Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 37 - Revolution And A Curse.

After all the events, the night has arrived as it finally announced the end of this long day.

In Arisaltek family house, Leo was in his room, sitting on his desk while feeling exhausted from today.

After chasing Saji with Jojo's manga books, Leo caught him before hitting his head with parts one and two while saying Jojo's overdrive.

The mission was successful as Leo could recover part 3 and convinced Saji that part 1 is the correct way to start Jojo. Well, he didn't have a choice when Leo took the other parts.

However, Leo felt strange that Saji didn't call him on the favor he has with him, which means this guy is planning something.

Even so, Leo didn't have the energy to do anything. Today was a very tough rollercoaster for Leo.

First, it started by the battle with the system user, then Leo got trolled by Kaguya, which made him almost explode from anger. However, this didn't end as the world also trolled him by the ban and the stupid notes. This made Leo realize that the update of the Chat Room was really a mistake.

But it really started when he got back home and had to face his mother that kept asking why he didn't answer his phone, and she didn't believe what Saji said about him spending too much time in the bathroom. Leo considered hitting Saji with part 7 instead this time.

So, Leo took the easiest approach and kept denying everything while saying it was Saji's fault, and if that didn't work, then more denial and saying it was Saji's fault until they didn't find anything to prove him wrong.

"*Sigh* I'll just finish this" Leo sighed as he was writing a new file in the Chat Room that contains the message from the world will and some hidden truths.

"To be honest, denying is much simpler than explaining. I mean, I can't just say that I'm traveling between the multiverse while hunting for system users, destroying empires, making nukes, and probably demolishing the fabric of space... Did I mention that I have dragon organs now?" Leo felt this scenario ending won't be pretty before he remembered something.

"I wonder what the others are doing..." Leo was typing in the Chat Room as he looked at the messages icon that reached 99+ before ignoring it.

He has a feeling something weird and crazy is going on in that Chat Room, so he prefers to finish this file before logging in.

Meanwhile, in the Chat Room.

[NEET Princess: WHERE'S LEO???!!!]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: BRING ME LEO, NOW!!!]

[The Strongest Man In The World: How dare he run away!!]

[A Hero For Fun:... I'm disappointed]

The whole Chat was in the state of chaos while spamming Leo's name in the messages. The only two sane people in the Chat watched what was going on, as they could only move to a private chat to talk normally.

[Big Sister Lion:... What's going on?]

[Bri-Bri: Revolution, probably?... Shouldn't you join them?]

[ Big Sister Lion: Why do I feel irony in your words?]

[Bri-Bri: It's your illusion]

[ Big Sister Lion: ....]

While the Chat was having a breakdown, Leo finished his file and confirmed the uploading before he said " And done"

Leo looked at the title as he felt is so fitting with the subject after all that he experienced. However, it's time to log into the Chat, which was flashing for hours now.

[Annihilation Maker(Admin) is online]

"Hm? nothing... " Leo was puzzled by the silence chat before messages exploded in his face.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: LEO!! PUT DOWN THE HOSTAGE NOW!!]


[The Strongest Man In The World: You've finally appeared!!]

[ A Hero For Fun: You betrayed our trust, Leo]

"..." Leo stared at the screen as he felt that the headache he got today was multiplied by 10 times.

Taking a deep breath, Leo reached his best partner in this Chat Room and clicked on it.

[ Total block by the Admin]

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin): Peace and silence are great]

Leo saw the Chat Room calmed down before he typed.

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin): First of all, I don't care what the hostage thing or what the meaning behind it. I only came to put a file and tell you about it before leaving]

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin): So if you have a question, say it now or read the file on your own]

[The Admin removed the total block]

[NEET Princess: I have a question!]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): You... Well, just say it]

Kaguya saw Leo is half angry about what happened in this morning before she typed.

[NEET Princess: What's wrong with the title?]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): What's wrong?]

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: Yeah, that title seems wrong]

[Bri-Bri: I think the content and the title don't match together]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): Nah, that title came from my pure feelings and honest heart]

[A Hero For Fun: The title is... A look at the assholes who hired us]

[Big Sister Lion: That's a great heart you got there]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): You see... After all those notes and the ban. This is the nicest thing my mind could come up with]

[The Strongest Man In The World: He's honest]

Kazuma that was inside the adventure guild looked at his side to see the skill points screen says... You don't have to be sad, just don't give up.

"You bastards" Kazuma was clenching his fist while he almost wanted to hit the screen while Aqua didn't look at him as she was having flashbacks from the frogs.

Meanwhile, in the Touhou world.

Kaguya was also staring at her ability that cost 780000000 to upgrade, which said... No matter how many moments were spammed, or how much eternity has passed. It wasn't able to fix your dumb brain.

"How funny..." Kaguya was putting her sleeve in front of her mouth while looking for a way to hack this stupid Chat Room.

[Big Sister Lion: However, do you usually put complicated stuff here?]

Leone was reading the file about the world will actions, and reasons before she felt her head hurts.

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): You call that complicated? You're lucky we choose to ignore a lot of other stuff]

[Big Sister Lion: Other stuff?]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): Yeah, like how does this Chat Room work?]

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: Why the flow of time seems the same between our worlds, but it changes sometimes?]

Kazuma noticed in his world that the time sometimes speeds up compared with Leo before it stabilizes.

[NEET Princess: And why we can speak or write any language in other worlds?]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): How can this Chat Room give powers, just by a click]

[Bri-Bri: So, you just ignored it?]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): Yes, because it complicated and it'll probably put the quantum physics to shame]

[A Hero For Fun: You did the right thing]

[Bri-Bri: Just because it'll hurt your brain doesn't mean you should ignore it completely, and I'm talking about you, Saitama]

[A Hero For Fun:.....]

