Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 151: 150 peeling off the cocoon

Chapter 151: 150 peeling off the cocoon

Chapter 151 150. Peeling off the cocoon

Lan En came to this world just to send Aaliya back home intact.

Who knows the news we got right now, Aaliya is fine, but her family seems to be about to be cut off as the backbone of her family.

In Lan's opinion, Eddard Stark is a good man.

The witcher had heard the quarrel between the Prime Minister and the King more than once in the convoy heading to King's Landing, about whether to assassinate two children far away across the Narrow Sea.

Ed never compromises, either for the sake of chivalry or because of his own morals.

He was as unshakable as a glacier rock before the furious Robert.

Lan En does not hate this kind of person, on the contrary, he admires him very much.

Lets go back. Although I dont think your father, as the Kings Hand, knows everything, its always good to have a little more information.

After patting Alia on the shoulder, the two walked down the ramp of Steel Street, preparing to return to the Prime Minister's Tower in the Red Fort.

On the way back, the two of them saw many traders, civilians, and jugglers heading outside King's Landing carrying the tools they needed to make a living.

That cheerful and anxious face didn't look like it was because of any bad thing, but rather like he was rushing to make money and have fun.

Lan En thought of the tournament held for the Prime Minister to take office.

Happy years have passed recently, and this is the only event worthy of such excitement.

It seems that the venue for the tournament will be outside the city.

But now even Alia, who loves to watch the fun most, is not in the mood to get involved. After experiencing many things in the other world, her basic self-control is already very good.

As he approached the gate of the Red Keep, Lann showed the pass issued by Ed and successfully returned to the Prime Minister's Tower.

It was lunch time. Before Ed walked into the slightly empty dining hall again, Aaliya grabbed her father and pulled him to the corner next to him.

Aliya, dont be ridiculous!

Sansa, who was already sitting dignifiedly at the dining table, shouted to her sister.

In her eyes, this is just another crazy act of her sister.

Ed originally thought so. He rubbed his tired face and opened his mouth.

Aliya, if you want to play, you can go find her

Lord Jon Arryn died an unusual death, didnt he Dad?!

Ed's tired expression suddenly froze, and he even had to calm down for a while before looking at his little daughter with disbelief.


Dont worry about it for now, there are many people here, come with me.

Ed was stunned for a moment by his little daughter's words.

Does Aliya understand the saying "There are many eyes and there are many eyes"?

Aliya, dont bother father

Sansa wanted to call Arya out for her prank, but before she could finish her words, Eddard instead spoke to Sansa in the dining hall.

Sansa, you eat first. Ill talk to Arya.

Then he was dragged to the corner outside the hall by Aaliya's strength.

Sansa and everyone at the table were stunned.

Ed loves his children very much. Although he is not good at showing it, everyone can feel it.

But now, he is not just following Aria, but wants to 'talk' to her?

At the dinner table, Sansa opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

On the other side, Aaliya pulled Ed to where Lan En was by twists and turns.

This is an unobtrusive little corner.

Lan En keenly noticed that Ed was a little different from when he went out in the morning.

He has a gorgeous dagger on his waist that he has never seen before.

The handle of the dagger is made of the skeleton of an unknown creature wrapped in gold. Just like the Sword of the Lake Lady on Lan En's back, it can be seen from the handle alone that it is valuable. The King's Hand, who was silent all the way, first looked at the cat-eye guard he had equipped for his daughter suspiciously, then squatted down and asked his little daughter seriously.

How did you know about this, Alia?

Aaliyah knew that she couldn't explain clearly, so she simply pointed at Lan En and turned her father's attention away.

Lann was standing against the wall with his arms folded, and he shrugged under Ed's gaze.

The two of us went out because this sword was targeted by a group of gangsters.

Lanns thumb pointed back at Arondettes sword hilt, and Ed nodded.

In fact, this sword appeared many times in his conversations with King Robert. A sword that looked exquisite and refined was the favorite of warriors.

Robert even said that he wanted to buy the sword for a full two hundred gold dragons, even before he saw the complete blade.

"I gave those gangsters a lesson. They said that a newly canonized knight was buying up good things recently, and that knight was previously the squire of Lord Jon Arryn."

Lan En spread his hands: "I heard Qiao Li say yesterday that the former Prime Minister died suddenly, which made you very busy now. And the knight status of this squire can still be explained, but where did so much money come from? I thought there was something wrong, so I came over to inform you."

Ed had no reaction in the first half of the speech, but he just put on a serious expression habitually.

But when Lan En said that they had found information about a former aide of the Prime Minister, his expression suddenly became excited.

What did you say that persons name was?

"Teacher," Lann repeated, "former squire to the Hand, now a knight in King's Landing."

Finally a clue! Ed muttered to himself.

Immediately, he looked at Lan En and the eager Aria, and told him all the relevant information about the death of the former prime minister.

These two people can't get out of this matter anyway, and it's really too difficult for him to investigate alone.

According to Eddard, he actually received a letter from the widow of the former prime minister when he was in Winterfell. The letter said that his adoptive father was assassinated by the Lannister family where the queen lived.

And the Lannisters also planned to murder the king.

This news was the key to making Ed, who was incapable of politics, determined to become prime minister.

Because he wanted to protect his brother, King Robert.

But in Lan Ens ears, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

The widow of the former Prime Minister, why do you trust her?

"In my opinion, she has done many unreasonable things now. For example, she notified you of the crisis, but did not leave any manpower for the Prime Minister's Tower to maintain normal operations. Those who have come into contact with the former Prime Minister should do whatever they want. Someone who knows something. Maid, cook, servant, scribe, etc. There shouldnt be a rule in this Prime Ministers Tower that when the owner changes its owner, all the staff will be replaced together, right?

"If you rushed back to the fiefdom overnight because you were afraid of being silenced, you should travel lightly. Why are you in King's Landing now, but you only know about a squire who was bumped into by the two of us while wandering?"

Ed was stunned when he heard this, but he still defended the widow of the former prime minister.

Lady Lysa is my wifes sister.

Lan En frowned slightly.

In other words, Eds adoptive father married Eds wifes sister?

Alright, this is how the aristocratic relationship in the Middle Ages was.

Kindness is not an excuse to cover up the problem. You dont meet often, right? In the face of the huge shadow involved in this matter, its better not to believe in this unreliable relationship.

Lan dared to make such comments to Ed's relatives, firstly because he was really doing it for the good of Aria's family.

Second, Lan En knew very well that in Ed's eyes, he should be a person who met Arya by coincidence. After all, who would have thought that Joffrey would have a conflict with Arya that day?

So Lan En has no possibility of deliberate conspiracy. Instead, he is a trustworthy outsider.

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