Aether Beasts

Chapter 126 - 126

Things felt too peaceful as we traveled the path back to the steel heart camp or more likely to intercept them as they had said they would be traveling to the tower. I just hope they hadn't been close enough to see it change as that would raise questions that none of us wanted to answer.

The land around was a contrast to what we'd seen in the tower and I kept waiting for something to pop out at us, but nothing ever did. We saw the occasional beasts but a single flare of aether from any of us sent it scurrying. Only months before we would have had trouble with such beasts, but now, I doubted there was a beast strong enough in this part of the plains to challenge us. The moss troll that we'd fought would be no problem now, in fact, I was certain I could take a few of them on, especially with this latest boost in power.

Because of our increases in power, we didn't stop riding when night fell. We didn't need to be worried about any of the beasts in this area, and all of us wanted to get back to some semblance of civilization as quickly as possible, although not so much for Zirani as she would be forced to head back into her core when we arrived. It would be refreshing to have her walking about with us when we reached the lands beyond the great scar or even as we traveled through the great scar.

"I doubt that," Zirani said having read my thoughts. "They will be those who look at you in jealousy if they knew you possessed me, not to mention others who would seek to tear your core from you."

"That's possible," I said in shock. "I thought you couldn't take a core from a human?"

In the academy, we'd learned that it had been tired many times, but never once had it worked. A core simply couldn't be taken from a person.

"Not through normal means, no," Zirani replied. "But there are ways to do so. If they got my core then they could sell me as a slave or to an arcanist who was looking for a high-level beast. You need the arch vein bloodline to bind all parts of a beast to a core, but you don't need it to use the core."

"So I take it we won't be telling anyone about my bloodline, ever?" I asked mentally.

"Not ever," She replied. "Once we get to my mother's domain, we will be safe, though I'm not sure what her reaction will be to me having been bonded."

The image of her mother pulling her core out suddenly appeared in my mind, and Zirani laughed. "She would never do such a thing, perhaps my aunt would, but not my mother, not unless she thought you were unworthy or treating me poorly, which you are not."

I sighed in relief but still felt nervous at the prospect of meeting her mother. Zirani was an amazingly powerful and knowledgeable aether beast, so I could only imagine what her mother would be like.

"Stop!" Misty called out a few hours later at sunrise. "I think they're up ahead."

The steel heart had set up camp in a flat area just below a hill and were packing up when we arrived. For some reason, I expected shock and questions, but I kept forgetting that it hadn't been much time for them. It had probably only been a few days since we'd gone. Even so, plenty of people did recognize us as we passed by and I happily waved back to them, and gave our greetings, enjoying the refreshing feeling of other people that weren't our enemies.


Kara put down a crate she was carrying and snapped an order to a nearby disciple before jogging over, a bright smile on her face. "You made it back."

"That we did," I replied, dismounting my beast. "Is elder Hyphen nearby?'

She nodded. "Yes, and I imagine he wants to speak with you. It'll take a few more minutes to pack up and nobody will go without the elder's permission."

Kara asked a multitude of questions as she led us over to the elders from what had happened, how the tower had been, what had become of the twin horn, and half a dozen more. I answered most using the story Zirani and I had created, but thank goodness we made it to the elders before she could ask any more.

"Elder Hyphen, they've returned." Kara gestured to us and we all stepped forward before she left with a quick bow.

Edler Hyphen looked exactly the same as I remembered him, though in a far greater mood as did Elder Kaylin who had been in conversation with him.

"Ah, the returning heroes!" Elder Kaylin bellowed with a smile, catching the attention of a few nearby arcanists who took a quick glance and then quickly got back to whatever they were doing. "I take it all went well?"

I risked a glance over at Sandra who nodded minutely.

"As well as they could," I answered.

During our ride towards the steel heart, we'd come up with a story to use about what had occurred in the ower. Part truth and lie since we couldn't tell them the true story. The steel heart seemed like an honest and fair sect, but it would be a lot harder to leave if they knew what had truly happened and how much we'd grown, not to mention I had no desire to fight any of them.

Hyphen and Kaylin's faces went through a number of different emotions as we told our story, but the greatest reaction was when we told them of our desire to leave.

"You cannot leave," Kaylin said. "You are some of the best disciples we've had in a long time. We need you, the steel heart needs you."

Hyphen did not seem as shocked. "Was it the war or the tower?'

"A bit of both," I replied as seriously as I could. I kept myself calm and my aether in check. Aether could act up when an arcanist got emotional and though it was rare in the plains, some could tell when someone was laying but looking at their aether.

Kaylin's head snapped towards Hyphen. "You can't be seriously considering letting them go?"

"We are not the twin horn," Hyphen replied with a firm look at Kaylin. "We do not force anyone to do anything. If they wish to leave then we cannot stop them, and friend, this is not the end. with the twin horn dead, we will see a time of peace and growth for our sect. More will come and we will all see bountiful growth in not just ourselves but our sect."

He turned to us and for the first time, with a genuine smile on his harsh face. "Thanks to them. I will not try to talk you out of it, but know should you ever wish to return then we will be waiting."

Kaylin still look conflicted but then he nodded reluctantly. "I'm not happy with it, but I guess I should be grateful for all you've done."

In a show of respect and thanks I hadn't expected, the elders bowed, which caught all of us off guard.

"Ignore the fees and other requirements," Hyphen said. "You three may leave for free."

After a sincere thanks for everything, the three of us left the elders, surprised and happy that things had gone over so well. I felt bad as we walked over to Kara who had waiting nearby. I truly enjoyed being with the steel heart. They were a king and fair sect, especially compared to what most sects were meant to be, not that I planned on joining another sect anytime soon or ever if could help it.

"Kara we—"

My words were cut off as Kara raised a hand. "You're leaving."

I blinked. "How did you—"

"I could tell from the moment you arrived." She smiled sadly. "There's no way I can talk you into staying?"

I shook my head apologetically. "I'm afraid not."

She sighed, but then perked up, plastering an obviously fake smile on her face. "Well then, thanks."

She leaned in and wrapped the three of us in a tight hug before she pulled back with a grin. "Don't forget about me, ay?"

Before I could reply she walked away, her shoulders shaking slightly. Great, now I really felt like a piece of shit.

"I'm going to miss this sect," Sandra said, her eyes watery. "I wasn't here for long, but it was the closest thing I had to family after… well you know."

Her unshed tears faded as she turned to us. "Now I have you guys."

I smiled and together the three of us left the steel heart behind, walking in the opposite direction as they headed towards the tower.

"Where to now?" Sandra asked as the steel heart slowly vanished from sight.

I smiled widely.. "Home."


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