Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: 124

“Hey, you two freeloaders! Grab everything from the back and put it on the pile inside!” he shouted.

The two moved as they tried to lift everything in one trip. The guy with the sledgehammer laid his weapon on the side of the wall while the other one threw it once again in one of the corpses on the pavement.

They came with us inside while the guy we talked to earlier said, “Just pick any room you like. You could do anything with the goods as long as you don’t damage them. We’ll charge extra if you do. Have fun.”

He lights another cigarette while he turned his back towards us.

The two with us made a left turn and they laid all they’re carrying on the small stage.

The interior is pretty much the same. The food stalls are repurposed container vans where the sides has holes that acts as a counter. The 2nd floor is open in the center and you could see everyone on the 1st floor.

There are four people in a corner with playing cards in their hands betting assorted items. On the right side of the of the 2nd floor are the three people where one has a visible pistol in his pants tucked in. On the left side are two people with chairs with a phone, huddled and watching something inaudible from this side. On the stairs on the far side that leads to the glass office, a person with a rifle made a quick glance towards us and started on drinking the bottle of beer in his hands.

I suddenly saw someone from the far left leaving a shop that seemed to be selling tortilla wraps and he’s fastening his belt with a smile. A person also came from another stall with blood on his fists holding a rope that is frayed on one end. He’s also carrying a pistol tucked in the back of his pants. On our immediate right, I could hear flesh hitting flesh and grunts followed by a a husky laugh.

The glass door of the office opened and two guys carrying a shotgun and a pistol went out with smiles on their faces and going into a random stall separately. I caught a glimpse of the guy that bid them goodbye and judging from his getup, he seems to be the person running this place. He has long hair and wearing nothing but pants and he has been scratching his neck a few times now. There are four ropes hanging from his office and one of them started to move albeit in a simple pattern when he’s out of view.

The two bringing the items on the stadium finished and one of them said, “Not gonna enjoy the facilities eh? We have everything here, everything.”

“Is that your boss there?” I asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? Dumb f.u.c.k.” He replied as he went outside again. I remained a stoic demeanor then I started on scanning the place.

“Hey.” Tatiana spoke to the other guy.

“Hey there beautiful~” the other guy smiled brightly showing us his yellow teeth.

“You said anything here is available, correct?” Tatiana said.

“Just go to the rooms, if you find someone inside, you can do whatever.” He replied while staring at her, up and down.

“How about your boss there? Is he available too?” she said with a smile.

His eyes widened and quickly said, “Wait right here! I’m finally gonna get a gun of my own!”

Oscar and I just looked at each other then my eyes locked to a section of the place and I nudged him to look in it as well. I was about to speak quietly but…


Everyone tensed since the shot came from the office.

A moment later their boss went outside stark n.a.k.e.d, with blood splatter on his body, his member still erect, dragging the person’s body outside with a disgruntled expression.

“HOW MANY F.U.C.K.I.N.G TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU F.U.C.K.I.N.G IDIOTS TO NOT DISTURB ME WHEN I’M F.U.C.K.I.N.G A BITCH!!! HOW! *BANG* MANY! *BANG* TIMES! *BANG* *BANG* *click* *click* *click*” he shouted while he emptied his gun on the guy on the floor.

“Kid.” Oscar said.

“Fine. Plan C.” I muttered.

“Heh. Cowabunga it is.” Oscar muttered with a smile.

“What happened to Plan A?” Tatiana asked.

“Be quiet, that shit would take too long!” Oscar said as he aimed his shotgun on the place I nudged him earlier while I aimed at their leader with my Tavor.

*psshew* *psshew*


Before all of the lights suddenly went off, I fired two shots towards their leader. I quickly turned around and fired at the three rushing inside since the ones inside are just about to draw their weapons. Only the moon could illuminate this place and suddenly rushing inside without the proper equipment will take you time to adjust in the dark. Two shots each, chest and the head, prioritizing the guy with the revolver. I could clearly see them since there’s still light coming from the outside.

Only a ray of moonlight illuminates the place and it’s coming from the 2nd floor shining light on an angle down on the 1st floor.

A shot from afar sounded and then a body fell off the 2nd floor. Flashes of light also illuminates the place shortly as Oscar and Tatiana also open fired. Oscar is aiming at the people on the table while Tatiana is aiming at the people at the 2nd floor. The container on our immediate right opened and I saw a fat guy coming out while trying to zip his pants. I shot both of his legs before he managed to get out and he fell inside screaming in pain.

We already fired a few quick shots while a few of them managed to randomly fire. We three separated and I went under the stairs on the right as I aimed for the guy on the stairs near the glass office.

*psshew* *psshew*

He fell sideways and then the lights went on again.

“Backup generators? F.u.c.k.” I said to myself.

However, that occurring allowed Kaley and Jared to fire again since they won’t be able to discern us when we started to move inside.

“One guy inside the green container peeking.” I muttered.

I heard a faint sound and then it was followed by a scream.

“AHHHH~!!! F.U.C.K!” it sounded from the container I pointed to.

Most of the people with guns are taken care of and the guy with a shotgun from above me is the only one that’s left with a gun. There are still screams from them who weren’t killed in one shot but I told them to leave a few alive.

A few are already crawling madly trying to get to cover or just slowly bleeding out. I saw Tatiana rushing towards the person screaming that was shot at the container and the screaming slowly stopped when she went out after a suppressed shot and a bright flash coming from the inside.

I climbed the stairs and I threw a tear gas grenade on the gap of that container then I took cover and camped on one side.

The gas started to release and the door immediately swung open showing a person without pants holding his shotgun out coughing violently.



He fired outside after a single shot but he fell back down when I shot him between the eyes.

They weren’t able to do anything significant from that short encounter. They panicked and fired randomly earlier and the trained soldiers with me handled them perfectly. The lively place earlier is replaced by screams and bodies. Their leader wasn’t able to even put up a proper fight since he wasted his bullets on one of his lackeys.

There were only three left alive. The fat guy I shot in the leg, a guy slowly bleeding out from his side shot by Oscar and the one with a rope tied by Tatiana after sinking her knife to both of his hands. I checked each body apart from them and I made sure that they are dead and won’t rise up while Oscar started to check on the people they took here by force.

We gathered the three in the center of the room while I closed the gate first for good measure and gathered their guns.

I crouched towards them and I turned my radio off.

“Okay, tell me everything you know now so I’ll let you live.” I said with a cold look.

“F.U.C.K YOU!!! I’L-”



“AHHHH~!!!” the fat guy I shot in the legs screamed when I swung the sledgehammer I got from his buddy on his foot. Two of his toes are flattened and he’s shaking from the pain.





“We’re done here just tying some loose ends. Wait for a moment.”



“Sure. We’ll just stay put.”


“Where was I earlier? Oh, right.” I said.



I aimed properly and smashed the three toes that are left. His face is red and veins are starting to protrude from his forehead from the pain.

“AHHHHHHH!!! PLEASE STOP!!!” he begged.

“No.” I replied coldly.

Then I swung it again on his knee.


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