Aether Beasts

Chapter 127 - 127

The trip back to West Vale took slightly longer without the riding beasts, but we made much better time than we would have before our time in the tower. We didn't have to worry about any beasts, and didn't need to stop for food or as many breaks. At our level, we could last more than a week without sleep, not that doing so would be ideal.

A few beasts had attacked, ignoring our power, but we'd made short work of them. A simple impact seed or dark dagger took care of them, and I took great joy on the second day as a group of gale wolves stumbled upon us. They attacked, probably thinking their superior numbers would help them, but it hadn't, and I'd torn into them with a savage glee, I rarely showed. I had to thank them for chasing me to Zirani, and I did, by ending their lives quickly rather than making them suffer.

"You feel better now?" Sandra asked.

"Much," I replied. "Should we camp for the night or keep going?"

"We don't really need to sleep," Misty added. "So we would just keep going."

Despite everything that had happened, ZIrani did not let us waste this time of ours. She had us continue our set training, with plans to teach use how to change aether and advanced techniques on our way to Bullrock, which was what Zirnai had been talking about when she'd said there was a stop she wanted to take before reaching the border. At first, I'd been confused as to what reason she could have for wanting to go to the underground city until I realized that it had an aether labyrinth.

Aether labyrinths were similar to aether towers in only one way, both gave arcanists the potential for great growth, but an aether labyrinth was far riskier. It was similar to the great scar in that it was an amalgamation, apparently of pieces from different worlds, not to mention that it had no structure. You could come across a beast that outclassed you in the first hour or become trapped. It was high risk, potentially high reward. There were tales of sects and great houses being formed by those who'd received power in the labyrinths or found an artifact of great power.

It would also be a great place to find essence for Misty and Sandra. Misty would need to drain beasts of their essence to fill her next core while it was much simple for Sandra. Neither had yet decided what exactly they wanted their next affinity to be, not that I blamed them. I'd still be deciding it she hadn't become my next core.

Just the thought of her made me shudder. I'd experimentally released the block on her to try and see how she'd react, and to my dismay, she'd started screaming curses at me, and other nonsense I could not understand. I'd put the block back up, and waited for her to quiet down, before trying a more silent examination of what she was. For some reason, I had the distinct feeling she wasn't an aether beast, there was something about her that felt off, not in a bad way, but she was most definitely not like anything I'd ever come across before.

Zirani's words on tapping into the power were great and all, but I didn't know how exactly we were going to do that. I didn't risk trying it on my own out of fear something disastrous would happen, but Zirani's core was different. She and I spent much of our time, testing her limits, or she had. She demonstrated a number of different techniques which made me glad I'd gone with nature. The conclusion was what she'd already predicted and said, our core was far beyond what it should be as was everything else.

"I don't know how we're ever going to be able to do anything with her," I said to Zirani after another attempt at communication on the fourth day.

"Give it some time," Zirani replied. 'She's dealing with a lot and is very, very angry. Eventually, she will calm down, I hope so at least, and then we can approach her. It's not like we need her permission to use her power."

"Wouldn't that be like slavery?" I questioned. I didn't care much for this lost queen, not after everything she'd done, but that didn't mean I wanted her as a slave.

"No, we won't be forcing her to do anything," Zirnai explained. "Just using her power…"

She frowned. "I can see why you'd think that. Nevertheless, let's wait before we approach it. How about you two, have you decided what affinities you want?"

"I'm trying to decide between metal and wind," Sandra said. "Wind would increase my already existing capabilities while metal would allow me both great defense and offense, especially if I continue to improve with my bloodline, and it is stronger now."

"Good choices, both," Zirani said turning to Misty. "And you?"

"I want something more utility-based," Misty said. "I have death for offense and causing damage, but I have nothing for sensing, movement, or anything else."

"There are death techniques that can help you with those, but I understand where you're coming from." Zirani nodded. "We need to tap into the full power of your core and not just its death aspect before we choose your second."

On the fifth day of travel just as the sun was rising, we arrived at the town of West Vale. It looked exactly how I remembered it, its low walls, and patrolling guards. I took in the sight for a long moment before I sprinted up to the gate, Misty and Sandra close behind me. Zirani had grumbled about it, but she had returned to her core. I knew she'd been very pleased when we finally made it to her home and she didn't have to hide every time we came across someone, not in our group.

The rising sun lit up the land in a golden glow and the swaths of wheat-colored grass looked beautiful compared to their usual dullness. Wind blew the grass and foliage in a gentle breeze as small animals broke the morning silence with calls. I'd never realized just how serene West Vale was, but after having seen the outside world, I would not take this time for granted.

"Hold, what business do— Aiden?"

I recognized the guard who held out a hand to stop me and I gave him a friendly nod as I passed through the gate. Misty and Sandra followed behind, and none of us were stopped. Unsirsping, since I was the son of the only arcane healer in town and the arrays Zirani had made for us had faded, which meant our full power was on display. The guards were mid-level first core arcanists at the first level of infusion while the three of us were at the third level with two cores, one at the iron stage. Even if they'd wanted to stop us, they wouldn't have been able to.

As we headed towards my aunt's house, we got a fair amount of looks both surprised, and unfortunately fearful, that was until they recognized me, then I received a fair amount of greeting and was approached by many who asked a multitude of questions from how I'd grown so strong to the beautiful ladies trailed me. I replied with short answers before increasing my pace to my aunt's home. It was still early morning so there weren't too many people up and above, and hopefully, my aunt would still be home. She tended to leave quite early for her clinic. Maybe I'd catch her on her way out.

A wave of nostalgia hit me as I walked up the path to my house, and knocked on the door thrice. Eveyhritng was so peaceful and normal compared to the last few weeks. It was not a change of scenery and pace.


A bright smile lit up my face at the sound of my aunts voice.

"Who is it this early in the morning…"

My aunt's words trailed off as she opened the door, and stared at me. It took her a moment to realize who I was, but when she did, I found myself wrapped up in a tight embrace, which I eagerly returned.

"You're back." Her voice was shaky, and I patted her soothingly on the back.

"Yes, I wanted to see you once more before I headed across the scar," I said, pulling back to look her in the eyes.

"The great scar?" She parroted. "Isn't too early, you were only—"

She stopped and her eyes narrowed for a moment before widening. "Aiden! H-how are you already at your second core?"

"Zirani," I answered with a grin. "And a few other things, but can we speak inside? I think the neighbours are watching."

She smiled and ushered the three of us inside, giving me a wide-eyed stare ad Misty and Sandra entered. She mouthed the word, 'two' in shock.

I raised three fingers and mouthed back, 'three' which seemed to confuse her until she remembered Zirani. She shook her head in disbelief and walked after the two ladies.

It was good to be back home, even if only for a short time.


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