Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 188: CLXXXVIII. The Childhood Story

Chapter 188: CLXXXVIII. The Childhood Story

"I got it! Don't worry, I'll handle this. When does it has to be ready?" she asked, holding the top of the armor and the belt.

Dag entered Fort Skjonnet, approaching Aslan, tied under a wooden canopy along with the other horses. 

After caressing him, he opened one of the saddlebags, resting on the ground nearby. 

He returned to Turid with something in his hand. 

"Tomorrow. I'd like to leave tomorrow morning" Dag said, handing over 10 gold coins into Turid's hands.

She looked at the money, squinting, then looked up at Reidar, who smiled, shrugging his shoulders.

"But... but that's a lot of money! I can't accept it!" she exclaimed.

"Of course you can! I want the best armor you can do! You can also dismantle this, I don't care. The important thing is to copy the two symbols carved in it. Such a quick job deserves to be paid properly!" he continued, pointing to the symbols etched on the brown leather jacket: the Hammers Of Thor hammer and Asa's swallow, clumsily attached with a patch of fabric.

Turid looked at the details well, already beginning to shape the project in her mind. 

"At you service, Captain!" she exclaimed, with a determined expression on her face.

"Hahaha, just don't call me that. Reidar, if you've regained your strength, I think you should take this young girl to the tailor shop, and I also think you should spend the night with her. If you want to leave with us again, meet me tomorrow morning here, as soon as the Sun has risen" replied Dag, resting his hand on Reidar's shoulder, which confirmed with a nod.

The two lovers walked away, while the crowd of people who had escorted Dag and his companions to the fortress, began to disperse through the streets of the city, while the orange light of the sunset reflected on the water of the rivers that ran along the edges of the streets, making the post-victory scenario even more satisfying.

Gridd and Dag entered Fort Skjonnet and retreated to their rooms to rest. 

After a couple of hours, the evening came and someone knocked on the door of Dag's room. 

"Dag, my stomach is grumbling! From downstairs comes a delicious smell, why don't we go take a look?" said Karl, as Dag opened the door.

"Hahaha! Amazing! When you sleep you never wake up, but when you're hungry you're always on the front line!" chuckled Dag, closing the door to the room, making sure Magni's hammer and Giantbane were safe, by the bed, before following Karl and Agnes downstairs. 

A huge table laden with all kinds of food stretched from the entrance to the hall till the fireplace, where Taya, Gridd, and Jens sat, waiting for Dag.

"Here's our Warchief!" yelled Taya, raising a glass of mead toward him, drawing the attention of all the warriors seated around the table, who turned back in unison.

"Haha! Hello everyone! What a smell!" said Dag, not hiding the fact that he was hungry.

"This way, Dag! The Warchief must sit at the head of the table!" said Gridd, inviting his brother to sit next to her and the other Masters.

Karl and Agnes sat among the warriors, looking at the dishes on the table, while Dag made his way to the fireplace.

"I see that you have recovered completely and your wounds have healed! I'm happy for you, Taya!" he said, enthusiastically. 

"You're not the only one who has a good healer on your side!" she replied, giving Jens a shot on the back, causing him to spit out the chicken he had just put in his mouth.

"Hahaha!" laughed Dag and Gridd.

"Dag... I apologize if I didn't take part in the fight against those scoundrels today, but the people in the square wouldn't stop asking me questions about the Iron Alliance. Taya and Gridd told me everything, I'm glad you defeated him and I agree with your gesture. I know what kind of person Arvid is, we come from the same little country village. There's no trusting him" Jens said, justifying his absence during the fight. 

"Don't worry, Jens. The important thing is that we are safe and those bastards have been eliminated. So... do you know that man in person?" asked Dag, intrigued by Arvid's story. 

"Yes, let's say yes. When we were kids, we went to the Arena together in Jernhest, because we've got the same age. Our parents were great friends and just before we turned 18, they were killed along with all the other citizens of our village" Jens continued, drinking a sip of mead.

"What?! Really? I'm so sorry who did it?" continued Dag.

"We never really knew. We all lived together in a small village on the coast of Sjonir and had never hurt anyone. But someone decided to raze the village and exterminate all its inhabitants. After losing his parents, Arvid became very upset and we hardly spoke again, because he turned so quiet. When we chose our Clan, I found my family here, at Fort Skjonnet among the Sons Of Freya. Instead, he decided to join the Fangs Of Jormungandr and travel north, with a disreputable-looking man" continued Jens, who between words ate an entire pheasant and two pieces of wild boar meat.

"I guess you haven't heard from him since that day, right?" said Gridd, who was listening to the conversation. 

"No, we've never met again. I didn't really even know he was a Master, although the fact that he became a powerful warrior doesn't surprise me... he was always stronger and more determined than me when we were kids" Jens concluded, continuing to eat out of proportion.

Dag and Gridd looked at each other, uncertain of Jens' version of events.

"Anyway, he had to pay for what he did. He was determined to kill us, and his men almost killed Taya and Reidar... I had to stop him" Dag said, starting to eat.

"I told you, Dag. You were right to do what you did. I'm glad you're all good" he continued, smiling.


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