Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 185: CLXXXV. Clip The Wings

Chapter 185: CLXXXV. Clip The Wings

When the enemy hit by Gridd managed to get back to his feet, she began to hit him repeatedly by rotating the two swords.

Her shots were very fast and precise and the enemy did not even have time to reason, he was unarmed and his sword fell to the ground.

He then tried to punch Gridd, but she easily dodged the blow and chopped his arm off, mercilessly.

"Aaaaagh!" the man yelled, asking for help from his companion, who was struggling with Taya, whose spear was stuck in the wall.

She ran towards the hooded man, who stood still waiting for her.

Dag noticed that the enemy had not yet shown his face or his weapons. 

Concentrating, he activated Niva, to discover his level of strength: Taya's aura was of a deep yellow, that of Gridd with a tendency toward orange. 

The enemy with his face uncovered was decidedly weaker than her, with a light blue aura, while around the hooded man there was no color whatsoever.

"Taya! I can't see his level of strength! Be careful!" yelled Dag, trying to warn his ally to pay attention to the enemy.

But she continued her charge, raising her shield, ready to strike him.

A second before being reached by the Shieldmaiden, the hooded man raised his arms, pulling them out of the burlap cloak and revealing his weapons: on his hands, he wore two fist weapons, which covered his wrists to the forearm.

There were 3 short blades for each arm and they looked very sharp. 

Taya noticed them in time and lowered herself, with the shield upwards, dodging the swift blow of the enemy and sliding to the ground on her knees, until she reached her spear, which detached forcefully from the wall.

The hooded man turned to her and in a determined gesture, tore the sleeves of his tunic, discovering his arms.

"Fuck!" thought Dag, when he noticed that both of the enemy's arms were covered with runes, from shoulders to wrists.

Meanwhile, Gridd had managed to defeat the other man, sticking his chest with both her swords and causing him to fall to the ground in a pool of blood.

"And who the fuck are you?" asked Taya in a menacing tone, observing the enemy in front of her, whose red aura had become visible in Dag's eyes as soon as she had pulled out his weapons.

He did not answer and sprinted towards her, trying to quickly hit her with one of his fists.

Taya quickly moved the shield, deflecting the enemy's metal fist, which ended up stuck with the blades inside the wall.

Then she stepped back, but before she could move the spear, with incredible strength, he managed to remove his weapon from the wall, smashing the rock of which it was made. 

Gridd dashed toward him, which would otherwise have struck Taya, but the man noticed her and turned around, parrying her quick shots with the blades coming out of his wrists. 

Both Taya and Gridd stopped to catch their breath, with their weapons pointed at him.

Dag and his companions continued to witness the scene without intervening, while Karl finished treating Reidar, who after taking a sip of a strange liquid, began breathing normally again.

"Taya asked you a question, stranger... who are you? And why are you here in Hevnen?" said Gridd, as the blades of her swords continued to shine, full of energy.

"Since you're dumb, I'll answer for you... you're just an asshole from Fangs Of Jormungandr ready to put our nuts in a sling! But you're in the wrong place, man! Nobody can come to Hevnen and make all this racket without a worthy punishment!" said Taya, as two bright wings popped out from behind her back. 

Gridd retreated slightly, remaining ready in case her partner needed help.

The hooded man stretched out his arms downwards, his blades pointed to the ground.

On each arm, two runes glowed with a green light: at that precise moment, a faint greenish aura enveloped the fist weapons. 

Taya jumped and flapped her wings, reaching several meters in height.

Her spear lit up as it swirled, releasing a heavenly wake.

"Aaagh!" she yelled, blocking her weapon with its tip down, directed toward the enemy.

After closing her wings, she dived on him, trying to hit him with the spear, which unleashed so much power that cut the air in front of it.

The enemy waited until the last moment, before dodging the blow, but not backwards.

Incredibly, he dodged Taya's spear as he moved forward and passed before her eyes.

During this movement, the aura that enveloped the fist weapons exploded in a blaze, which completely enveloped its blades, making them 4 times longer, similar to swords.

Performing a twist, with his back inches above the ground, the enemy fired a decisive blow towards Taya, chopping off both of her wings, which dissolved in the air.

Then he rolled backwards, getting back on his feet, while she fell to the ground, immobilized from pain.

"Tayaaa!" shouted Gridd, running towards her, under the frightened gaze of Dag, who could not believe his eyes.

"Gridd..." he tried to tell her, trying to attract the attention of his sister, who after lowering herself towards Taya, who had lost consciousness, lunged at the enemy, repeatedly rotating the two swords out of control.

Her shots were more powerful and faster than before, laden with rage, but the enemy dodged them barely moving.

"What the fuck do you want?! Go away!" shouted Gridd again, tears streaming from her eyes, floating in the air like drops of dew.

The hooded man parried the last blow of sword, unbalancing her and hitting her with a violent kick on the side, causing her to roll onto the ground.

Then he looked up and turned his covered face towards Dag, pointing his fiery blades at him, challenging him.

Dag continued to watch Gridd and Taya, both on the ground, and his blood began to boil in his veins, causing his arms to tremble with anger.


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