
Chapter 64: Old Friends, Old Rules

Chapter 64: Old Friends, Old Rules

Mahaila smiled as she looked at the Firstborn above on those white steps. So this… this is why her dear Aunty is so excited. Heimdall and Persephone are burning everything in the north and the bodies continue to pile up. No doubt by winter's end the north will be a ruin filled with frozen corpses. 

Whoever is left will probably be scrabbling to survive in the wilderness, the cities will be war zones. The Syndicate, although appearing like some underground thieves guild, was actually an army. Any member of the Syndicate could easily take on a Hero Rank adventurer team but then again, Hero Ranked teams would have been jokes in the old world.

People used to eat wyverns afterall, their livers were delicacies…

Yes those were expensive but still nowadays, even kings wouldn’t get to eat Wyvern Liver. This world is withered, as much as she hated to admit it. The Syndicate was the closest thing to original humanoids that walked this world before Heaven stuck their noses where it didn’t belong.

The Syndicate only used Heirs of the Firstborn as soldiers and elite operatives, which means the members of the Syndicate, or the core members at least did not age. Mahaila being a Heir of the Firstborn herself could stave off the ravages of time by draining the essence of others. She had a little snack on the way here to Averlon, some Tralis soldiers that were trying to have their way with some poor farmer girl. Well they’re dessicated husks buried in the woods now.

Heirs could devour essence but they couldn’t get the abilities of those they devoured like the Firstborn. Instead each target devoured increases the Heir’s power, of course the stronger the prey the stronger the gain. 

This was why Heaven was so afraid of the Syndicate, every loss is a boost to the Syndicate. With people like her Aunty Nemesis roaming around that could take on even the Archangels, coming to Tera was a dangerous proposition. 

Mahaila looked up as the speech ended and the Firstborn along with his flock of Phoenixes took flight. She watched as they flew off into the distance and she felt a strange worry in her stomach. This world was stunted and weak by design.

Many think it’s because Heaven wants to keep the denizens of Tera weak. That is true to an extent but honestly the only real threat here was the Syndicate. Heirs could be trained with techniques that the Syndicate held and honestly it wasn’t practical to smite all the powerful monsters out of the world.

The shadow lands of Umbara for example was a place even the Seraphin feared to tread. With it’s choking black smoke, pyroclastic land and beasts that have been rather untouched by outside influence. The land was also soo hostile only the most dangerous of beasts could survive there, it was uninhabitable to pretty much all the humanoids except perhaps the demons.

There is a rumor that the Syndicate uses Umbara as a hunting and training ground…

So the real reason this world is stunted is that Heaven has a tally on the Firstborn. What bothers them the most, is that some eggs were unaccounted for. Well the Firstborn had their cults and many tried to protect those eggs. Heaven did manage to find a few and destroy them before they hatched… but judging by what she sees here… they missed one…

Time to pay Aunty Nemesis a visit…


Nemesis sat calmly at her desk as she read the reports from the north. Casualties were light and deaths even lower. The angels were losing a lot more, not surprising considering their goal was to defend and expel the Syndicate. Hard to do when her army was in every city and hiding amongst the population. 

The Syndicate’s goal on the other hand was to simply kill as many of them as possible and cause as much chaos as possible. Heimdall was having a blast from she could tell, carving those winged fucks to pieces and putting the bodies on spikes for the angels to see.

Apparently the first scattered refugees have reached the Divonia Empire… it won’t be long before news of the war will reach this place soon…

Then Nemesis heard a loud thud outside her door and then another… 

Bodies hitting the floor…

There are only a handful of people that can break in here and not cause an alarm…

So which of the old crew has visited her today?

Nemesis didn’t move as she watched the door open and her eyes narrowed when she got a look at the bright pink scales. She saw someone she once doted on like a daughter, but this girl was also someone who turned away from the cause. She didn’t like the way Nemesis did things, said her master would never approve of her methods…

“Mahaila…” Nemesis said coldly.

“Hey Aunty Nem, how’s things?” Mahaila said cheekily.