[ Big Sister Lion: I don't want to know any more]

[The Strongest Man in The World: GUAHAHAHAHA!!!]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): Yeah, I'm leaving. Goodnight]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Ah, this reminds me... Put the cook down, Leo!!]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): The what?]

[NEET Princess: Give us the octopus cook, Leo!!]

[The Strongest Man in The World: How can you take him away!!!]

[A Hero For Fun: This is one of things I can't forgive]

The entire group realized after having their first meal in their world... The food was extremely bland. Even Whitebeard that had some exotic ingredients felt bland. So they are now launching the revolution on the tyrant Leo, who took the Food Wars octopus.

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): Oh, yeah... About that]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin) is Offline]

The whole group was in a state of silence before exploding.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: AHHHH!!! Down with the tyrant!!]

[NEET Princess: Authority abuser!!!]

[The Strongest Man In the World: How courageous... Really courageous]

[A Hero For Fun:...]

"When they calm down, I'll send them one... except, Kaguya" Leo shrugged at the flashing screen before he focused on the more important stuff.

Leo picked a pen from his desk and drew a rectangle on a paper before dividing it according to the golden ratio.

"The golden rectangle and the Spin" Leo stared at the rectangle deeply before rotating the pen in his hand.

The pen spun quickly on the desk before Leo let go of it and it kept spinning on the desk.

Staring at the pun for a moment, Leo took a deep breath before activating his Esper power.

Leo saw the pen spinning according to the golden rectangle, but before he could understand anything else, he felt a hammer hit his brain.

"Ugh..." Leo held his head as he sighed because he can't see anything about the Spin with his current eyes. He can see how the Spin work mathematically, but he can't enter any deeper than that.

"The technique that reached the perfection in the world doesn't match with eyes that want to see flaws in the world" Leo laughed slightly before putting the project of finding flaws in the Spin down until his ability become stronger.

The Espers ability can only be upgraded by increasing their calculation power, and that means their Personal Reality.

The concept of Personal Reality is related to quantum theory. It enables its user to ignore the Uncertainty Principle, will allow them to interfere with and distort the microscopic world using different laws.

The growth of the Esper's personal reality, allows for greater calculating ability, making the Esper's powers stronger. But that requires more values to be added to that reality, and without mentioning the talent to do so.

However, the personal reality is the view of an Esper for the world around him and how he wants to express it according to his AIM field. Misaka AIM field is in the shape of electromagnetic fields, and Leo AIM field distorts the world around him to become flawed, which allows him to view this broken world.

"*Sigh*..." Leo sighed as he choose to ignore this personal reality for now. This need more time from him to understand than keep worrying about it now.

Staring at the pen on the desk that stopped spinning, Leo took a deep breath because he'll do something he was suppressing for a while.

" Palkia" With Leo's words, a pink cube barrier appeared around him and isolated him from this dimension. Palkia used his power to create a barrier that can separate Leo from this dimension, and all that he does won't affect the actual world, which means no one can feel anything. Even if some looked at Leo's room now he'll see nothing weird.

Leo saw the preparations are complete before he accepted the stupid sale from the Chat Room and removed his incompatibility with mana.

After taking another deep breath, Leo let go of his instinct and allowed his heart and lungs to generate mana while converting Ki into mana.


Loud heartbeats sounded in the isolated barrier as Leo's magic core which is his heart and his lungs that represent a full spiritual world started working efficiently. The heart and lungs that were made according to nasuverse weren't actually meant for Ki, but Leo didn't have another option until he saw it was okay to have mana with his Esper powers.

A red aura appeared around Leo as the temperature inside the barrier increased quickly. Every heartbeat and breath were generating a crazy amount of mana as fire appeared inside barrier.

{ Control it...} Leo saw the enormous amount of mana he's realising before focusing his attention on his heart and recovering the mana slowly.

The barrier was almost like a fire cube for over 10 minutes before Leo appeared from the inside while the mana was contained inside his heart.

"I don't think I'll lack energy any time soon, except for enormous projects" Leo waved his hand as red aura appeared on it filled with heat and mana.

"This need more control" Leo stopped his mana as he leaned back on his chair.

"Now, with this out of the way" Leo proceeded to do the next project as it was very important for his future fights.

"I'm now using the Spin, so I need a weapon that can channel that power... Hm?" Leo thought for a while before he got an idea and a very simple one.

Leo reached for his shadow and picked Yamato as he stared at it for a while before he said " I need a shape... clacker volley? Or maybe"

Yamato was engulfed inside a dark light and fog as Leo activated his Longinus and modified the sword while giving it a new ability.

After a while, Leo raised his hand as he waved and left a red arc in the air. The Katana changed its shape completely as it became a red spear with an ominous design.

Leo waved the spear in his hand as he felt it was okay. This spear is Yamato as he was using his new ability to change shape and become a spear known as... Gáe Bolg from Fate. This change of shape also includes the ability to give the skills of Cú Chulainn in combat. But the most important is that Leo can spin this spear before attacking or throwing it at someone while keeping Yamato old abilities.

"I'm feeling this is a mistake..." Leo stared at the cool red spear as he felt the curse of lancer might fall on him, but he doesn't believe in that nonsense and he shall destroy the so-called curse.

"I mean, it's not like I have a connection with Type-Moon or something… HAHAHAHahahaha..." Leo laughter went smaller as he felt his heartbeats and lungs generating mana.

"I might need an ability about luck... Just in case" Leo felt this might not be worth it, as the spear was looking very dangerous now in the eyes of Leo.

While questioning life, Leo decided to ignore the red cursed spear and go to sleep because he had enough from this day.


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