Aether Beasts

Chapter 128 - 128

Jenna's shock at the two ladies increased when she realized who Misty was. The difference in hair, eyes, and body had confused her, but Jenna had seen the old Misty enough times to recognize her even with all the changes, though it had taken a few seconds.

"What happened to your hair and eyes?" Jenna asked, glancing over to me as though I had an answer.

I did and we'd already decided that we would tell her a bit, but if she pushed then we'd tell her everything. She was my aunt and the person I trusted more than anyone. Besides I knew she wouldn't see Misty as some sort of monster, in fact, she'd probably be curious or who knew, maybe she already knew of aether vampires.

"I went through a bit of a change," Misty said sheepishly.

"I can see that." My aunt chuckled then turned to Sandra. "And who are you?'

Sandra bowed nervously which got a raised eyebrow from my aunt. "I'm Sandra, a close friend of Aiden."

"Close huh?" My aunt shot me a look. "I bet."

I held back a blush and coughed politely. "Aunty, do you mind if we stay here for today and tomorrow. As I said I wanted to return before we headed to the border cites."

"Of course, you can stay here," She replied with a smile. "This is and will always be your home. Now, I want the full story then I can go and cook something up.."

"Don't you have work at the clinic?" I asked, not that I wouldn't mind her staying home for a full day.

"Oh, that's right I haven't told you, two of your classmates chose to become healers." She let out a sigh. "It's so much nicer having people to help, and I am sure they can surivev without me for a day."

So as we all settled in, I told her everything, leaving absolutely nothing out. I told her of the war, to which she showed clear anger at the fact I'd been a part of it, but also pride when she found out what I'd been fighting for. I told her of our missions for the sect and the tower. She listened intently as I explained our training, and she reached out and placed a hand on mine when I recounted the flesh abominations and what had occurred on the last floor.

I hadn't spoken or even thought of it because phantom pain would always strike if I did. I would start to shake and the memories of the pain would surface. I was lucky to have come out of that sane. I knew most certainly wouldn't.

"It seems like you've been through a lot," My aunt said with a sad smile. She leaned in and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I sighed at her warmth and tender touch, allowing for just a few moments to let everything go and to stop my mind from thinking of the next step in my journey. Ever since I'd left it had been one thing after the other, and even in times of relaxation, I'd always think of the next thing. The only true time I'd relaxed was in the throes of passion.

Next to my aunt, I allowed myself to just relax and do nothing else for a long moment.

I'm unsure of how much time passed, but I was woken by a hand gently shaking me, and as I opened my eyes, I realized I must have fallen asleep

Sandra smiled down at me. "Your aunt's gone out to get a few groceries."

I yawned and sat up. "How long was out?"

"Only a few minutes," Misty said, on her seat across from me, one of my aunt's books in her hands. It was one of my aunt's fantasy novels, something about rings and a lord.

"Your aunt had quite the collection of books." Misty shut the book and glanced over to the bookshelf in the living room. "Especially history. I didn't even know there were wars before the calamity, let alone world wars."

"That's just the books she keeps out here," I said. "She has a storage drive upstairs full of hundreds if not thousands of books."

I'd read many of them, mostly the fantasy stuff. The history didn't interest me as much since aether and the arcane arts hadn't existed before the calamity.

"Hey Aiden, do you mind if I check out your room?" Sandra asked.

I shrugged. "Sure."

My room was pretty bare, and it wasn't like I had anything to hide. The time I'd had away from the academy was mostly spent with Leyton and Thomas, goofing around, or at the academy library, reading up on the arcane. Thinking about it now, it was a waste of time, considering that most of my knowledge was lacking or just false.

"It was not a waste of time," Zirani interjected, coming out of the kitchen. "Your dedication to the arcane is commendable and is something all those who wish to grow should have, though for most it's just the power the arcane arts grant. Now, I know I said I wanted to do some training, but for these two days, I think we can all relax. We've been through… a lot to say the least."

As Sandra headed upstairs to my room, I stood and made my way towards the door. "I'm going to see if I can find Leyton and Thomas, you wanna tag along Misty?"

