
Beastiary Entry 2: Fire Phoenixes

Beastiary Entry 2: Fire Phoenixes

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Fire Phoenix (Ignis Fenix)

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Egg Laying

<td colspan="2">

Ether Feathers

<td rowspan="2">


<td colspan="2">

Ether Blood

<td colspan="2">

Ether Avian

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Mountain (Medium Ether)




Average Height




Skin Covering

Grasper Limbs

2 (Four Taloned)

Mobility Limbs

2 (Ether Feather Wings)

Circulatory System

Animal Type

Known Habitats

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Racial Statistics Gauge



12 / 20


14 / 20


8 / 20


15 / 20


11 / 20

Magic Affinity

16 / 20


20 / 20


3 / 20

The Eternal Flames

The Fire Phoenixes have long held the imagination of the humanoid races. They are graceful, proud and above all fiery in their temper. It is unknown what is their lifespan or if the very concept of one is even relevant. It is speculated that some of the surviving White Fire Phoenixes have lived since the days of the Primordial Devourers which would grant them the classification of being an Ancient within the framework of the lay man. 

The Fire Phoenixes are known for their ability to ignite their bodies with Ether Fire. These flames burn far hotter than other flames. The fire of White Fire Phoenixes are known to be able to melt mithril, with heat to rival dragon fire.

However, this ignition has been observed to be quite taxing for the Phoenix. Although it offers significant defensive and offensive advantages it appears to heavily drain the stamina of the Phoenix. This would be a problem to many other species as such an ability would be dangerous to use. But the Phoenixes rely on opening battle with overwhelming firepower, when that tactic fails the Phoenixes often opt for flight when battles become unfavourable. This makes them famously difficult to battle for adventurers. Blue Fires are typically the limit that Adventurers can battle, even then it carries significant risk. Usually battling Blue Fires require coordinated efforts with heavy equipment to effectively fell such a beast. To try the temper of a White Fire would be courting death, their beams of hot plasma and the strength of their feathers make them extremely difficult to combat. The amount of Ether discharged in a single plasma beam from a White Fire Phoenix has enough power to project significant physical force thus resisting such an attack as an individual is difficult to achieve due to potential displacement by the force and damage to the surrounding terrain or structures.

Another notable trait is Phoenixes ability to reincarnate. Upon taking fatal damage the body turns to ash and an egg is formed around the Ether Core. There the Ether Core draws energy from the ambient Ether and eventually the Phoenix reemerges fully formed. These eggs radiate intense levels of heat that can melt stone and metal. As such transporting such eggs are either extremely difficult or outright impossible. Thus far only Orange and Red Fire Eggs are the only ones to have ever been successfully retrieved by the humanoid races. 

The Elysian Empire has managed to breed a Phoenix although this was a one off occurrence since Phoenixes breed once every thousand years. The Elysian Empire only managed this due to a coincidental capture of a phoenix that was about to reproduce. The Elysian Empire then raised the phoenix to be loyal to the Empire. It was a rare occurrence that was as much due to chance as it was to ability.

Cultural Significance

The Phoenix is a cultural symbol of the Elysian Empire. It once stood on the banners of the Empire all across Elysia. The Royal Guard of House Elysia and their elite Mage Infantry were known as the Phoenix Guard in the distant past. Their red and black armour was often a great morale boost to the army when they took the field. 

However, historical record analysis have noted a suspiciously little amount of combat engagements by the Phoenix Guard. Although in terms of battle records they did participate in many battles it has been discovered they did not actively engage in combat for many of the battles. It is speculated that the Phoenix Guard were held in reserve and only used in the most favourable of situations and primarily served as a morale boost of the army they were fighting in (Garnt, Y57-M80 AOH). This combined with the cultural significance of the Phoenix within Elysian culture probably made them a powerful boost to combat morale in pitched battles. 

This situation is also true for the Phoenixes, though they are very powerful offensively they are also quite fragile especially when facing ritual level magic. Due to their difficulty to replace and morale shock of losing a phoenix in battle often Phoenixes only actively engaged the enemy in favourable conditions (Godwinn, Y152-M80 AOH).

Cultural Symbolism

Within Elysian Culture the Phoenix is held in the highest regard by the people. It is a symbol of strength, beauty, grace and glory. Elysian fashion is known for their use of feathers and flowing silks to mimic the flames and plumage of the phoenix. Elysian noble women also usually wear eye masks decorated with feathers of red and yellow to mimic the facial features of the phoenix. In addition they also carry feathered fans to hide their faces to mimic how Phoenix's sleep with their heads under their wings. 

To praise another as Phoenix in Elysia is not only a high honour but also a highly particular tradition. If a wife were to welcome her husband home after a victorious battle and she calls him a Phoenix it would be a source of pride. But to use the term in a more mundane circumstance will imply sarcasm and mockery. Many houses have been mocked by calling an arrogant noble a Phoenix when he or she did not deserve the praise.

This importance placed upon the Phoenix often meant friction between the Elysians and Zariman Lizardkin who viewed the Dragon as the supreme creature of the wilds. Although this may seem like a petty issue at first glance, the histories go much deeper. Phoenixes and Dragons are natural foes in the wild, both species often contesting territory even if in the current day Dragons are now few and far between. With the Phoenixes being far more numerous in number thanks to their ability to reincarnate via their eggs. This rivalry came to a head during the aptly named Dragonian-Phoenix war where Elysia and Zarima waged war both in the Elysian sea and on it’s shores. The fight was eventually won by Elysia much to the chagrin of Zarima (Elianoreh, Y243-M77 AOH).

The Fading Flames of Elysia

In the years after the fall of the Elysian Empire and with the loss of Phoenixes the cultural significance of the Phoenixes faded. The Elysian successor states due to the political climate all were hesitant to adopt too many of the traditions of the old Elysian Empire.

This is due to the fragile political balance of the region. If any state chose to style themselves too heavily in the style of the Old Empire it will send the message that they view themselves as the heir to Elysia. This more often than not invites aggression as seen from the countless wars in the past. 

Most famous of which is the Aver Secession in the Year 465 of Millenium 79 that gave birth to the city states of Averlon and Averlin. In that great war Marina invited war for their actions from their neighbour, the nation of Garedin (Which has become Arune and Cathay in present day). In that war the twin sisters Averlon and Averlin usurped two cities and broke away from Marina forcing Marina to sue for peace due to such a significant loss of territory at the outset of the war (Acturus, Y469-M79 AOH). This betrayal is still held in the hearts of House Marina even hundreds of years on and relations have been strained ever since.

With a political climate in such a state and with the fragility of the peace in the Elysian region. Very few states now dare to adopt the traditions of Elysia too heavily.

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