A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 24: A hundred and twelve years old

Chapter 24: A hundred and twelve years old

A hundred and twelve years old

- Fey race kingdom -

Both Sylla and Helena were in a bathtub. They were having their bath together.

Helena at the moment was leaning her back on Sylla who was fondling with her breasts.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Sylla asked. "No. I don't" Helena replied. "Ever had interest in any of them?" Sylla asked again. "Yes, there was one I liked so much. His name was Connor." Helena replied.

"Oh. So what about him? You guys broke up or what? Since you mentioned him in the past tense" Sylla asked curiously.

"I have this strong feeling he's dead. We both stayed in the town where I came from until some people from dark organizations came over and wreaked havoc there" Helena replied.

Of course she had no boyfriend, she was only making this up.

Sylla shook her head. "Wickedness abound in this world and is growing everyday like a tree that has endless growth. So Helena, how were you able to escape?" she said then asked.

"I wasn't in the town at that point in time. I went for fishing at the river to assist my father in his financials. By the time I would return, I saw the ground full of corpses lying in pools of their own blood with the air reeking strongly of iron. Our houses had been burnt to the ground. Out of terror, I ran away to any random place. Then I met that old witch that abducted me." Helena replied.

She couldn't disclose that her sister was a summoner and that it was her sister that brought her away from there.

"Hmm. So sorry about everyone related to you Helena." Sylla said in a sympathetic tone, then kissed Helena on the side of her neck.

"It's okay." Helena said. Then she asked. "What about you, do you have a boyfriend?"

Sylla smiled. "I don't have a boyfriend. Never had interest in them, I have always been attracted to girls." she said.

"Oh. Okayyy. So what about your girlfriend? Won't she go mad if she sees me?" Helena asked. "She is no more. She died in a war sixty-five years ago." Sylla replied.

"Huh?!" Helena exclaimed in a questioning tone then she burst into laughter.

"Are you kidding me. Sixty-five years ago? Your mother shouldn't even be born by then. Please, be serious. Where is she? She left?" she asked again.

"I am serious. She died back then in a war between our fey kingdom and the zohrrindane kingdom." Sylla replied in a serious tone.

Helena shook. "So how old are you?" she asked. "I am a hundred and twelve years old." Sylla responded.

Helena's eyes widened in utter astonishment. Then she jumped to her feet in the bathtub putting her flawless naked body in view "Damn! I have been having romantic interactions with an old woman?" she yelled in shock.

Sylla was taken aback by Helena's unanticipated action. "Come on. It's true am old in age but look at me, I am not performing any magic on my appearance. This is just how I have been since I reached eighteen. It's one of the spectacular abilities of my tribe which is unaging. We don't age at all. But don't mistake this for immortality, we die too, just like everyone else when they get to the end of their life span. But because of our unaging ability, we can remain young till we reach the end of our lifespans. I would still grow to look mature, but at time, I would remain like that till I die of old age." she said, trying to convince Helena.

But it is true, this is the ability of the fey race. They don't age. Even after hundred thousand years, they would still retain the look of when they were still at twenty-five or thirty.

Helena was greatly astounded. "How many years can you live for?" she asked. She wanted to know how long the people from this race could live for.

"Well, if nothing terrible happens to us, we can live for hundreds of thousands of years. My great grandfather lived for nine hundred thousand years before he died in the battle that took place sixty-five years ago" Sylla replied.


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