? Is that a reference to me?” I asked curiously.

“Yes, for the Averlonian Empire now in contrast to Ancient Elysia now not only has flames but we now have tooth and nail.” Cecilia said with a grin.

“I should make my own banner. It might make a good decoration.” I mused.

“Certainly, we could come up with a design together and then I will have it made. We can hang them side by side, a clear message for all.” Cecilia said.

“Hmmm, perhaps…” I said as my mind wandered to the cult thing I was working on. 

It was far from complete, I needed more test subjects to perfect the indoctrination process. I needed my “followers” to still come across as intelligent and sentient individuals, but also needed for them to be fully shackled to the Hive Mind.

The way I could do this was in a similar vein to Azatharine, whereby the Hive Mind is simply a comforting and useful thing. So much so that the individual buried within would be loath to leave it. However, Azatharine was significantly more innately powerful and she was much higher on the ladder. Thus a free hand was more easily given. If every schmuck in the pyramid starts getting its own ideas, it would be a problem. A fine balance needed to be struck for sure…

“So when’s the ceremony?” I asked curiously.

“In an hour, but first I would like to talk.” Cecilia said as she turned to look at the other servants who bowed and exited the room, closing the door behind them.

“Talk? What about?” I asked.

“After today, we begin to run the risk of drawing the attention of heaven. After we break Tralis, the chances of drawing attention grows higher. With each step we take to more and more power the eyes of Seraphin will grow more and more wary towards us.” Cecilia said as her mood sombered.

“We had a plan right? Make ourselves look good, even the Seraphin need to put up a show. They can’t exactly kill us all for doing what from their mouths is the so called good thing. If they start acting like hypocrites there will be consequences.

I heard the Archangel of Mercy Uriel keeps the more zealous angels in line. It’s apparently her job to ensure that Terra remains peaceful and to maintain the faith.” I replied.

“Well things sometimes go wrong. You never know with these types of things.” Cecilia said with an uncharacteristic show of uncertainty.

Well I suppose she is on the younger side, she’s only 18 years old and fresh into adulthood. Yes she’s smart but she doesn’t exactly have decades of experience to back up her confidence. Honestly she was playing a game far beyond her years. To be fair technically I’m even younger but with Eternal Mother’s memories I feel so goddamned old. 

My past life’s memories feel like a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes I almost forget I used to be human, all the memories of everything else were melding together in my mind. I wonder if I one day just bury what I used to be under all the lives and experiences I have devoured.

“We just prepare as best we can, and it will have to be enough.” I replied calmly as I looked down at her.

“Afterall, what else can we do?” I said with a smile.

“You are more optimistic than I thought.” Cecilia replied with a smirk.

“And you are more skittish than I thought, I wouldn’t peg you for someone who would get cold feet at the final hour.” I said with a small laugh.

“Well it’s not everyday a girl gets an Empire.” Cecilia replied with a small smile.

I smiled at those words, this perhaps was the best example of how far our friendship has progressed. In front of everyone else, she was the proud, powerful and ruthless queen turned empress. But in front of me she can afford to be vulnerable, to show the side of an 18 year old girl playing the game of great men and women. 

“I suppose that’s true, but don’t worry I’ve had my Hive dig an escape tunnel to Zarima just in case. If the worst comes to pass, we have a way out.” I said.

“And if you fall when the worst comes to pass?” Cecilia asked.

“I told Legiana that she could have the Hive if that day comes, I told her to make sure you, Lily and your family remain safe.” I said.

“I see, but let’s hope that day never comes to pass shall we.” Cecilia said with a deep intake of breath.

“Hey chin up, what happened to the cool and cold Empress.” I said as I gently poked her with my finger causing her to stumble back slightly and a small laugh escaped from her lips.

“Yes, I shall. Thank you friend.” Cecilia said gratefully.

“Anytime.” I replied with a smile of my own.

“Now come on, you have an Empire to form.” I said with a smirk as I looked at the door.

“Yes, we do.” Cecilia said as she laid a gentle hand on my finger.

“Meet you at the square. I’ll head over when it’s time to show up.” I replied. 

I exited the room and took off into the sky before heading straight up into the clouds. Once I cleared the cloud layer I saw my Phoenixes there waiting for me. 

“Greetings my king.” Azatharine said respectfully.

“Now we wait for our grand entrance.” I said.