"Definitely not," She replied. "I do not want to have to put up with Leyton's gawking or jokes."

I opened my mouth to say he wasn't that bad but faltered as she shot a blank look my way. I changed my words. "Fair enough."

"Not oigng to ivite me?" Zirani asked, with a mock look of hurt.

"If you wanna come along then fine, but I'm not explaining things when people start asking questions," I replied with mock severity.

She rolled her eyes. "Be back in an hour to two. You wouldn't want to miss your aunt's cooking now would you?"

"Definitely not."

My aunt's cooking was the best, and though the fired beast meat had been fine, it had lacked the flavor my aunt's cooking had, not to mention it wasn't actually chicken, just the closest meat we could find to chicken.

The town was lively now that the sun had fully risen and many people stopped to greet me and ask questions, most of which I answered, but a few were either inappropriate or would have taken far too long to answer. For those, I gave short answers or just refused to answer at all. At another time that might have pissed people off, but my cores and level were clear for all to see, which a lot of questions had been about. I gave vague answers like dedication and hard work, the usual.

When I finally made it to Leyton's home, on the edge of the market, I found him standing outside with his father. He looked gruffer than I'd last seen her, which I acquainted to the fact he had stubble on his chin and had let his brown hair grow out more into a wild mane.

He was going over a map with his father, who looked just like him, but with black hair, and far more muscle than his lanky son.

I coughed loudly, which failed to get their attention as they seemed engrossed on the map so I walked over and peered down at it, holding back a laugh when neither turned to face me.

"Interesting map," I commented, waiting for a reaction but all I got was a, "Hmmm," from Pell, Leyton's father.

"I drew it up myself," Leyton said proudly. "It's a…"

His words trailed off as he frowned and turned to face me. His eyes widened. "Aiden?"

"Huh?" His father glanced up and the same expression appeared on his face. "Jenna's boy?"

Leyton gripped me in a hug, which I returned, nodding to his father as I did.

"Oh shit! When did you get back and h-how are you so strong?" Leystons eyes widened even further as he no doubt sensed my power.

"Leyton Jones!" A loud fiend voice came from inside his home. "What did I say about cursing?"

Leyton winced. "Sorry ma, it's just, Aidens back!"

No reply came, but the door banged open and Georgia Jones, bustled out, a smile on her face as she spotted me.

"Oh, Aiden, it's been so long." She hugged me tightly in a motherly embrace as though I was a lost son come back. She'd always been so nice to me and was very grateful to my aunt who'd stopped her from having a miscarriage and helped deliver Leyton's sister.

"Hi Mrs. Jones," I greeted and she pouted. "What have I said about calling me, Mrs. Jones. Just call me aunty Jones or aunty Georgia."

"Sorry, aunty." She's always been so sympathetic to the fact I had no parents, even though I'd come to terms with it long ago, and I hadn't really cared since I had my aunt, but she meant well so I wasn't going to say anything. The main reason for wanting to find my real parents wasn't simply for some heartfelt reunion, but for answers as to why they'd left me, and if those answers weren't good enough then there sure as hell wouldn't be a relationship.

"Come in, come in, I've baked ginger cookies," Mrs. Jones said.

"Dear we have hunting to do," Pell said gently, though his wife still glared. "We can take Aiden with us, and come back later. We'll only be gone an hour, there's some beast sighted near the farmlands and mayor wants me to take a look."

"You boys and your hunting, fine, but stay safe."

"I'll keep them safe, Mrs- Aunty," I said.

"Thank you, dear." With that, she bustled back into the house, leaving the three of us to all sigh in relief. Mrs. Jones was like a motherly force of nature.

"So, hunting?"

Pell nodded. 'Yeah, first I need to collect some arrows from Tanner."

Tanner was the town's arcane smith, and a damn good one, for the plains at least, and he was also Thomas's father, and since Thomas spent a lot of time in the forge, I'd no doubt be seeing him soon.

"Well then, what are we waiting for, lets go."


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