Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 38 - Another Day In School.

The Night passed quietly as a new day arrived which means a lot of events that'll make the one question his sanity will happen today.

Leo was in his house with his father and mother eating breakfast before going to school as he didn't have anything important except getting more knowledge from the internet.

He's now feeling the nonsense that comes with a lot of power because he literally can destroy this dimension and cause an apocalypse, but it's unnecessary and pointless, so he's looking for something to increase his personal power.

Magic seems like a good idea, but Leo has some good plans about what kind of magic he should learn.

However, Leo's thoughts stopped as he heard his father's voice.

"So did something happen in the school, Leo" Leo's father, Richard said as he was eating.

"Nothing important" Leo was experiencing the so-called bland food, but he didn't care that much. However, maybe he'll send those chefs faster as he understands the pain of those guys.

"Really?" Leo's mother, Manami was suspicious especially after looking at Leo thinking about something for the whole morning.

"Well, I met some interesting people." Leo didn't care a lot about the topic as he was making some plans inside his mind.

"A girl?" Unlike his son, Richard was interested in the topic before Leo said " Two girls"

"It seems these girls will end up like the others" Richard heard his son's tone of interest as he was expecting new victims.

"Others??" Leo tilted his head as he didn't understand this reaction.

"Don't tell me you don't remember" Richard stared at the confused Leo as he didn't believe this.

"I honestly have no idea" Leo shook his head because he doesn't know.

"Let me refresh your memory" Richard put down his chopsticks before he said" Do you remember the girl in the shopping street?"

"Not at all!" Leo said immediately.

"You called her creepy because she was giving you a stare and winked at you" Richard was holding down his laughter when he remembered that accident.

{I don't remember at all... Did my natural instincts kicked in at that time?} Leo was trying to remember but he completely forgot about that accident.

"That's not a way to speak to people, young man" Manami knows about the accident and still doesn't agree with Leo.

"Oh, and that was a normal one! Let me tell you about the girl from his old school. That girl didn't speak for more than three seconds before Leo said..." Richard cleared his throat and a serious look formed on his face before talking with the same tone as Leo" Don't you fucking dare to ara-ara me!!"

"Pff..Pffff...HAHAHAHA!!!" Richard started laughing when he remembered that moment while Manami glared at him before she said" Language!"

"And what's funnier that he usually acts like that when he puts on a hat" Richard didn't stop as he was bringing Leo's dark past.

"..." Leo stared in silence at his laughing father and his mother even with her serious attitude was still holding back her laughter.

"*Sigh*..." Leo smiled helplessly at this scene as he wanted to check on time. But before he did anything. Everything vanished around him.

Leo widened his eyes as he was sitting on a chair in the middle of darkness, but what made him surprised is a few candles appeared in front of him. As they were the only thing illuminating this dark space. However, the image didn't last long as everything went back to normal.

"Leo, Leo, Leo... Are you listening?" Leo didn't move as he was fixed in his position before he heard his mother voice.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm listening" Leo shook his head to clear his thoughts, but he didn't forget that short image.

{What the hell was that? Illusion? No, it was very real to be an illusion} Leo frowned from this accident, but he didn't show it on his face. However, his parents felt something wrong with his silence.

"Are you okay, Leo?" Richard felt something wrong with that silence of his son, but he didn't know why and Manami was worried because this usually never happens.

"Eh? Ah, nothing, but it's time for school, so I'm leaving now" Leo smiled slightly before standing up from the chair and walking away.

"Leo, you know you can talk with us about things that bother you, and..." Richard saw Leo usual attitude and smile back before he said " If you need any advice about chasing girls, you can talk with me"

"No offense, but I don't think you can teach me about chasing girls after laughing at my usual actions" Leo stared blankly at his father before walking towards the front door.

"Touché" Richard replied with the same bland tone before Leo left the room.

Richard and Manami sat there in silence before Manami said "Don't worry he's a strong kid"

With those short words, Manami told Richard that his son can take care of himself and if he needs them then he'll say it when he's ready.

"I know, but I wish if he was more frank about it sometimes" Richard sighed before finishing his breakfast.

Meanwhile, Leo left his house as he heard his father and mother's words because of his strong hearing.

{This is one of the reasons that I'll take the trouble to hide everything without using any stupid hypnotizing shit. I mean, who would use mind control on his loved ones just because he can} Leo sighed before thinking about the most important thing.

Stepping on the ground, Leo shadow stretched before shadow-like creatures went inside the house shadow.

These beasts are made to blend and move in the shadows and they have strong physical strength and the ability to regenerate, but most importantly, every one of them can use space power to teleport this house from danger or follow his parent in their shadows without being noticed.

{This should be okay} Leo nodded at his work before walking away and thinking about what happened to him.

He was frowning each time he remembered that scene. It was like the whole world vanished at that moment, but he couldn't understand why this happened.

"Is it because of my Esper powers and Mana? Maybe there was a side-effect I didn't know about" Leo kept coming with new conclusions, but he couldn't be sure why he had that vision.

