Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 149: 148 Eyes on the man with the sword

Chapter 149: 148 Eyes on the man with the sword

Chapter 149 148. The person eyeing the sword

"Thank you for your help, Gendry. Please give this short sword a scabbard. The price will be calculated at the end."

A peaceful and friendly voice came, awakening the blacksmith apprentice's hazy mind.

This sturdy young man blinked his eyes and shook his head instinctively, and then he saw the too handsome guest in front of him, looking at him inquiringly.

He suddenly woke up.

Am I distracted just now?

Gendry was a little unsure whether he had not been resting well recently.

But its not a big deal, and you dont need to worry about it.

After waking up, he followed Lan En's gaze and found what the guest wanted.

It was a short sword that was almost as long as an adult's forearm. It had a one-handed handle wrapped in red leather, and the blade was only a little over ten centimeters long.

Sir, the scabbard will be ready soon, it is a bonus.

Gendry took a silver deer coin from Lann's hand and gave him a handful of copper coins.

Silver deer is a currency whose value is lower than that of gold dragon and silver moon.

Under normal circumstances, a silver deer is enough to buy a decent long sword, but Tob Mott's reputation and craftsmanship make even a forearm-long dagger in this shop more expensive in terms of price. You have to pay the bill with silver deer.

Gendry handed over the goods, completed the transaction, and returned to the fire to continue forging the horned helmet.

The owner of the shop was resting on a recliner from beginning to end, and he didn't bother to raise his eyes whether the sale of a dagger was successful or not.

This is all like an insignificant transaction among the countless transactions that this store usually experiences.

Lan was very satisfied with this kind of "normality" and walked back with Aaliya.

This is for you.

Lann held the dagger he just bought with the hilt facing Aria.

Your rapier is pretty good, but if I want to teach you something, its better to have a short sword for blocking in your off-hand.

In fact, every Emperor's Son has a superb and incredibly complex swordsmanship database in his mind.

Swordsmanship is like a tool for creating art to them.

So even though they are beyond ordinary people, they have little chance to use the flexible combination of "stabbing sword + short sword", but they will definitely do it.

Lan En's daily [Memory Diving] has become a daily task, except for the two nights when he hammered Count Stetha to death and fought against Dagon.

Even if he was influenced by what he heard and saw, no matter whether he could use those outrageous sword skills or not, his vision was definitely not low.

The short sword has an advantage over the long sword as a parrying sword, because the leverage structure it can form in sword confrontation is much less labor-intensive than the long sword.

Basically, when Alia fights with normal men of the same age, she will not be at a disadvantage due to sword wrestling.

Of course, the premise is that she has used her own skills to handle the first impact of the long sword slash and entered the wrestling stage.

Ha! Thank you!

Alia smiled and took the dagger, tied it to the right side of her waist, and fought with the 'sewing needle' on the left side.

She has begun to look forward to what kind of swordsmanship Lan En can teach her.

Lan En listened to the thanks and nodded indifferently. I already agreed to teach you something, how can I still fool you?

But at the same time, his ears twitched slightly, and in a movement that seemed to twist his neck to relax, he glanced at his right rear.

There is a dark alley.

And there, several voices were discussing something at a normal volume.

They don't know how sharp the witcher's hearing is. To normal people's ears, this is meaningless noise, but to the witcher's ears, this is information.

The sword on that guys back, just look at the hilt. No! Just look at the silver counterweight engraving and youll know how valuable it is!

He is the daughter of the current Hand of the King!

"Oh, big shot? But what's the matter? We won't touch that girl. In King's Landing, the Prime Minister can't just let all the decent and upright people in this city come out to find out just because his daughter's bodyguard was robbed, right? Then But there are hundreds of thousands of people! After we finish robbing, we can go to another street and hide for a few months, wont we be done?

Hey, hes wearing armor that looks like hes not going to be messed with.

"I think it's useless. There are ten of us, dragging him into the alley and beating him with sticks. He will definitely not be able to bear it. And he doesn't even have a helmet. Maybe a blow to the back of the head will be enough to knock him out for a long time. A cacophony of voices chattering and arguing back and forth in the alley.

Finally, a voice that seemed to be the leader sounded, suppressing all the disputes.

"I think we can do it. In the past, we didn't dare to do anything casually because there were only a few places where stolen goods were sold, and Golden Robe could find them if they wanted. But now, haven't we just been taken under the wing of our 'distinguished lord'? "

"We 'adults' have money now. No matter where it comes from, we have it anyway. And we are keen on collecting these strange things. This exquisite sword should be exchanged for a lot of money!" "

The leaders tone of voice was very interesting.

When he said the words Your Honor, he did not give his tone the emotion that matched the meaning of the words.

Instead, it is with a kind of teasing and ridicule.

If Lan En could describe the tone, it was like seeing a country bumpkin nouveau riche.

Having money means you are really rich, and looking down on you means really looking down on you.

So who is this adult who likes to collect strange things?

A border nobleman far away from the royal city? Newly successful businessman?

Lan En was very curious, after all, this sirs goal somewhat coincided with his.

So. "Bang bang" two soft sounds.

The ten gangsters in the alley were looking at the alley entrance from the shadows in astonishment.

A tall, silver-haired young man was retracting his palm that knocked on the wall twice. His elegant posture was like that of a banquet host who knocked on his glass at a cocktail party and was about to speak.

A little girl followed him enthusiastically, and the two of them walked towards the shadows of the alley.

Everyone, Im a little bit interested in the adult you talk about.

While walking, Lan En smiled and untied the long sword **** his chest, and placed the two swords in Alia's arms behind him.

Can you tell me something?

The atmosphere became silent.

The original ten people in the alley looked at the intruder blankly.

That was the prey they had selected, and they were supposed to drag it into the shadows five or ten minutes later, knock it out and strip it naked in the struggle.

Now, under the other persons smiling expression, they feel that they are the prey.

The first emotion that came over me was surprise.

But after the surprise, there was a kind of irritation mixed with surprise.

Surprise prey comes to the door automatically, and what makes you angry is the graceful elegance of the other party!

In other wordsthat expression of complete indifference!

You, he, bang!

The gangster closest to Lan En took the lead in holding a wooden stick, cursing and preparing to swing it.

But then, before he could raise the stick above his head, a big hand that was so fast that he couldn't even see it hit him directly in the face!



Pressing his head, the back of his head collided with the face of the person behind him.

The person whose face was pressed went limp immediately after this blow, and it was only because his face was pinched by that hand that he didn't collapse into a ball on the ground.

The guy who was hit in the face had blood in his nose like a faucet was turned on.

Now I can only lie on the ground, feeling dizzy and breathing through my mouth.

Woohoo! Lan En, I win!

Alia, who was holding two swords, gave a small cheer.

"My fault." Lan En didn't look back, and a silver deer slipped out of his unmoved hand and flicked it onto the little girl's forehead.

The remaining eight people looked dull in front of the pair of slightly shining cat eyes.

What a shame, I thought the local gangsters would be a little more polite.

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