“Yes, the humans like their showmanship, a waste of time in my opinion.” Azatharine replied.

“Humor them Azatharine, they have their uses. After all, a little theatre keeps things interesting.” I said with a chuckle.

The humans love these grand displays. As Cecilia said quite nicely, the common man and woman crave distractions. If they are denied these distractions they will create their own and their distractions usually end with people being torn to pieces, high born or otherwise. That was why festivals, grand weddings, jousting tournaments and many other events were so popular and necessary.

Also this was a big change, the people need to think they are witnessing a new era. We need to be beloved by the people, if the people speak to angels and say good things about us then Heaven would be less likely to burn us all to ash. 

In fact public opinion was already turning, construction projects had already begun all across Averlon, dirt roads were being converted to cobblestone thanks to the ceaseless labour of my hive. The cobblestones and stone bricks have already filled storehouses to the ceiling and the people rejoice at the new convenience. It is my plan that even the roads of villages will be paved, I plan to pave the roads from Elysian gate to Istland. Should be an easy task, I think I could get it done within the next year, after I’m done sacking Tralis…

Someone had to pay the workmen who would cut the stones…

But then again to be loved alone is also not enough. The people must also look to us with reverence, awe and fear. There is this riddle floating in the Eternal Mother’s memory that I find quite fitting of this topic.

100 statesmen are in a room. All of them are either honest or liars. You walk in knowing two things:

- At least one of them is honest.

- If you take any two politicians, at least one of them is a liar.

From this information, can you know how many are liars and how many are honest? 

So what is the answer? Well it’s simple. There is only 1 honest statesman. That man will be loved by the people because of his integrity and honour. But he will also be the most beloved corpse in the nation soon when a long knife is stuck into his back. 

Then there will only be 99 statesmen…

That is the duality of rule, one must be both loved and feared. A ruler with no teeth will not be ruler for long, but a tyrant will lose his head eventually.

I then heard Legiana send me a message, looks like it’s time to make my grand entrance.

“Form up.” I said and I sensed the phoenixes all line up behind me.

In formation we dived down into the clouds and headed straight for the square below. I did a slow circuit around the square and I looked down to see the gathered representatives of the nations and a crowd of the common folk behind them. I saw the eyes of the common folk looking at my flight of Phoenixes in wonder. 

To their eyes it must be quite the sight. They have only seen the Phoenixes or me fly overhead for a short period of time, considering our speed. We tended to just zip overhead so they caught at most glimpses. So having all the Phoenixes fly in a neat formation as they circled the square was probably quite the sight.

Finally I flapped my wings and landed next to Cecilia. Azatharine landed next to me while the other phoenixes landed on the flanks and bowed their heads. The Phoenixes brought their wings to their chest as they bowed their majestic heads. For all intents and purposes looking like loyal vassals bowing to a king.

“Lord and Ladies, good people of Averlon!” Cecilia declared. Her voice magically amplified, easily carried across the square.

At those words the knights of the provinces all snapped to attention in one fluid motion eliciting a clear crisp metallic sound from their armour.

Then I heard Cecilia begin her speech.

“Today is a great day, today we shed the shackles of the old and embrace the new. We cast aside the disunity that has once burdened us and we come together once more as one people.

I am sure all of you know the tales of Old Elysia, we once wore the colour red with pride. For even the High Elves never learned how to tame the Phoenix. Now we move past the red, into the age of white.” Cecilia declared as she waved her hand and revealed the banner of the new Averlonian Empire.

“My house takes the old words as our own, for like our ancestors we too will rise from the ashes. Our people will be born again amongst ash and flame, as for our enemies they will also know only ash and flame. When the Volerian’s enter our lands they will see this banner flying high and proud. They will not face an Elysia wracked with disunity and chaos. They will fight one army, one people, bound by a single purpose. 

Expelling them from our home!

The bandit king wants to steal your gold, burn your homes.

He wants to rape your women, enslave your children.

Will you let that happen?” Cecilia asked as she spread her arms towards the crowd.


The knights replied as one, and the common folk cheered in response. 

So far so good…

“Then when we have defended our homeland, we will not sit idly by while they prepare themselves for another war.


We will bring the war to them, we will liberate the oppressed nations of Averlin and Beralis. We will carve a path to Tralis and drag the bandit king and his prince in chains back to this great city.” Cecilia declared and the people cheered again.