{Candles...} Walking in the road leading to the school, Leo was absent-minded while thinking about that vision. He couldn't just forget about it.

However, without him noticing, he reached Kuoh Academy and was walking towards the gate.

"Hm?" Leo woke up from his thoughts because of students' noise before looking at some 'friends'... It was Sona and the student council staring at him.

"Hello, president and the student council. It's a good day, isn't it?" Leo smiled at the student council while Sona was glaring at him.

"..." Sona's focus was on Leo headphones as she understood that this guy was able to cheat her. She decided that she'll never let someone anger her in a battle ever again.

"Well, it must be tiring to work here. Keeping all those rule-breakers in check, good luck" Leo words were like arrows that were shooting through Sona as she was trying to calm herself.

"It is indeed a good day, Leo Arisaltek" Sona pushed her glasses as before she said " However, would you mind coming to the student council this day?"

"Oh? why?" Leo knows where this is going but he asked anyway.

"I'd like a rematch with you," Sona said her purpose.

"Hmm..." Leo thought about it for a moment before he said " No"

"I see, I'll call you af- What?" Sona widened her eyes as she heard Leo respond and watched him leave before she said " Why?!"

"Because I hate that game!!" With those words, Leo left the school while leaving Sona and the student council froze in their place.

A lot of students that were at the school gate stared at Sona, but they walked away immediately after she glared at them.

"Leo Arisaltek..." Sona clenched her fist as she refuses to give up on that match before Tsubaki said " President, you can use a spell and make him confess how he did it"

"No, Tsubaki! This is a challenge and I'll never give up until I have that rematch" Sona was more serious than ever.

{Wasn't you trying to look for his identity? Why has it become a rematch?} Those were the thoughts of the student council members as they stared at Sona, but they didn't dare to say them out loud.

{My spider-sense are tingling} Leo was walking as he felt something before he said " Probably someone is thinking of me"

(Time Skip to the lunch break)

After the small commotion in the morning, the school time passed normally as Leo was getting knowledge from the internet. Sona didn't appear again nor called for him which made him think she might be thinking about a way to convince him or something.

However, Leo didn't care as it was time for lunch and he was walking in the school corridor... For the 7 times.

{Was it worth it to walk this much?} Leo used Venom to look backward to see Koneko sneakily following him {Totally worth it}

After walking out of the class and getting this lunch box in his hand, Leo saw a loli following him sneakily, so he walked in the corridor for 7 times just to see her persistence.

Koneko was behind a wall staring at Leo as she felt this plan would not work. She was waiting for Leo to go to the rooftop to get his lunch box, but she didn't find him there. And after looking through the school, Koneko found him in the corridor and this is how this tag game started.

However, Koneko waited for so long and Leo didn't go to the rooftop, as kept walking in this corridor.

"Ara-Ara, Koneko. What are you doing here?" Koneko flinched before looking at a girl with a long ponytail that appeared behind her and was watching Leo.

The girl was beautiful with a charming and calm smile that made all the boys in the corridor shocked when they saw her. The embodying the principles of the ideal Japanese woman. But Koneko knows this girl and what hidden under that smile. This girl is Akeno Himejima.

"Oh, my. Don't tell me you're chasing a boy, Koneko-chan" Akeno couldn't hide the surprise in her voice while Koneko just greeted her with an expressionless face.

"Oh, c'mon. Tell me about it" Akeno tried to get information from Koneko, but she failed as Koneko's eyes were on the lunch box.

"Hmm..." After seeing that Koneko didn't want to reveal anything, Akeno made up her mind and walked towards Leo while Koneko didn't care.

She couldn't let this chance slip by. A rare scene where Koneko is interested in someone.

Leo was walking as he felt something wrong { My troublesome sense are tingling}

"No way"

"Is she one of the two great ladies?"

"One of the most popular girls in the school"

{Definitely troublesome} Leo heard the commotion around him as he felt the trouble was coming very quickly before he stared at Akeno.

"Hello" Akeno greeted Leo as the whole school corridor was boiling with the desperate howls of the boys.

"..." Leo watched the state of the corridor as he upgraded this girl rank to the embodiment of trouble.

Akeno was observing Leo in front of her as she was wondering why Koneko was following him which made her curiosity soars.

"Hm? Did you hear me?" Akeno was also surprised by Leo who was wearing headphones while walking casually in the school.

"I wish I didn't" Leo sighed as he felt this is the start of another troublesome day.

"Oh..." Akeno didn't expect to hear this answer before she smiled and said " I know it may be rushed, but can you tell me how you know Koneko?"

Leo stared at Akeno and her charming smile before he said "Who?"

"Koneko Toujou, don't you know her" Akeno asked again, but Leo answer was " I never heard of her"

"No way" Akeno put her hand on her face while she remembered something before she said " I was wondering, but who are you?"

"None of your business" Leo answer was short, but it made the corridor explode again as the boys were cursing him, but they all stopped after they felt chills for some reason.