“You still haven’t learned any manners have you brat?” Nemesis said with a sigh.

“I assume you are here because you saw the Firstborn?” Nemesis asked.

“Naturally… So it finally happened? How did you know it would be here?” Mahaila asked as she took a seat.

“A prophecy…” Nemesis replied calmly.

“A prophecy saying what?” Mahaila asked.

“You would know if you weren’t galavanting all across the world instead of helping to save it.” Nemesis replied coldly.

“I told you my reasons, master would never have approved of your methods. Gramps obviously didn't agree as well seeing as he left. Then what about little Mike? Is he still here? Or has he packed up and left too?” Mahaila asked as she narrowed her eyes.

“You all are cowards, you didn’t have the stomach to do what needed to be done.” Nemesis retorted her tone like ice.

“Ah so little Mike left as well.” Mahaila said with a scoff.

“Master would be ashamed of you…” Mahaila said as she shot Nemesis a glare.

“The Blade is dead, it is up to us to correct the crimes of the Seraphim.” Nemesis retorted calmly.

“You know, I never pegged you for being ungrateful. Arrogant, cruel, vengeful, but not ungrateful. Have you forgotten what my master has done for you? You have fallen further than I thought…” Mahaila said with contempt.

“Careful girl… I may have fallen far but as long as my enemies fall with me… then I’m happy with that…” Nemesis growled.

“Is that what you tell yourself at night? Does it help you sleep?” Mahaila asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“No… but this does…” Nemesis said as she grabbed the chain next to her. When she pulls that chain it will tighten the chain on the angel tied to the wall behind her and the hooks will dig painfully into her body, tearing into the flesh.

Nemesis saw a flash of silver and she felt the chain drop from being severed. She narrowed her eyes as she saw Mahaila glaring at her, she was still sitting down but she had one of her swords out.

“My master taught me that if you must kill, make it clean, make it quick. There is no point in prolonged suffering, take your vengeance and be done with it.” Mahaila said calmly as she tapped her sword on the desk.

“If you want her dead, just kill her and be done with it.” Mahaila said.

“After all these years you're still the little apprentice. Didn’t my old friend tell you to never walk in anyone’s shadow?” Nemesis said as she released the chain and it fell to the floor. 

She heard a muffled groan of relief followed by whimpering from the angel above her. Then she heard sniffling as the angel began to cry and Nemesis felt a twinge of annoyance at the sound.

Nemesis raised a hand and black meat hook strung with a chain appeared, she waved her hand and gave the angel a hard slash across the belly. The cut wasn’t deep enough to kill but it was more than enough to hurt.

“Silence, that is a reminder… I hear anything else and I will remind you again…” Nemesis said coldly.

A shuddering groan was all she got in response. Nemesis felt her face twist in anger under her mask and she prepared to strike the angel again but she saw another flash of silver and she sensed her chain was cut again.

Mahaila narrowed her eyes as she looked at Nemesis. To think she once respected the woman in front of her. To think she could still remember her warm embrace, how low has she fallen. But then again Mahaila recognised this is what happens when eons of hatred builds up. Heaven’s crimes could fill libraries and of course some would be pushed a step too far.

For the two of them their kin, their races were gone. Murdered by Seraphim, Mahaila was lucky her race still had progeny and a legacy in the Lizardkin. Nemesis's race was gone, slaughtered for defying the will of the Divine Council. But then again, extinction was the natural order of the world. Races come and go like the ebbing of the tide, the sun that rises on a race will one day set too. The Divine Council just accelerated the process.

Her master’s race was extinct long before Mahaila met him for the first time. He had been alone for so long, perhaps that was why he doted on her so much. Similar story for gramps who was her master’s closest friend. Both of them, the last of their kind, found some comfort in caring for some children and the one they cared for the most was herself.

Mahaila knows she is their legacy and she intends to use her life to make sure their legacy is worth something. Her master once told her that if you let anger and grief cloud your mind, it will make you rash and weak. So that is one thing Mahaila will never allow to happen to herself. 