I have to give it to Cecilia, she was a good orator. Her speech was pretty textbook, give the people an enemy, promise them a better future, promise them glory and give them a cause to rally behind. Pretty standard as rousing speeches go…

“Today I declare the unification of Elysia and the formation of the Averlonian Empire. Lord and Ladies of Elysia, do you pledge allegiance to the new empire?” Cecilia asked as she gestured to the gathered rulers of the new provinces.

“We do Empress Cecilia.” the Lords and Ladies all said as one they knelt.

“And you honourable Wardens of the West?” Cecilia asked as she gestured to the gathered Wardens.

In response they drew their swords and knelt. They placed their swords at their feet and the Lord Warden raised his head to look at Cecilia.

“We the Wardens of Warden’s Vigil, pledge our allegiance to the Averlonian Empire. 

Empress Cecilia, the Wardens of Warden’s Vigil, swear loyalty to you. 

We pledge to always keep your counsel and devote our lives for both you and the empire.

We are the stalwart shield that guards Elysia. 

This is our sacred trust and duty.

This we will do, from this day until our last day.” the Lord Warden said, his tone like iron.

This we swear!

The Wardens echoed as one and I saw Cecilia smile at those words.

“And I swear to protect this realm and defend it’s good people.

I swear to never ask of you any service that would bring you dishonour.

Most of all I swear to recapture the glory of old Elysia, the sun shall rise on us once again!” Cecilia declared and again the people cheered.

I could tell the whole mob mentality thing was getting to the common folk. Humans are so gullible…

“And you good knights, will you lend me your strength? Will you rise to defend our home? Will you help bring us into a new golden age?” Cecilia asked as she gestured to gathered knights.

“We pledge allegiance to the Averlonian Empire and yourself Empress Cecilia.” the knights said as one as they all knelt and placed their swords on the floor.

“And you good people of Averlon? Will you lend me your strength so the flame of Elysia can burn bright once more?” Cecilia asked.


The people echoed out in a cheer.

Cecilia smiled as she gestured to me before speaking once again to those gathered.

“Thank you all for your trust. But I must say one last thing…

This day would not be possible without my dear friend. He freed me from my father’s unjust imprisonment and in doing so he freed you from the corrupt rule of my father and brother. All of you owe the coming golden age to him. 

Without him Voleria would have found Elysia, broken, fractured and discordant. He would find lambs arrayed against him. But now thanks to my dear friend, thanks to the Great Beast of the Elysian Woods, the Volerians will not face lambs… 

They will face the Phoenix that has risen from the ashes!” Cecilia declared to another round of cheers from the people. With each round of cheers the voices grew louder as their voices rolled over the square like a wave.

“Now my dearest and closest friend, would you like to say any words?” Cecilia asked as she faced me.

I moved forward and the square turned silent. I looked at the crowd and I did not see fear, I saw anticipation as if I was about to speak some ancient words of wisdom.

“I have lived a long time, I have seen Empires fall as they fragmented. I have seen the flames of war roar up, burning everything it’s path until one stood above all and a new Empire rose again… 

Your Empress has spared you that trial by fire, I have spared you that trial.

For it is wasteful and the peak of stupidity.

I have seen races and nations come and go. In my experience you more short lived races scurry about seeking something you cannot even fathom. You seek a truth that does not even exist. You look to the skies searching for the answer, for meaning in your fleeting lives.

If you would heed this old one’s words, if you wish to gaze upon the meaning of your lives you need only look to your left and right.” I said calmly, playing the ancient beast role best I could, milking it for all it’s worth.

“Your Empress is my good friend, throughout my life I have found the most comfort in those I would call a friend.” I said, technically not a lie…

“Meaning is found in those you care for, that is the truth. So I will ask you this, will you defend that which matters to you most?” I asked calmly.

The square was silent but I saw the crowd nod. It’s a different reaction, but then again, I’m a little different anyway. Besides I saw awe and not contempt in their eyes. Good thing Cecilia buttered them up with all that phoenix talk.

“So with your fleeting lives in mind I will say this, it doesn't matter what name you call yourselves. For the heart of your people lives in the people. My children are nomads, we find comfort in each other and that is enough for us. In my experience humans who think that as well also are the happiest.” I said as I paused and gazed upon the crowd.

With that I said the final words of my little speech.

Elysia is the past

Grasp the future

Stasis is death

All life is change

Elysian you were, Averlonian you are…


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