A Rattling Monster

Chapter 6: Big rat? Small rat?

Chapter 6: Big rat? Small rat?

(After half a day and when the night was close, our noble rat was stronger than ever. Thanks to some difficult battles, like against the scarabs, where he more or less just stomped on them and they instantly died. In the end, because of his hunt, 7 more rabbit families will not see their dads again, or their moms, he didn't check, me either. But he was not happy, because after eating his prey, he understood a dark reality.)

No, no gain either on that one. I still gain some bonus HP thanks to killing them but no matter how much of the body I eat, I gain nothing. Still, I am at 44.5 HP so I guess that without the curse and if I were a normal rat I would have been at 9HP, for 9 levels gained. And the number ten is one of the best numbers in RPG. It's like, collect 10 heads of goblin or you have achieved level 10. Maybe I will finally have my System repaired. I hope. Anyway, right now I am in quite a pickle. The night is falling, I have not seen a single animal or trace of one for an hour I would say. Even if I don't need to sleep, I need a base of operation, somewhere where I can be safe. Even if I see in the dark, it's not like the sight of an owl. Those birds could hunt me from hectometres I wouldn't know. By the way, hectometre is 100 meters. It's just that it's never used anywhere. I wonder why? But that distance is quite useful there is a lot of things that have Stop, don't think useless things, focus.

First, a base. The den of a rabbit? I can even kill the survivors inside. But either I am dumb, or totally blind, but I didn't notice one. I am fairly certain they have to hide the exit behind grass and leaves. Maybe if I climb on a branch tree I could spot them. But it's just luck. Not worth the effort. What about hiding in a tree? I can avoid all ground threats, like those damn wolves. But the birds will hunt me. In the end, birds are my nemesis. A rat can't fight something flying I mean except if that rat is a magician. I am not. Go back the undead cave? That is smart. Only someone stupid would go near something like that. No prey or grass for animals. The only threat is adventurers or humanoid monsters seeking a roof. The first one is cleared because the first group already looted the dungeon. The second one is just bad luck for me. I can't be that unlucky. Now, where is the cave?

I am not lost in a forest. Definitely not lost at all. Just that tree I don't recognize it. But this one, yeah this one is Ok, moss grows on the north side. Wait, I am not on Earth, is it still growing on the same side? Think about when you have exited that spawn point. The trees were normal. No moss. So the moss was on the other side. Ok, I found the trail. The trail that I blazed. I think.

Yes, rabbit bones. That should be my third kill I think. Maybe the fifth? No, the third. So I just need to keep going. Keep going. Keep going. The rest of spear number 2, I failed to hit my target and the poor spear broke when it hit the ground. But I am close, I just need to found the first victim. The one murdered by a brutal and savage wolf. Yes, it was still there. No one has touched it. Don't worry I will avenge you. Just later. Ok so first I was walking from here, bushes. That was the location of the rabbit. Now the tree that I used, yes. Now that way. Lookout old cave here I come.

(Without accident he arrived at his destination, except stumbles in local nettles. But to his surprise and delight, he didn't feel any scratching or itching. One of the numerous perks of being a rat.)

Great, my home. I guess since I am the most powerful monster inside. There is only me but still. Now, I need to be close to the exit but not close enough that someone can immediately find me. Maybe if I go left, left, left inside. Ok, time to enter and


"Congratulation to the user, you have met the requirements to evolve. Please choose the evolution:

1- Big rat

2- Small rat"

Wait, I just walk on that poor worm and I level up? So my crusade against the scarabs was worth it? Yahoo! Now the System talks. And gives me something. Let's see. Big rat or Small rat Wait shouldn't the evolution be something like a goblin to orc or troll, and for me jump straight into something like a kobold maybe, a ratman? Why am I still a rat? And great choices, by the way, either a small or big rat. At least give me a plague rat, a zombie rat or a blood rat. Something cool. Not big or small.

Well, I don't have that kind of choices, so let's go for the guesses. Big rat means bigger health pool, more power, more strength, maybe same agility but less sneaky, more visible. Small rat would be the opposite but with still a little more health and strength I think. No matter what I pick, I don't think I can beat either a wolf or a bird. So it's not what I choose now that is important, it's the next evolution. What do I want to be? A rat ogre with tons of health and the strength of a dragon but with the mind of a baby? No. A rat warrior with both skill and strength, protected by heavy armors? Maybe. Can be either an assassin in the shadows or a dirty dark mage. I don't think I will end up a saint or a priest as a ratman. Especially since I eat a lich. So more toward the small rat. So go for it.

-I choose the Small rat!

Not working? Wait how did I open the System in the first place? Ok, I got it.

-Marc Cassidy chooses: Small rat!

"System acknowledge the choice of the user, the evolution: Small rat has been chosen."



Race :Rodent




MP :85/85


Great. I won 5HP so 10 in total if I wasn't cursed. And my mana, damn that lich was good. I have more magical power than physical I think. But I am still not considered as intelligent by the System. I unlocked 2 things so that is a great improvement. Even if the race could have been avoided. Like seriously I know I am a rat, put rat instead not a rodent. It sounds awful. It's like I am harmful. Now that I think about it, I don't see my skills, perks, stuff like that. Maybe I can try something.

-Marc Cassidy open active skills.

"Active skills open: [Sneaky-Sneaky lvl 2]"

Wonderful it worked! Maybe I can try to ask the System what does it do?

-Marc Cassidy describe skill [Sneaky-Sneaky].

"?????? ?????, ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ????"

Never mind. That's good, I mean it's probably a permanent skill that reduces the chances of me being seen. Next time System you can just say: "I won't describe it". Instead of doing this.

(During the 5 minutes that follow the thought, our smart hero decides to try a lot of words combinations. Unfortunately, that passage was so pitiful and pathetic that even Aria would have been touched. Of course, that stupid goddess was not here. I think, let me check, no she was not there.)

I have tried everything I know. Either it is locked, like really locked not like the description that at least write something, or my decades of playing video games were wasted. But apparently, I need to say the username, my name for each action. That is highly redundant and useless. If I could just use a shortcut. But I don't know how and where I can input those commands.

Wolf howling, joined by other menacing sounds

Ok, I enter the cave right now. It's not really night, more like dusk but not going to take the risk of a passing wolf. One already stole from me. Let's go back to the plan, I enter, I go left 1 times, 2 times, 3times. That tunnel looks comfortable. There are small rocks here and there. Let's build a stone house. Just carry this 2 rocks for the back, that long one for the roof and here comes my house. Leaving it to see if it is suspicious. Not that much it's still some small rocks. And doesn't t really look like something. But, for a minor protection, it's enough. And I feel a little tired, mentally speaking. That was a hard day of work. Maybe there is a wait or rest option?

-Marc Cassidy rest.

"There are enemies nearby"

Should have known.


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