Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 39 - Spatial.

After all the events in the lunch break. The school time has officially ended and everyone was going to their homes or clubs.

Nothing important happened to Leo in that period, except discussing his plans with Ddraig.

Leo had one problem with this plan, which is Ddraig information. He wasn't quite sure from the location of Asgard because Ddraig's information might be outdated after all those years.

Ddraig didn't have anything to say about this because even he wasn't quite sure about this. But Asgard shouldn't be quite far from the location he gave anyway because those Gods are stubborn and love to stick to one place.

However, there was something worrying Leo all this period. After discussing the plan with Ddraig, he asked him if he knew something about the vision he got, but Ddraig said... What vision?.

These words surprised Leo which made him send his memory to Ddraig, but the answer was still the same. Ddraig saw him sitting on the table normally, like all that didn't happen.

{Even Ddraig wasn't able to know about that vision... Just what is that scene} Leo was thinking about the candle scene as he felt this is getting more complicated. Ddraig is a very strong being, but even he wasn't able to see that vision.

This made Leo's suspicions grow even stronger, but he didn't have any clue about it.

Leo was gone in his old habit of thinking before he heard a voice from his side "From earth to Leo. Are you there?"

Saji was next to Leo as they were leaving the school together, but Leo didn't see this guy the whole day until he saw him on this road. He also saw Leo so they are walking together now.

Leo's beasts all have intelligence and can select the best course of action to take based on certain situations. Like Leo's headphones can select who's affected by their ability, so Saji was able to see Leo. But to this moment, Leo wasn't able to understand why Koneko was able to find him.

He doesn't know that the side-effect of having Gold Experience fused with Dragon vein made him have an affinity with every being that can feel Ki or life force, but if Leo knows about this, then he'll probably find a way to remove it.

"You did it again, huh? Congratulations" Saji said without looking at Leo.

"About what?" Leo raised his eyebrow as he was also looking at the road in the front.

"For becoming the enemy of 83% of boys in this school... Again" Saji said as he wasn't surprised by this ending, but the speed made him shocked.

"83%? I feel I did better than that" Leo frowned. Not because he was the enemy, but because he didn't get more than 90%.

"Well, it mostly consists of people that don't care..." Saji shrugged his shoulder before pointing at someone and said " And that"

"Hm?" Leo looked over to see a blond boy surrounded by girls as he had a prince charming smile.

"That's the enemy of all boys in school, Yuuto Kiba" Saji said as the jealousy in his voice wasn't masked.

"Is that what they call prince charming aura?" Leo tilted his head as he felt this scene was weird. He was wondering what kind of reaction Kazuma will have here.

"Yeah..." Saji took something from his back and raised it high before looking at Leo that was observing Yuuto.

{Kazuma will probably go berserk} Leo was slightly interested in this topic, but at that moment, he caught Saji's hand that was holding Jojo's part 1.

At this moment, Leo was holding Saji's hand that almost hit him with Jojo's part 1.

"What are you doing?" Leo looked at Saji and the book in his hand with a blank look.

"Nothing, I just wanted to discuss this series" Saji said with a calm face, but Leo didn't let go of his hand.

However, This guy was lying. There was a rumor going around the school about catching the legend and bringing him to the queen, so you can get her acknowledgment, and Saji was doing that... Well, he also wanted to hit Leo's head with a Jojo's manga.

"....." Leo didn't remove his hand as his eyes were fixed on Saji.

"I want to ask about the second part" Saji said seriously but Leo increased the strength of his hand.

"....." Saji saw the situation wasn't good so he played his final card " I want to say... Speedwagon"

"You're learning fast" Leo removed his hand from Saji before walking again.

"Thank you" Saji said before he walked with Leo as they left the school.

However, if Leo was absent-minded because of his vision, then Saji was also absent-minded.

"Did something happen to you?" Leo frowned as he felt something about Saji changed.

"Hm?" Saji was surprised for a moment before he scratched the back of his head and said " Do you remember the last conversation we had?"

"No" Leo answered instantly which made Saji sighed before he said " I decided to accept"

"Oh? It's that conversation" Leo remembered the conversation about life choices he had with this guy before he said " So, how are you feeling?"

"I don't know, honestly" Saji sighed before he said " But I decided to accept"

Leo stared at Saji for a moment before he said "This is your final choice?"

" Yeah, I'm not backing down, and the deal wasn't all that bad" Saji shrugged his shoulders showing that he isn't all that worried.

"Here it is" Leo stopped as he was going to walk on his way home, which isn't on the same path as Saji.

