Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 186: CLXXXVI. The Symbol Of Power

Chapter 186: CLXXXVI. The Symbol Of Power

"It looks like this bastard is mad at you... brother" Gridd said in a low voice, touching her side sorely. 

Dag pulled out the hammer and the axe, walking towards him.

"Before I kill you, just tell me one thing... you're one of their Masters, aren't you?" he asked, starting to focus on activating Call Of The Berserkr.

The man lowered his arm which he had pointed at him, without saying anything.

Within seconds, Dag's ability was activated and his muscles increased in volume, while the gray gas leaked out of his arms.

"I knew that" he continued, interpreting the man's silence as a confirmation to his question.

As Dag walked slowly, angry at the pain the man had caused Gridd, the enemy charged at great speed towards him, increasing the magnitude of the flames that engulfed his weapons.

Dag dodged the first shot, then the second.

"If you knew you were meeting me here, you should have trained more... your shots are slow!" he said, dodging yet another fiery shot, hitting the man with a hammer in his chest, knocking him metres away as the weapon emitted electric shocks.

Despite the powerful blow, the enemy managed to rotate nimbly in the air and after a backflip landed on his feet, ready to fight again.

Meanwhile, the liquid Dag had just synthesized entered his skin, strengthening the muscles of his arms and torso even more.

At the same time, his right eye also turned purple.

Without wasting any more time, other runes on the enemy's arms lit up, and he, waving his blades toward Dag, produced a green flames vortex.

Dag clenched his fists forward, bringing the handles of his weapons into contact and responding to the fire with a Shockwave, which was enriched by the purple lightning bolts released by Magni's hammer.

When the two magical attacks collided, the flames were dissipated in a matter of seconds and the enemy sprang out of the dust, taking advantage of the poor visibility to catch Dag by surprise.

This time he tried to hit him with a lunge, but Dag deflected the blow with the blade of the axe, which impacted against the three fiery blades of the fist weapon emitting sparks.

After unbalancing the enemy, he turned on himself and struck him again with the hammer.

With a sudden, almost inhuman movement, the enemy managed to twist his arm and parry the blow headed to his head with the other hand.

This was not enough to block the advance of the hammer and the hooded man's arm broke by bending over itself and emitting a lousy noise of broken bones.

As soon as he fell to the ground, Dag lifted the axe and hit him in the middle of his back.

"Umpf... rrgh!" said the enemy, trying to hold back the pain.

"Tell me your name" Dag said, pushing the Giantbane blade deeper and deeper into the enemy's back, until, getting blood-soaked, it became incandescent and began to corrode the tendons and muscles around his spine.

"Aaaaagh! Aaagh!" the man yelled, writhing on the ground, as the green fire disappeared from the blades of his fist weapons.

"Your name!" shouted Dag in his ear, losing patience and continuing to tear the wound apart. 

"Ar... Arvid... My name is Arvid! Aaaagh!" the man yelled, beginning to lose consciousness.

"Ah! Then you can talk!" replied Dag, detaching the glowing blade from his body and turning it belly up, to see his face no longer hidden by the hood.

"What's a Fangs Of Jormungandr's Master doing in Hevnen?" asked Gridd, who was back on her feet.

The enemy did not answer, with an expression of pain painted on his face dirty with blood and dust.

"My sister asked you a question!" yelled Dag, hitting his back with a kick that made him suffer even more.

Arvid was a grown man, with medium-length red hair and a short red beard.

"Do you think you are the only Clans to be part of an Alliance? *cough*cough*" whispered the man, coughing heavily.

"What are you talking about?" asked Gridd, looking at Dag.

"I have a feeling that these assholes are allied with the Horns Of Heimdallr and somehow they knew that our two Clans were coming together. I think they've been wandering around town for a long time, keeping a low profile, until news of our announcement spread in Golden Chariot Square" Dag said, looking at his enemy on the ground.

He opened his eyes, crossing his gaze with Dag's and then with the glowing blade of the Giantbane, ready to put an end to his suffering.

"What do we do with him?" Gridd continued, looking at the bodies of the other two dead men and that of the reptilian.

Dag lowered himself toward Arvid, approaching the blade of the axe to his face.

"Killing you would be too easy, I would do you a favor. From today I hold an important position and I want my enemies to know what kind of man I am. You will live and return to your men. You will tell them my name and also that I have spared your life" he said, trying to reassure his enemy, who for a moment began to catch his breath again.

"What? Do you let him live? He almost killed Taya and one of his men was going to kill Reidar too!" exclaimed Gridd, complaining on Dag's decision.

Immediately after the words of his sister, Dag, when he was sure that his enemy was calmer, pushed the scorching blade of the Giantbane on his face, burning his eye.

Arvid uttered inhumane screams, waving unnecessarily.

Both Gridd and her companions tensed up as they watched the scene, as white smoke billowed out of the enemy's face, on which a huge cut appeared, which went from his chin to forehead, crossing his eye.

"May this serve as a warning to the warriors of your Clan. So the next time you think of secretly spying on us, you'll think twice" Dag continued, standing up and inviting his enemy to do the same.


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