A Rattling Monster

Chapter 22: Who is ???

Chapter 22: Who is ???

After I walked for fifteen minutes, I finally calm myself. I shouldn't have been irrational like that. But I was really so afraid of a big monster rushing toward me that the fairy caught me by surprise. Then, I fell and lost many HP. And then, the name incident. What bloody moron. Me, not the fairy. Well, the fairy was stupid that is sure. But I got baited by her with my so-called superior intellect. And I end up with Sleek. I look again and yes, still there. Always look at the bright side of life, now I don't need to find a name. Actually, what could be a great name for a ratman? Sleek is not that bad. I think. Ok, let me watch what did I gain.



Race: Ratman

Class: Plague Ratman

Level 0/25

HP: 69/85

MP: 115/115

Strength: 15.0

Agility: 22.0

Vitality: 17.0

Wisdom: 23.0

Intelligence: 23.0

Active skills:

[Sneaky-Sneaky lvl 5] [Venomous Bite lvl 3] [Infected Claws lvl 3] [Create Poison lvl 10] [Create Disease lvl 4] [Aura of Mayhem lvl Max]

Passive Abilities:

[Scavenger lvl Max] [Language of Aria lvl Max] [Night Vision lvl 6] [Toxic resistance lvl 1] [Disease resistance lvl 10] [Craftsmanship lvl 3] [Pain resistance lvl 4] [Plague Bearer lvl 3] [Poisonous Being lvl 6] [Magical Restoration lvl1] [Magical Efficiency lvl 1] [Magical Handling lvl1]


[Forsaken of Aria] [Followed by ???] [Killer]"

Wow, I don't even need to say my username to make it appear. That is a relief, now that I am a ratman I am considered as an intelligent being. And therefore the all System is unlocked. So let's do it in the order. Race and class are standard. The level requirement has been readjusted. HP and MP still affected by the curse. I really need to get rid of it. And the System doesn't show the curse. No, definitely, no status or ailments, no buff or debuff. I guess it is a MMORPG System, so if I could click on myself I would see the curse with a red icon. That would be funny, walking with a red icon with a skull near me.

Then the attributes, the holy five main attributes. Strength, for hitting hard, agility, for hitting quick and dodge, maybe even do a critical hit but I don't think it is working. Vitality looks related directly to my HP with 1 point of it turned into 10 HP. Now both wisdom and intelligence are at the same level. So which one grant me mana regen and the other mana pool? Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have been able to cast those spells without eating the lich. Because I didn't gain a lot of both wisdom and intelligence, the most improved one was agility. And for a rat, that is quite logical.

Now the skills, everyone got an upgrade. Probably because of the evolution. [Create Poison] has reached level 10 that is very good. I hope I will get to the next level very soon. That way I can really hurt an enemy that is stronger than me. And the good thing is, the level up of my [Create Disease] will allow me to level it easily. Since only a level 2 would have been quite useless. But the most unusual spell has appeared. What does [Aura of Mayhem] do? Maybe the System will not answer me with a sentence full of ???.

"[Aura of Mayhem]: allow the user to choose an element that he can create and turn his surrounding into that element. The consumption of MP is permanent while the skill is active."

So, if I choose to turn the aura with poison that turns the air into poison? Let's try. And yes it really works. The moment I turned it on, the air in less than a meter around me was transformed into a poison mist. And if I walk? It follows me. Poor grass on the ground, they were instantly destroyed. If I walk toward a tree, then the tree succumbs shortly after. And what is the consumption rate? So I had 115/115 MP, I used it for like 15 seconds and now I have still 101/115MP. That means 14 MP for 15 seconds so 0.9MP/s. That is a good ratio. I can activate it for a little more than 2 full minutes. And even just turning it for one second is enough. And I guess the [Create Poison] level is linked toward the efficiency of an aura filled with poison. That's why the aura is level max.

Next passives, upgraded, improved, upgraded. [Poison Resistance] get turned into Toxic I think. New name, probably same effect but better of course. [Craftsmanship] was improved that's good. I guess the fact that I can finally use both of my hands with dexterity helps. But the three magics are a little weird. I guess it's augmentation of mana recovery, reduction of mana cost and I don't have the slightest clue. [Magical Handling lvl1], what is this?

"[Magical Handling]: improve the casting time of the user."

I forgot about that. But since all my spells are cast instantly, that bring me nothing. Anyway, it is always good to have. And finally the final thing. The titles. Did it bring me some benefits? Or is it just a record? Because I got forsaken by a stupid god that is right. And I guess I can be called a killer. That one is probably because of the orphanage. But the [Followed by ???], that means right now, someone is following me? And I didn't notice. Weird. I check everywhere near me but there is nothing. Just some dead trees and that's all.

(Hahaha, that fool. He thinks he can see me. Truly a funny thing that System. But I think it shouldn't have been created. That stupid Aria was never smart in the first place. But, by letting this enter her world, she really has outdone herself. Honestly, back there, she should have just accepted that she messed up and tried to plead her case. Not that she wouldn't have been fired. But even being fired is better than losing all the believers in your world. I know that experience, it is really bad. The ice on the cake is, she even has marked him to prevent any other gods to see him. So when he will wreak havoc, the Nine Heaven won't help her against an invisible enemy that she made herself. That will be a nice spectacle and I already have the best place in the theatre.)

Where is that unknown man, or woman, or creature, or monster, or something? Now that I know this, how am I supposed to be comfortable? The only thing I have in my mind is a weird man in a white van giving candies to a kid and watching them play in the park. And I am the kid in that story. That is not a good feeling at all. But on the other hand, he is probably following me since the beginning. Maybe the description will help me.

"[Followed by ???]: you are constantly visible for ???"

Never mind, let's try another one shall we? The forsaken that will be good, the killer is pretty self-explanatory.

"[Forsaken of Aria]: marked by the goddess of Aria during one of her many waves of anger. It prevents the marked one to enter the vision of a god."

Hold on, back off? Are you saying that this is a bad or a good thing? I mean, if there are more gods like Aria, that is the most precious gift that she has given me after the System. But the two titles look a little contradictory. One is to make me invisible to everyone, the other to make me visible to only one being or thing. I really wonder who is behind me and watches me. Maybe he doesn't really watch me, it only says that it makes me visible. So he can see me and that's it. I am getting a headache with all those theories.

Let's forget those titles things. They are too troublesome. Now, let's see where those damn fairies live. Not because I am still angry about the name. But because I need experience and most importantly I need to improve my disease power. Since poison is for single target enemy, and it is already quite high, I need to focus on my weak point. Back in Ronta, I couldn't wipe out the entire guards for example, even if they were weak. I could only poison a group of people. But now that I am in a forest, I can probably spread a wind of death or, more accurately, disease. That way, every little rabbit, every ferocious wolf, every big bear will be affected. And when quality is not available, then quantity will make it possible. And since I saw the feeble body of Lula get ravaged in seconds, I guess the rest of the fairies will be the same. And if it the case, then their village is doomed, no matter what happens.


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