“Does tormenting her bring you any closer to your goal? Master always said you lacked focus…” Mahaila said calmly.

“Hmph then what about you, does galavanting across the world bring you any closer to your goal?” Nemesis asked.

At those words Mahaila laughed, there was a reason why Nemesis was remembered as a hero but Mahaila became a deity. They were both sixth generation Humanoids and yet Mahaila is a god and Nemesis is mortal in the eyes of the common folks.

“Your scouts and agents could never track me. My master taught you a lot of things, but he taught me more. He taught me everything he knew of that I am sure and I had gramps teaching me too…

And I learned and one of their lessons was patience… 

You think I walked this neutered and withered world aimlessly? Good things come to those that wait. The Seraphim neutered this world because they wanted to deny any emerging Firstborn fuel. They told the denizens of this world that it was to maintain the peace, but no it was a scorched earth strategy. They hoped to buy time and slow the Firstborn down and in doing so buy enough time to find the Firstborn before it became a Tyrannis.

Because if that happens their precious order is doomed, the Firstborn will roll over the forces of Heaven like a tide. Afterall, Tera is neutered by their own hand, so this world is of no use and the demons… Well, the day the demons help the angels is the day the demons start preaching charity.” Mahaila said as she scoffed.

“I have been preparing for the return of the Firstborn too, you know.” Mahaila said as she took out a thick roll of parchment from her magical storage.

“And that is?” Nemesis asked her demeanour mellowing. Nemesis may be a vengeful woman but she was smart enough to smell an opportunity.

“The Syndicate could never dig their claws in as deeply into the old empires. The only reason you have so much control now is because everyone else got weaker thanks to Heaven’s great cleansing…

So none of you know where the Vaults are…” Mahaila said with a smirk.

“And you do…” Nemesis said as she leaned back into her chair.

“Our goals align for now. I want Heaven laid low and the old Empires knew the great cleansing was coming. As you know the vaults were made in preparation for the return of the Firstborn. Heaven did betray us afterall, we were offered an equal seat at the table for that stupid war.

To thank us for taking the bulk of the losses, Heaven sealed the demons away and neutered us. Naturally some people would be a little unhappy with that.” Mahaila said.

“And you have the locations of the Vaults in Elysia? I heard rumours you were here in the region for a few hundred years. My agents were trying to find you but they only caught two glimpses of you.” Nemesis said.

“Right… tell Nox I’m sorry for that black eye. It’s been a few centuries but I guess better late than never.” Mahaila replied.

“So you have the locations?” Nemesis asked.

“Elysia, Voleria and Zarima. I’m only missing the Elysian and Volerian master keys.” Mahaila said.

“You have a Zariman one?” Nemesis asked in surprise.

“I am god there, remember? Also that is the land of my birth, I know the lay of the land better.” Mahaila said.

“So what will you do now?” Nemesis asked. 

“I will offer my services to the Firstborn, I am sure he will appreciate my little gift.” Mahaila replied.

“Still that is surprising, didn't your master chafe under the Firstborn? Why support one now? Do you truly only care about Heaven falling? I thought you would be concerned about what comes after.” Nemesis asked.

“It would be as you say long ago. We thought by removing the Firstborn we bought ourselves freedom. But we only traded masters, there must always be someone or something at the top. At least the Firstborn let the strong rule, the Seraphim prefers everyone to remain weak and chained, like sheep in a pen.

The Seraphim has forgotten that chaos is the natural order of things. Life is change, stasis is death. It’s time we remind them of that.” Mahaila replied.

“Hmm… is that so?” Nemesis asked.

“Why are you even complaining, doesn’t this fit your designs?” Mahaila asked.

“Oh I’m not complaining, but watch yourself kid, you aren’t the only one who wants something from him.” Nemesis replied.

At those words Mahaila smiled as she remembered another old saying she was taught. She raised her gaze and gazed at Nemesis mirth in her eyes. She really did still treat her like a kid, some things never change. 

Everyone wants something…


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