Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: 126

I checked my watch and it’s almost midnight. Good thing that most of the blood fell through his shirt and it didn’t spray out. The engine is still running so I drove the truck with us towards where Kaley and Jared were.

There were still a couple of stragglers going inside the supermarket but we just drove past them since they were still in the parking area up front. However, I heard muffled shots and a few coming closer to our vehicles fell down. I surmised it was the two at the rooftop so we just continued to ignore the few coming towards us.


“Just drive bro.”





“What is in the People’s Park across the street then? Why is a lot of them gathered there?” I asked myself when I glanced on it.

Jared opened the door for us and Kaley rushed up to me and hugged me when we came back.

“Hey. Are you ok?” she said while hugging me.

“Yeah, you?” I replied.

“I’m fine. Let’s grab a couple more of the stuff here before we go home.” I said.

“W-wait. Where are the others?” Kaley asked.

“…” everyone else.

She’s staring at me intently and I replied, “What do you think?”

“Bro… were they killed as well?” Jared asked.

“They’re beyond saving. If you saw what we saw there… the two of you would’ve definitely lose control.” I replied.

“Wait, you left them there?!” Jared asked.

“No. We took care of it.” Oscar and I replied.

“Wait, what?!” the two of then exclaimed at the same time.

“No, you didn’t!” Kaley was getting angry.

“Bro…” Jared trailed and he took a seat.

“The victims there are more than us at the compound. We can’t help everyone we encounter. We just made sure that those people who did that pay for it. I know your mom can talk to them but we need a proper place for them to be taken care of. The medicine we got from Mercury Drug wouldn’t even cut it. We need a steady supply that need to last for years and we cannot do that right now.” I replied.

“B-but how about the ones they just came in with?” Kaley asked with a sour expression.

I looked at Oscar and he said, “Dead. The ringleader there used them as pin cushions. They have multiple stab wounds there’s already a pool of blood beneath their bodies.”

The initial relied when we came back from their faces is gone now. It was slowly replaced with solemn and sour looks.

“But we could have at least saved a few of them…” Kaley trailed.

“We could, but I personally think that what we did is a better option for us.” Oscar said.

“But still…” Kaley trailed.

“If this was before this thing happened, we could find a way for them. We’re still slowly building our place back home and we need a lot more stuff before we could cater to them. Dealing with what happened to them and what is happening around us is too much for them.” I explained.

“We don’t know that! Why are we deciding on killing the innocent ones as well?!” Kaley exclaimed.

“Ask the little girl I found inside then. The state we found her in and the things we saw inside. She’s drugged where she couldn’t even figure out that a gunfight is happening. What do you think would happen to her and the others if we take them? The amount of it in their bodies could knock out a crowd. Every single one of them are probably gonna die in a few days. Even if a few of them survive through it they’re not gonna enjoy life anymore! You know how long it would take for them to recover from that?! I… I… F.u.c.k it!” Tatiana suddenly exploded as she headed to an aisle.

I was silent but the others wore surprised expression.

“What’s with her now? She was silent the whole time earlier.” Oscar said.

Kaley was about to go to her direction but I stopped her.

“Don’t.” I said while holding her wrists.

“Why? I’m just gonna talk to her. I think something’s in her mind.” Kaley said.

“She has a dark past as well. I think I should leave it at that. Remember the time when we made a wager when assembling the guns? She told me a bit about her story when you were drinking. Just give her a bit of time for now. We can talk to her later or your mom to ease what she’s feeling.” I said with a solemn expression.

“What happened to her kid?” Oscar asked.

“You better beat her at something first old man. Sorry can’t tell you. Anyway, let’s start on grabbing a few things here first before we go home. I think I’ll take all of the electric stoves here so we could save a lot on the propane tanks at home.” I replied with a faint smile.

I asked Kaley to come with me and Oscar dragged Jared with him so we started on going through the aisles.

We went to the appliance section and we found a large induction stove in a display and I placed it in the cart we have along with a 4 more of them and other things like electric coffee makers, toasters, rice cookers and etc. Along with the necessary appliances for the induction stove and the other stuff.

“We’re not gonna get food?” Kaley asked.

“We did. We just brought a lot from the Arca Yard so we too need to bring stuff that we could cook them in. It’s useless to have a lot of food if you can’t prepare them. Oh! I remembered something! Come with!” I said as I excitedly went to a place with canned fruits.

“What are we doing here?” Kaley asked.

“I’ll grab a few boxes of canned strawberries.” I replied.

“I thought Charlotte has already planted a few seedlings of them back home?” she asked.

“It would take a while for them to grow. We could take this thing so I could bake a cake for you once in a while.” I said with a smile.

She was stunned at first but it slowly turned to a bright smile.

“I was worried for a minute there that I wouldn’t see that smile anymore.” I said.

“Thank you.” she said as she hugged me sideways.

She started on kissing me but suddenly a figure pops up.

“Hey! Having fun in a supermarket, correct? What are you guys bringing? Strawberries? Why a lot of this stoves too?” Tatiana asked as we stopped what we’re doing.

“It’s for back home. Aunt Sharon and the few people there should be well equipped like us. They do all the work there while we do our own here. The strawberries are for Kaley. She really likes them and even more if they’re in a cake. I’ll bake her one if we get back.” I replied.

“Oh… I see.” she nodded a few times.

“Tatiana… about earlier… I don’t know what I said to make you upset but I apologize for it nonetheless. I know that we can’t take them but I still think we could save everyone. I’m sorry for saying such things earlier. It’s naive of me to still think that.” Kaley said to Tatiana.

“It’s fine. I just have a past. I’m okay now. A hug would be good now, I guess.” Tatiana said with a smile as she opened her arms.

Kaley was taken aback but she slowly accepts the hug awkwardly. I faintly smiled as I continued to load the boxes.

“Anyway, Tatiana, do you have any favorite meal to have? I could cook one up for you as well. Everyone is down in the dumps lately and a nice meal could do the trick. Have any ideas? I could make Pirozhki, Borscht, Pelmeni, Shashlyk and Beef Stroganoff.” I asked.

“You could?! I love Pirozhkis! I used to eat those with her when she visits…” she exclaimed and I saw a genuine look of happiness.

“Pirozhki it is then. I’ll make it with a strawberry shortcake when we get back after we rested.” I said.

“I believe I didn’t get the name of the woman who saved her. She must be the one she’s talking about.” I said to myself.

“Sky, I’d also like your beef.” Tatiana said while grinning.

“Beef Stroganoff too? Sure.” I replied innocently.

The two facepalmed at the same time.

“What?” I asked as I was about to grab a sack of potatoes.

“I’m talking about your d.i.c.k.” she said flatly.

“Tatiana! He’s mine!” Kaley exclaimed.

“Just asking… we can always ask for permission, correct?” Tatiana laughed.

“Hah! This Beef Stroganoff is only going inside a Strawberry Shortcake not a Pirozhki!” I replied as I laughed.

“HAHAHAHA!!! I love that analogy! Just joking Kaley, I wouldn’t want to ruin what you have here. It’s something special indeed. Let me grab a couple bottles of Vodka as well.” Tatiana said with a smile as she walked to a different aisle.

“Oh! Grab a water purifier! I’ll show you something cool!” I shouted as she just waves her hand.

When Tatiana left, Kaley kissed me on the cheek. I hugged her and then I cracked the bones in my neck.

“Alright! Let’s go home now! I want to sleep!” I exclaimed.


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