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7 months ago
Sometimes your time to die has come, and sometimes stupid gods are the reason. For Marc Cassidy, it... Read more Sometimes your time to die has come, and sometimes stupid gods are the reason. For Marc Cassidy, it was the latter. Fortunately for him, he got another chance to live in another world, away from Earth. In the bargain of that chance, he got one of the most awesome cheat ability available, a RPG like system. On the other hand, the goddess he scammed turn him into the worst of the worst creature, a rat. Of course for this petty act, Marc is humble and forgiving. He will not take revenge, he will just try to be powerful enough to repay that favor.In the meantime, how can a system help him survive and grow stronger in a strange fantasy world?***Currently, looking for an editor to correct my chapters. And finally, you will be able to enjoy real chapters cleanly written. Collapse Level System, Reincarnated as a Monster, Not Harem, Game Elements, Evolution, Humanoid Protagonist, Monsters, Hunters, Evil Protagonist, Antihero Protagonist, Ruthless Protagonist, Wars, Dwarves, Fantasy Creatures, Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Modern Knowledge, Medieval, Gods, Dark, Weak to Strong, R-18, System, Fanfiction, Warhammer, Goddesses Just finished this novel. For me its not bad read. It has logical ending and pretty short, that u don't see very often. So i want to say u should check it out and then judge for yourself. And in my opinion this book deserves more rating that it have now(2.6 - really? It's not so bad ) Fanfiction??? Of what??? don't read this, this story is shit. the writing get's worse the longer you read this is one of the first webnovels i ever read and in my mind its good, but i dont want to destroy my mental image by reading this again. Я читал это очень давно, так что не совсем помню детали, но это неплохая история. Главный герой злодей, имеет систему и истребляет все живое. Не претендует на шедевр, но если вам нечего читать, то вперёд.Ах да, концовка... Она ужасна, но книга все же строит прочтения. Any Poison Tester out here Just checked out the last chapter and, if that is what the writing it like throughout? This is a DEFINITE avoid. Like I have no context at all, but just try to read these things and think about whether you can make it through a whole novel written like this.Looking at the reviews on Webnovel is as pointless as ever, especially since it is 100% clear that this author is one of those who delete reviews that aren't 4/5 stars.SpoilerAHHHHHHH, no, nevermind, I am fine. Well, fine inside the mouth of an unknown creature bigger than most of the known asteroids and capable of tearing apart the portal between two universes. Otherwise, that's good but …AHOHOUCHAOHI get hit by his tongue and I am bouncing around.Spoiler"The uzer can chosse between one differvnt spell that the rjpresentative poskessed. This ine ssells will be rabdomly chysen awong all the spetts availabje.""Pleose choore the smell:1- Time Lapse"-Marc Cassidy chooses: Time Lapse!"Srftem acknowuedge the choice of tce uker, the spell: Time Lapse hos neen chosel." "The uzer can chosse between one differvnt spell that the rjpresentative poskessed. This ine ssells will be rabdomly chysen awong all the spetts availabje.""Pleose choore the smell:1- Time Lapse"-Marc Cassidy chooses: Time Lapse!"Srftem acknowuedge the choice of tce uker, the spell: Time Lapse hos neen chosel." This part supposed to be like this. It's not mistakes.SpoilerMC's system was broken Story concept similar to something i have read and mc personality sound not so promising... Well maybe he will have character growthIsekaiJoin the ranobe discord link in my profile good story with a "pig" writing. Rank C I summon thee! Poison tester!