Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 123

Chapter 123: 123

“Wait, I know that film! Are you just gonna let her do that?!” Kaley exclaimed.

“Of course not. That’s just the premise on what I’m making her do.” I replied.

“What is that film then?” Tatiana was confused.

“Basically, a film where trained female assassins are sent to missions to kill their target at their weakest.” I said.

“Weakest?” she asked.

“You know… after intercourse.” I said.

“Oh… I see…” she gives a pensive look.

“Hey, I’m not asking you to sleep with their leader. Just get him alone in his office so you could take care of him while Oscar and I take care of the rest.” I explained.

She was looking at me with a solemn expression and it slowly turned to a faint smile.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ve been through worse. That’s very easy to do.” she replied.

“I’m sorry.” I replied.

“Don’t be. If you continue on doing that, I’ll take you by force. I doubt Kaley could stop me if I tried.” she said, smiling.

“You! Stop saying such things!” Kaley exclaimed.

“I could stop you though.” I replied.

“Hmm.” she just replied with a faint smile.

“Could she still be holding back? Was before an act as well?” I said to myself as I stood up.

“Let’s go. Shoot true yeah?” I said.

Jared and Kaley nodded.

“Careful okay?” Kaley said as I nodded as well.

“Wait kid.” Oscar said.

“What?” I asked.

“What if they made us check the cans first by drinking it? Wouldn’t that be a problem since you mixed everything?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes.

“What?” he was confused.

I then grabbed a can and slid the can cap.

“Just sneakily slid the can cap sideways to see the small hole that I made. You should pay attention when I do things old man. I can replace the contents but I can only hide the small damage on the can.” I said while placing it back.

“Oh.” he said.

“…” I was speechless.

“What?! Am I the only one who doesn’t know?!” he was flabbergasted.

We four nodded our heads simultaneously as he watched in disbelief.

The three of us went down and our smiling expressions slowly turned to solemn ones. Each footstep has weight on them as I opened the door outside while wielding my katana. One is in the immediate vicinity so I turned my wrist where the blade is facing upwards and slashed.

Parts of the figure’s head got lopped off and it fell at the same time as the rest of its body. I linked each attack as I make a step forward and made a small perimeter for us so the two could safely bring the items we prepared on the back of the Raptor.

The Raptor is slowly getting a quarter of its back full and I’m just at the ready at its left side waiting for a few of them to come to my direction. Its back portion is parked closely just by the door so none could come from the other side. I felt a tap on my shoulder and then I looked back and rode the driver’s side of the Raptor.

Instead of driving towards the left, I drove it to the right so it would look like it came from the small street before the entrance to the expressway. I drove inside the street and when we’re out of view, I turned the lights on and made a small U-Turn and made a left towards Arca Yard. I intentionally passed by it and then I slowly stopped and reversed the Raptor to make it look like I just discovered the place.

I drove to the entrance where the landscape that writes ‘ARCA YARD’ on it and I saw a few people standing outside the place with a couple of bodies on the floor. One of them has his back on the open gate, one was playing with a corpse while throwing his knife on it and one was smoking a cigarette when they noticed us approach them.

They immediately took a stance as I parked it and I saw one of them drew a piece from his pants. His finger is on the trigger when he drew it and I almost shook my head.

“That kind of trigger discipline will blow your d.i.c.k off.” I said nonchalantly as I stepped out of my vehicle.

“Trigger what?” he replied while his revolver is on his side.

He’s pacing back and forth while the two readied their weapons as well.

“Don’t pull that revolver out with you finger on the trigger or you’ll shoot your d.i.c.k off.” I said while keeping a stoic look.

“The f.u.c.k is it to you?! You’re f.u.c.k.i.n.g new eh?” he exclaimed while he turned his head sideways and he slowly raises his gun.

“New what?” I said to myself.

“That’s a bad idea I tell you.” Oscar said as he walked out of the vehicle as well.

The three seeing us two with full-sized weapons on our person made him stop what he’s doing. A few inside heard the small commotion and a few started to watch us from the 2nd floor to see us. I just made a quick glance and I looked back at him.

“One of them is carrying a pistol on his pants.” I said to myself

“Suit yourself. I’m looking for someone. A kid by the name of Renz Santos. About this height, black hair and black eyes, slightly built but still a thin frame and has a small birthmark on his left chin. I lost contact with him when it started, anyone of that description here?” I said while I motioned with my hand to how tall the kid was.

One of them with the knife had his eyebrows furrowed while the one with a sledgehammer made a small reaction.

“Hmm, none come to mind.” he replied with nonchalance though he looked in a different direction when he said it.

“Is he an idiot or he just doesn’t care? Five of their guys were also dead or are they expendable too?” I said to myself.

“You sure? I don’t like being lied to. I’m just looking for a kid. I could even pay you if you want.” I replied while I flapped my jacket and let him catch a glimpse of my pistols.

His eyes briefly scanned through them and he looked at me and then past me. I just heard the door behind me closing and I could hear faint snarls and then it was followed by a sound of flesh getting chopped and bodies falling on the pavement.

He whistled and then said, “Hey blondie! Ever felt a real d.i.c.k yet? I can show you a good time if you come here.”

Tatiana slowly approached me and faintly smiled.

“AHHH~!!! NO~!!!” I heard a female scream from the inside.

“SHUT UP BITCH!!!” a guy bellowed inside.

“Who’s that?” I asked with nonchalance.

His guarded expression slowly turned to a smiling one and he clapped both of his hands together.

“Merchandise. I have no idea of the person you’re looking for but this place here has different people that you might find… more satisfying. You have a hot chick with you but I think you’d still like to take a peek of our goods. We have everything the flesh wants. And I’m sure you want to have a taste of everything too.” he replied with a glint in his eyes.

“That switch is surprising.” I said to myself.

“I don’t care about what you have for sale. I’m just looking for a kid. I met one of his relatives in a camp and we’ve been looking ever since.” I said.

“I told you, we haven’t seen a kid come here. You either rent our goods or leave. We’re already waiting for a few customers to come.” he said.

“People have been coming to this place?” I said to myself.

“How much for a stay then? It’s getting late and we need a place to crash for the meantime.” I said.

“I think you have a screw loose in the head or something. What about renting our services do you not understand?!” he grimaced while I almost popped a vein internally.

“What can you give me for everything at the back of the truck then? We have cans of cold beer, packs of cigarettes and assorted food products.” I said helplessly.

“Pointless to talk to someone who doesn’t know that renting a place to stay at is still a type of service. Well it’s a plus that they’re not murderous f.u.c.ks right off the bat. I could save bullets and take care of them easily if the plans go smoothly” I said to myself.

“Hmm, I could give the three of you a whole night here. But if you want to stay the night with me blondie, I’ll humor you and you’ll wish you’d have me forever.” he said as he licked his lips.

“And now he accepts it?! The f.u.c.k is wrong with this guy?!” I shouted in my head while Oscar is silently grumbling.

The two guys beside him are also ogling at Tatiana while some of the guys on the 2nd floor lost interest in us while some are either staring at Tatiana or lollygagging.

“Deal.” I replied.

“Come in then. Welcome to the yard.” he said while smiling and gesturing.


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