"Ara-Ara, that was a harsh answer" Akeno was really surprised this time, but Leo felt something was broken in his head before he took a deep breath and walked towards the window.

"Do you hear this? This is the sound of nature in perfect balance and harmony. Do you know what it's saying?" Leo's words made Akeno and every one next to him confused.

"What?" Akeno tilted her head as she wasn't able to comprehend what Leo was saying.

"I want to say that all that I'm about to say isn't offensive, but If I don't say it... I'll probably won't be able to sleep tonight" Leo looked at Akeno before he said" However, I promised someone to treat people more nicely, so I'll tone it down a bit"

Leo remembered that he promised his father that he'll give this school and its students a chance, so he'll not curse randomly.

"Don't you dare to ara-ara me, again!!" Leo screamed at Akeno as his sound reached the whole corridor.

Silence... Pure silence that makes the sound a tiny needle falling down very loud. The whole corridor was in a state of shock because of Leo which gave him the illusion of someone stopping time right now.

Leo released a breath and felt calm again while Akeno wasn't able to react to this situation. Koneko saw everyone having a mental breakdown before she walked over and stared at the frozen Akeno.

"Hm?" Leo saw Koneko before he said "Oh, it's you. Do you want something?"

Koneko didn't say anything as she pointed at Leo's lunch box.

"You want this, huh?... But it's not free" Leo saw Koneko's persistent eyes as he felt the fighting spirit contained in them.

"Huh? Not free" Akeno woke up from the confusion as she saw Leo and Koneko interacting.

"I see a lot of potential in you, but you need to realize it" Leo words were carrying wisdom while Akeno felt those words were wrong.

{Not free? Potential? What was this guy doing to Koneko!!??} Akeno glared at Leo, but before she said anything Leo said " First, you need to answer every what have you eaten question by... How many slices of bread have you eaten in your life? You got that?"

Koneko nodded before Leo said " Then... How many lunch boxes have you eaten in your life?"

"How many slices of bread have you eaten in your life?" Koneko replied quickly, which made Akeno more baffled by what's going on.

"My satisfaction is immeasurable and you made my day... What's your name" Leo gave Koneko the lunch box before she said " Koneko Toujou"

"I see... Then I welcome you to the bizarre side. Comrade, Koneko Toujou" Leo gave Koneko a salute before he walked away.

"Wait!! What's the meaning of this?!" Akeno screamed at Leo as she lost her calm attitude.

"No meaning, and I don't care" Leo didn't look back as he walked away and left the corridor.

Koneko stared at Leo leaving before she wanted to walk away, but a hand caught her shoulder.

"Koneko-chan, can you tell me who was that?" Akeno said with a sweet smile, but Koneko was scared by that smile and dark aura it generated.

"Did he just..."

"Oh my god..."


"This man is a legend... But a legend that has to fall"

All the boys in the corridor were burning with rage before they stared at each other and rushed after Leo. They'll bring him to justice and defend their queen honor.

The whole corridor became a bunch of boys running while screaming as they were chasing after someone, but Leo was walking normally as the boys passed him.

"I wonder what they're doing" Leo stared at the boys running before he ignored them without realizing they were chasing him, but his beast presence reduction made them ignore him. However, this didn't work for Koneko as Leo and the happy Ki around him weren't masked.

{Anyway, business time... Hey, Ddraig} Leo walked in the school before he called Ddraig.

{What?} Ddraig answered Leo as he was always observing the world from the Boosted Gear.

{I need something...} Leo didn't waste time as he said his goal directly.

{Hm? Is it one of your crazy plans?} Ddraig said the first thing that came to his mind before Leo said{ This one isn't all that crazy, but why do you seem... Tired?}

{Oh, I wonder why I'm tired} Ddraig's listless voice reminded Leo by the facts he showed Ddraig that day.

{I see, then I have something to cheer you up} Leo nodded before he sent his memories about what happened to Albion and his title of Butt Dragon Emperor.

{This is...} Ddraig widened his eyes before he replayed the scene in his mind a couple of times.

{Like you said, partner... Balanced, as all things should be} Ddraig said with a cheerful voice as only Albion suffering can make him feel better now before he said {What do you need}

{ I want to ask you if you know the Norse Gods?} Leo asked before Ddraig said {Yeah, I know. What about them?}

{So, do you know the location of Asgard?} Leo asked again before Ddraig frowned and said {What're you planning, partner?}

{Nothing, it's just, I want to learn magic and I was wondering if you know the location of Asgard...} Leo looked at the window to see the blue sky.

{You're going to do it again} Ddraig watched Albion reaction to his title in the Boosted Gear while talking with Leo.

{Yeah, after doing some stuff here...} Leo smiled before he said to Ddraig {We'll do a heist on Asgard and get some runes from Odin's treasury}

With that thought in mind, Leo walked towards his class as he needed to do some preparations if he wanted to steal Odin's treasury.


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