"Look, man. Don't think too much" Leo looked at Saji before he said " Have some confidence in yourself and look forward"

"Like I always say, don't leave a place for regrets" Leo smiled slightly at Saji before he said "From my experience, you don't want to feel that regret"

"Oh, thank you, but... Is this another nonsense that you keep saying all the time?" Saji stared at Leo with a blank look as he couldn't believe in this guy who hit people with books.

"Maybe yes, or maybe not" Leo waved his hand to Saji before he walked away.

"This guy..." Saji smiled helplessly before walking toward his home. However, he felt something wrong.

"I forgot to ask him about part two" Saji stood in his place as he saw Leo was already gone, which made him sigh at his luck today.

Meanwhile, Leo was walking slowly as he felt the spatial mark he left on Saji and some on his home before he sighed.

"Well, step by step" Leo looked at the clouds in the sky before walking toward his home.

Walking for a while, Leo reached his home and entered inside as he saw his mother, but not his father.

Manami said that Richard was in the garage checking on the car before Leo nodded and walked towards his room.

After entering his room and locking the door, Leo walked towards his bed and sat down.

"Now what do I need to sneak into God lands?" Leo put his hand on his chin as he was thinking about a good plan.

Leo has a couple of good plans, but those aren't enough. He needs something that'll make those Gods in a state of shock for at least a week.

After thinking for a while, Leo clapped his hand as he decided to make something he should have in a long time.

"Well, I guess that one is enough, but I'll make some modifications" Leo fixed the image in his head before he activated his Longinus as black light appeared on his arm.

After 3 minutes, the light disappears as it leaves a bracelet on Leo's right arm. Leo checked the bracelet a few times to make sure everything was okay before he activated it ability.

A dark light flashed in front of Leo before an identical clone of him appeared.

Leo observed the clone and felt his connection with it before he nodded as he has complete control over the clone or should be called... Shadow clone.

Yes, this ability based on Naruto and Leo was able to make a beast who can do it, but it's more advanced as the clones won't just die from one hit and they can use Leo abilities normally as long as they have energy.

"So, how do you feel?" Leo asked his clone as he was interested in this situation as it was his first attempt of doing such a thing.

"Everything is normal" The clone looked at his hand before he said " I have 80% of your power, but that isn't exactly correct because I can't generate mana or Ki on my own"

"Hm? Well, this is the first attempt, I'll make it better with time" Leo nodded at his clone report before he said " Stay here and act like me"

" You want to run and leave all the trouble for me? I'm feeling ashamed by being your clone" the clone had a blank look and his tone was filled with sarcasm.

"Wow, it hasn't been 10 seconds and I want to punch you in the face" Leo stared at his clone before he said " Yup, you're definitely me"

"Thank you" the clone accepted the praise without shame.

"If something happens, tell me immediately" Leo nodded at his clone one last time before he stood up from the bed and snapped his fingers.

With that action, a portal appeared in front of Leo as it was leading to another dimension before he went inside.

The clone stared at Leo leaving the room before it sighed and sat on the desk.

After passing through the portal, Leo appeared inside a dark space or rather be called a void. This place was a mix between darkness and iridescent colors which looked like a kaleidoscope.

This is the Dimensional Gap, a place that exists between the three realms. Heaven, earth, and the underworld. Nothing can survive within the Dimensional Gap without magical protection. Anyone without such protection dies within a matter of seconds after being exposed to the nothingness within the Gap. However, Leo was fine as Palkia appeared next to him with a pink barrier.

"First part of the plan. Having a place to train and experiment" Leo nodded as he was looking at the dimensional Gap.

Leo is planning to use this Gap to try some crazy things without anyone interfering, but this place also has another purpose.

Like everyone who loves to travel by the Dimensional Gap and especially people who don't want to be caught like terrorists, Leo will also use this place to sneak into Asgard.

He wasn't worried about Great Red or Ophis because everyone uses this place. From Khaos Brigade to someone like Team Vali which means no one cares anymore, except Ophis. But that is because Great Red took this place as his territory. However, just to make sure, Leo will secure this place even further.

"Palkia '' Leo gave his command to Palkia before a pink barrier appeared before it expanded into 500 meters distance.

Leo landed on the barrier ground as he nodded at the sub-space Palkia made inside the Dimensional Gap.

Checking the place a few times, Leo nodded as he wanted to make this place as his base in this world, and it was a good base, except the weird feeling in the Dimensional Gap.

Leo was getting some weird feeling from this Gap, but he couldn't describe it before it vanished.

"This day is getting weirder" Leo watched the colorful Gap before he took a few things from his shadow.

Leo took Incursio and Esdeath Teigu from his shadow before he thought of what he should do with them.

