Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 150: 149The secret behind the death of the former prime minister

Chapter 150: 149The secret behind the death of the former prime minister

Chapter 150 149. The secret behind the death of the former Prime Minister

In unarmed combat, large numbers are an advantage that cannot be ignored.

However, if a group of ordinary people are fighting against it, a raised hand can pinch a person's head and lift him off the ground.

There are not even dozens or hundreds of people who can lift people's legs off the ground by just kicking them into a lunge as if they were walking, so they can't really say that they have a 'number advantage'.

These people dont have long swords, at most they have daggers and wooden sticks.

Lan had already knocked down the guys holding daggers at the first opportunity.

With the strength of these people and the limited display space in the alley, hitting his armor with a wooden stick couldn't even make him shake.

Only a wooden stick aimed at his head can distract him.

Lan En's big hand had completely wrapped around the fist of the leader of the group, and he only pressed down his wrist slightly. Under the extreme pressure of the twisting angle of the human body's joints, the leader of the gang had to kneel on the ground wailing.

A whistling sound came from behind my head.

Without even turning his eyes, Lan En reached back with his free hand, and the striking end of a wooden stick was held in his hand.

With a twist of the palm, the stick was pulled out of the holder's hand with all the skin and flesh attached.

With a slight flick from bottom to top, the guy behind him who wanted to sneak attack widened his eyes, covered the vital parts of his lower body and slowly knelt down.

Finally, it bent like a lobster on the ground, throbbing in pain.

Hey Lan, I just heard the sound of an egg breaking!

Aliya took a breath and shouted to Lan En at the exit of the alley.

Lan En lectured her without looking back.

Little girl! You should know that if you hear something, dont say it!

After saying that, the witcher looked at the gangster leader kneeling in front of him with his cat eyes, and smiled slightly apologetically.

"Brother, look at this situation. I have a little girl here, and I really don't want to make the situation ugly or bad for the children. Just do yourself a favor and know that you are not a tough guy. , otherwise you wouldnt be a gangster, right? Say anything and it will save us the trouble."

The kneeling gangster, his eyes already bloodshot from the pain in his joints, looked vicious and irritable.

But before he could curse, Lan En had already picked out his little finger from his fist and cracked it upward.

Im going to **** you!


The sound of cracking knuckles was very clear.

The leader of a small gang has been as vicious as heaven in his life. How could evil ghosts and water ghosts be as vicious as that?

From Lan Ens point of view, this vicious threat is not as serious as the fish bones in the soup bowl.

Xiu, Xiufu!

The man who was stubborn just now, faced Lan En's calm eyes like he was repairing a toy, and couldn't wait to spit out a name.

And after Lan En slightly loosened his severed finger, he started talking like a barrage, fearing that if he took a step too slow, he would put another finger on his finger.

"Sir Hugh! He was just knighted by King Robert not long ago! He was the former prime minister's attendant before! Now he got a large sum of money from who knows where. This boy is obsessed with his knighthood. In order to let When everyone sees his identity, he will definitely be willing to spend a lot of money to buy that good sword on your back!"

Lan En nodded slightly, indicating that the gangster leader was doing a good job.

It is not uncommon for a guy to be carried away by the desire for honor and status. But you said before that he also collects all kinds of strange objects? What are they? Why?

"That was his interest that was born after the death of the former Prime Minister. It is said that he was cursed by lizard stems and dragon bone ornaments. I don't think he likes those things, but hopes to use them to defend against some kind of evil curse? He seems to be The death of the former prime minister was a shock.

The word 'keel' piqued Lan's interest, but the rest of the narrative was lackluster.

In the magical world, people's unfounded fear of magic was very prevalent, and various folk remedies claiming to 'defend magic' emerged in endlessly.

In this world, Lan En has not seen real magic yet. He felt that magic here might be much scarcer than in the magical world.

The probability that a newly canonized knight is qualified to be cursed is so small that you dont have to think about it.

It is very different from the wizards in the common understanding of ignorant people. Real wizards need time, energy, and cost to cast spells. It is really unlikely that they will cast a powerful spell because of the bad taste in folklore or their "evil nature". That would be a shame.

Last question. You should know where he lives, right?

When asking questions, Lan En's expression looked very kind.

Two people, one large and one small, walked out of the alley again and stood in the sunshine.

Lan En was retying the straps of the two swords on his chest, and Alia's expression was no longer as interested as when she was just watching the excitement.

The little girls brows were furrowed now, with thoughts and anxiety flashing in her eyes.

This isnt right, isnt it, Lan?

Ha, it seems you are really nervous.

Lan En glanced at the serious Aria.

"The former prime minister died suddenly, and his attendant was canonized by the king. This can also be understood as the king's memory of the former prime minister. But a large amount of money? Not given to the orphan of the former prime minister, but given to an attendant? Is this possible? ?

"This is not right! Lan En! The death of the former prime minister was abnormal!"

Aliya is no longer the carefree little girl whose biggest wish is just to have someone who can teach her swordsmanship.

She followed Lan En and faced cannibals, slave traders, and monsters in a strange other world, and participated in a major change that could overturn the political situation of the entire kingdom.

What she experienced was something that no one would believe even if it were written in a novel if it were to happen to ordinary civilians.

Experiences give people growth.

In the middle of what the gangster leader was talking about, Alia, a child who was not even ten years old, had already noticed that something was wrong.

Does Ed have a good relationship with the former Prime Minister?

Lann asked Arya.

He is not a local, and even a local would be blinded by the relationship between nobles.

Dad and the king were fostered by the former prime minister when they were young. They are both adopted sons of the former prime minister, and they are righteous brothers to each other.

Lan Ens beautiful eyebrows raised slightly.

This relationship is not close.

Judging from Lan Ens understanding of Ed Stark in just a few days, this man who is simply a model of a traditional knight is almost bound to find out the secret behind his adoptive fathers death.

The problem is that a prime minister who has worked hard in King's Landing for many years was killed for some reason.

So a Prime Minister who is determined to investigate and has just taken office, can't he die?

At the same time, Aaliyah and Lan En turned to look at each other.

But the difference was that there was confusion and panic in those young gray eyes. And in those amber cat eyes, there was a kind of calmness.

Tsk, I originally thought your father was having a hard time just because of the new official taking office, but I didnt expect that troubles are constantly happening in your family, Aaliya.

Lan En got close to Aaliyah's little face, narrowed his eyes and smiled evilly, tapping her forehead with his fingers.

"Okay. Now you have to take out all the treasures of your Stark family to thank me!"

Faced with the demon hunter who was already asking for payment before he even started working.

The panic in the little girl's eyes was suddenly like morning mist under the sun.

Disappeared without a trace.

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Thanks to JunKo_ for the 500-point reward!

Thanks to Torch Bear and reader 20210209161044926027543 for the 100-point reward!


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