Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 187: CLXXXVII. Turid

Chapter 187: CLXXXVII. Turid

"You'd have better kill me! The next time we see each other, I'll kill you!" exclaimed Arvid, who because of the burning could not touch his face, scorched and bloodied.

"Go, run! Before I change my mind! Run!" shouted Dag, scaring his enemy, who after those words began to move away slowly, limping and leaving a trail of blood on the ground behind him, looking at the corpses of his allies out of the corner of his eye.

Within minutes, he reached one of the gates in the walls and left the city.

Dag waved the Giantbane, whose blade returned to normal temperature and placed it back on the belt.

Relaxing, his muscles and skin also returned to normal.

"Sister... are you okay?" he asked, turning to Gridd, who was looking at him open-mouthed.

"I... I... yes. I'm fine" she said, still upset by what she had just seen.

"Don't look at your brother like that, Gridd. Every Warchief worthy of being called by that name must be able to intimidate his enemies. I congratulate you again, Dag. Now I'm sure you're the warrior we all needed" said Taya, who had just regained consciousness as Karl treated the wounds behind her back.

"After what happened today, we are confident that the Fangs of Jormungandr will not be our allies. Or rather, not for now. Maybe when the Iron Alliance will grow and their numerical inferiority will get heavier, they'll re-evaluate their choices" continued Dag, who approached Gridd and before she could speak, hugged her tightly.

"I feared for you, sister. That warrior was very strong and I thought I was wrong not to have intervened before".

Gridd merely listened to those words, reciprocating Dag's embrace.

Within minutes, both Reidar and Taya were standing on their feet.

"Let's go to Fort Skjonnet. I'm ordering our soldiers to take the bodies off the street. They're not a good show" Taya said, walking slowly, refusing any help from others.

As they walked, the same crowd that just populated the Golden Chariot Square was on the street and saw their heroes wounded and sore.

"Master Taya! What happened? Are you hurt?" asked one woman, rushing to her aid.

"Don't be afraid... I'm fine. We're all fine!" she replied, loudly to the crowd. 

"Dag has been Warchief for just over an hour, yet he has already proved to be worthy of this title, defeating one of the Fangs Of Jormungandr Masters, which set us a trap, infiltrating Hevnen with his men! As we told you, from today you will all be safe!" she continued, limping.

"What?! One of their Masters?" 

"How is it possible, how did they manage to enter Hevnen?!" 

"What does that matter? Thanks to Dag and our Masters we are safe!" 

People, initially worried, began to cheer Dag, approaching him to shake his hands and touch his back, in a sign of esteem and friendship.

"Thank you, thank you... but I only finished what my men had begun! They are the real heroes!" he said, shifting the focus to Reidar and the others.

Escorted by the crowds that crowded the streets of Hevnen, the warriors arrived at Fort Skjonnet.

"Reidar! Reidar!" someone yelled from the back, before the gates of the fortress were closed.

Reidar and Dag turned around, hearing that female voice.

A young girl made her way through the crowd, running towards the entrance, while her long brown hair swayed sinuously in the air.

Reidar, still sore, made his way to her, and when they were close enough, they hugged each other in a tight hug, which became a passionate kiss soon after.

"Reidar! I heard you were attacked and I feared for your life! Thankfully you're fine!" the girl continued, clutching her man as Dag and Gridd attended the scene, as they stood near the entrance to wait for their comrade.

"Thank you for your thought, my love. It was bad for me, but now I'm fine. In this regard... Dag, this is Turid... Turid, this is Dag, my Captain" exclaimed Reidar, proud to introduce his girlfriend.

"I'm so glad to meet you, Turid!" said Dag, bowing his head slightly, politely. 

"And she is Gridd, which you surely know by sight. In addition to being a Masters of Sons Of Freya, she is also Dag's sister" Reidar said, while Gridd greeted the young girl with her hand. 

Turid's facial features were very kind and graceful, highlighting her young age. However, her movements and the way she wore her hair gave her a much more mature look, making her beauty noteworthy. 

Turid reciprocated Dag's greeting with a slight bow on her knees, looking at him with his big green eyes, which for a moment made him think of Freydis. 

"The pleasure is mine. I am honored to meet such a strong and brave warrior in person. Reidar just talked about you, he told me everything you went through to get here" she said, smiling.

"Your boyfriend is the best archer I have ever met. And then... he also told me things about you. I know you're a very good seamstress, don't you?" continued Dag. 

"Well... Yes, I think so. My father taught me the tricks of the trade... In his family, they've been tailors for generations" she continued, shyly, as Reidar rested his arm on her shoulders, happy to see her again.

"Well, because I think my armor needs repairs, as well as some improvements" he replied, showing the scratches and cuts on his leather jacket and his ruined belt.

At those words, Turid's eyes filled with joy: "Sure! I'll be happy to help you out! What kind of improvements did you have in mind?" 

"Nothing precise, really. I just want you to make it stronger, without weighing it down. I fight with two weapons, so I need to move fast, but... lately the enemies we're facing are getting stronger and a little more defense is a necessary upgrade" Smiled Dag, as he untied his jacket and belt, resting both weapons on the ground.


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