Esdeath Teigu will be used to make another beast as this is the best thing it can be used for. And about drinking it? First, Leo's element is fire which means it's kinda bad to include ice in his body, but using it for a beast is completely fine.

"However, This thing" Leo picked Incursio as he was thinking what he should do with it. At first, Leo kept it because he ran out of ideas, but he remembered something called SCP-682.

Yes, Icursio is a low-key SCP-682, the hard to destroy reptile. Although it's far weaker than SCP-682, but this doesn't stop Leo from keeping it for the future.

"Should I try to make an SCP?" Leo put his hand on his chin before he chose to make it anyway.

A black fog and light appeared in Leo's hand before his mana was rushing towards his Longinus without stopping, but it was far from Leo's limit.

The process lasted for more than 12 minutes before an item that resembled a regular multi-tool appeared on Leo's hand.

Leo pointed at the front as a gun barrel, appeared from the multi-tool side, and shot... Laser. Leo felt the laser is strong and might even hurt him.

"..." Leo observed the multitool in his hand before he said " SCP's are really weird"

This SCP is SCP-117 complete multi-tool. This SCP can change into anything and give it user any tool he needs based on the situation. Leo told this beast to make a gun and it made a laser gun. But it can't function without energy from Leo and more power and more energy it takes. Also, this SCP can't make something Leo doesn't know which is another limiter.

"Maybe I should make SCP-173, just for fun" Leo felt it'll be quite interesting to see SCPs running around in this supernatural world and what reaction they'll cause.

"Well, this is a thing for the future, but for now... Palkia, Spatial mimicry!" Leo said as Palkia roared before the whole subspace started to blend with the Dimensional Gap as it became hidden from all the eyes.

Palkia is a god of space that has an absolute power over space and dimensions. This all counts in his ability... Spatial manipulation.

When Leo and Ddraig were discussing the plan about Asgard. Ddraig admitted that he can't defeat Palkia, but that doesn't mean he'll lose. It's because of Palkia's special nature of Spatial manipulation.

Ddraig doesn't think he can defeat Palkia or inflict damage without his flame, but Palkia isn't able to defeat him because of the same flame. Which means Palkia is a heavenly dragon rank. But that power can go further.

Palkia is a dragon, and dragons usually fight with brute power and complete destruction of the other target, but if Leo was included in the situation then this will change greatly.

The combination of Leo and Palkia can involve all the aspects of space and spatial manipulation. These abilities are to create, delete, shape, and manipulate space. It can even include distance manipulation, inverted dimension, space compression, space boundary, spatial attack, spatial looping, etc...

For example, Leo and Palkia can manipulate distance to travel far places by one step or make an attack reach instantly. They can even make the distance between a target zero then the target will be crushed into a singularity.

They can invert dimension to make all the directions reversed and all the enemies will miss their attacks like Shinji Hirako from Bleach.

Compressing the space of his fist or spear, then attacking with a huge shock wave.

Using Spatial mimicry to make Leo untouchable from any attack that doesn't affect space like Obito from Naruto, or make a boundary where nothing can be affected.

This is space, one of the most powerful laws in the world, and when there's a god that can control it, then... It's a broken ability if it is used correctly, and Leo wasn't joking when he said he can cause an apocalypse.

Leo raised his hand as a pink aura appeared on it before it started to twist until it became a black point in air as a strong sucking force coming from it. This is an application of Spatial manipulation to make a singularity similar to a black hole, but isn't a true black hole because of the lack of time power or gravity.

The black hole stopped after Leo canceled his power before he sighed as these skills take a lot of energy because as a matter of fact, Palkia energy is linked with his energy.

Leo knows how broken the control of space can reach, but he needs time to master it.

"It's training time, I guess" Leo took Yamato(Gàe Bolg) from his shadow before he said "Ddraig, it's time for you to teach me something"

"Huh? Don't you know the Boosted Gear abilities?" a green orb flashed on Leo's arms as Ddraig's voice came from it.

"You didn't include all the abilities" Leo had a blank look as Ddraig remembered that he only gave the basics.

"So, what the ability do you want to learn?" Ddraig asked.

"I need the penetration ability... God, that sounds wrong" Leo wanted to complain about the name of the ability before he said " Can't I turn off the Boosted Gear sound?"

"... No" Ddraig said instantly as this is the fate of the enemy to hear penetrate before dying.

"....." Leo looked at his spear as he felt the combination of the Spin, Yamato, Palkia, and Ddraig is unblockable, but the name is so stupid.

Leo sighed before he raised his spear and started to swing as he wanted to master this ability with Palkia's power as soon as possible... Even if he felt wrong each time he used it.


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