Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 125

Chapter 125: 125

His knee bended on the other direction as I hear the bones crack and a few of them punctured his skin from the inside. He’s wailing in pain while the two are shaking in fear.

“KID!!! F.U.C.K!!!” Oscar shouted from above.

I looked at Tatiana and said, “Watch them. If they try anything just smash a toe yeah?”

The two shuddered as I went to where Oscar was.

He’s sitting outside while shaking in anger.

I went inside the open container and then I shook my head at the sight.

A very young female has her hands bound, laying on her back, dried tears on her cheeks, bruises all over, blood on her lower body and drugged based on her look.

There was only a small lamp where she is and there are syringes on one side and a couple bottle of beers on the other. She was laid on a table and all of her clothes are torn off. She saw me looking at her but instead of crying for help like a normal person would what she did caught me off guard. My face darkened when I saw her smiling at me and starting to open her legs.

I punched the metal walls of the container and the lamp shone a bit more of her body. Her skin color is very pale and there’s a portion of her thighs that are violet-black from what I surmise came from a very strong hit.

“How many drugs did they put in you?” I said but she never responded. I grabbed the dirty blanket on the floor and covered her.

“Everyone here is the same kid. Either drugged beyond saving or dead. The other people here just kept on replacing them after they’re unusable. The people they took in earlier are all dead with multiple stab wounds from the glass office and they definitely got played with. I just made sure they never come back.” I heard Oscar from outside the container.

“F.u.c.k.” It was all that came out of me as I shook my head.

“F.u.c.k! F.u.c.k me!” the figure in front me exclaimed while smiling then she vomited and it all fell to the side of her mouth.

My breathing started to speed up as I feel my blood boil but I made a long exhale and then my breathing returned to normal though my eyes darkened even more. I pulled out the pocket knife I took from the academy earlier and sunk it in her head from the side.

“I’m sorry.” I said.

She fell limp and I covered her head with the blanket I covered her body with.

“F.u.c.k.” I heard Oscar mutter behind me.

“Don’t tell the people at the compound about these victims old man. We can’t take the victims here.” I said coldly.

“Yeah. All of them are beyond saving. We could try but it would take a very long time. Years, to say the least. It would take more than a few days to take care of everyone here specially the young ones and the little ones. This is mercy to say the least.” He said.

“Take care of the other ones while I finish the thing below.” I said as I closed the container.

He nodded so I went down again. The three figures never moved a muscle and I took the sledgehammer from Tatiana.


Scream followed.

I aimed for the other foot and I continued.




His lower body doesn’t look like it was before. It’s just a bloody mess. The guy passed out and he’s pale. I looked at the other two and they shuddered.

“Do you know the customers who come here are coming from?” I asked.

“W-w-w-we don-”

I sunk my pocket knife on the guys hand as well. Two knives are now stabbed on both his hands. He made a guttural scream but I smashed his head on the floor to shut him up.

“I d-don’t really know! My team would just collect people when we go out! A few people would come here from time to time but I don’t know where they come from!” he started to cry.

“Any soldiers coming in? Answer honestly before I get annoyed.” I asked.

“We never had soldiers come but a group came armed like yours before! They’re well built but they’re just wearing civilian clothing!” he replied quickly.

I looked at him coldly but then I went to one of the stalls and I opened a stove and placed a pan on it. I saw an older woman in there but she’s just staring blankly. I left it alone for the moment and I looked at him again when I went back. Tears, saliva and snot are what’s coming out of him. He’s shaking as well but he can’t move as much because of the rope restricting him.

“Give me the names of the places where you’ve taken this people.” I said.

I started on lifting the sledgehammer overhead and he shouted.


I lowered the sledgehammer as I said, “That’s good. Now we’re communicating. That wasn’t so bad right?”

He nodded a few times and then I said, “However, I’m just wondering about something. Did you go to an all-girls school or something?”

“What?” he was confused.

“You see, I’m just wondering just why there are only women here. Care to explain that?” I asked as I went for a short trip on the stage.

“Oh! Ah- uh we just found them like that! Hey! Dude! Back me up on this!” he stammered as he tried to wake his body bleeding out.

“Oh~ I see, I see.” I replied as I took the pan from the stove.

“You think I’m an idiot? You probably killed the rest.” I said to myself.

The other guy was about to pass out so I placed the hot pan to his side.


His eyes darted up and he started screaming in pain. The pan making contact with his body made a sizzling sound and then his clothes started to meld with his skin the longer the pan stays in. The guy that has knives stabbed on his hands tried to move away from his ‘buddy’.

“You smoke?” I asked him.

“Yes! Yes! I do! I do!” he replied.

“Sit him up and cut those ropes. We’re taking him with us. No sudden moves, yeah?” I said.

Tatiana followed me and I handed him a cigarette. I tossed a lighter on him and he started to smoke it albeit roughly. It took maybe a few seconds as he started to clutch his throat. His face is slowly turning violet and he started on convulsing. He fell lifeless on the floor as his friend who’s trying to endure the burning pain barely notices him.

Oscar came to us after and he just wore a bitter smile.

“Kid. We should go now. Find anything?” he asked.

“No. I wanted to keep their leader alive but talking to that f.u.c.ker would be a pain in the ass. These lackeys don’t know a thing. Let’s go yeah? Let’s just take a few items on their pile and leave our things here.” I said.

“How about these guys?” Oscar asked.

“You know what to do old man. I already took care of one but kindly clear it.” I replied as I went to the stage.

I heard the one still conscious begging for his life but I just heard the noise stop after a few seconds. I looked at the pile on the stage and I grabbed a few items. Most of what we got from the place are the guns that they have and a couple rounds of loose ammo. I even picked up the casings that we used as always though it’s only a couple dozen of them.

We loaded everything in the Raptor and it’s now full of different food items, a couple of smartphones and the guns and ammo we took.

When I’m about to enter the driver’s seat, a pickup truck came.

I made a small exhale as I tried to wave at it. It’s an ISUZU D-Max Pickup and there’s only a single person inside.

“Lucky.” I said to myself.

“Are you guys new?” he asked curiously.

“Yeah. This place is crazy. They really have everything.” I replied with a smile.

“They do, they do. I’ve been coming here for a few days now. Wait, where is the gu-” he was about to say something but I stabbed my pocket knife in his throat. I opened the door and dragged him outside. He slowly gurgled with his own blood so I ended him. I took a .38 Special, a fixed blade knife and his wallet from him and I saw Oscar going to the driver’s seat of our Raptor.

I went inside his pickup and saw a couple of items in the backseat. I faintly smiled and I picked up my radio.


“We’re coming back.”



“Took you long guys. We’re about to fall asleep.”



“Yeah, sorry. We got another truck though.”



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