A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 23: Says the woman

Chapter 23: Says the woman

Says the woman

"Great fiery spirit of life devouring, Vitulus Devaeian. This summoner calls upon you to grant her your power to suck away lives and devour bodies in her path." she screamed the invocation words in anger.

Then the image of a mighty being appeared behind her, this being was black and white in colour.

The instant it appeared, it caused Jessica and Alyssa to feel like their life were draining away. Then an instant later, it shot into Ivory's body.

Abruptly, one of Ivory's violet eye changed to white and black. She was looking like a maniac at the moment due to the different colors of her eyes.

Then hundreds of black chains with sharp tips like a spearhead at their ends shot out from her body and floated in the air waiting for instructions.

These were condensed from Caleandrian power and was the spiritual energy-weapon of Vitulis, 'Life-devouring chain'.


Ivory yelled.

Then the chains shot out towards Jessica and Alyssa. The chains were so many that they could cover the sky.

Jessica's brow furrowed. This attack was pretty strong. "Purple Lotus" she said and pointed a finger at the chains shooting towards her.

Then a large stream of purple fire shot out from her finger and transformed into a massive, fiery purple lotus that shot towards the chains.

The lotus at the moment looked crystalline, like it was carved out from ice and dyed with purple ink. It emitted terrifying heat that caused the temperature of the surrounding to shoot up to extreme levels while the air around it changed into plasma.


The chains collided at once with the enormous lotus and a loud explosive sound resulted. The chains although were not real weapons but weapons condensed from Caleandrian spiritual power shattered apart while the purple lotus went on to smash into Ivory.

Still possessing the great elemental spirit of fire and still in her hezekira form, she shouted an elemental attack-spell as well as unleashed her bloodline power once she saw the lotus shoot towards her at extreme speed without a single crack in it surface.

"Seven Rings of Heavenly Blaze!"

"Flaming Sky Slash!"

The offensives she discharged were related to her lineage-inherited ability and the fire elemental spirit power.

The crystal at the centre of her forehead glowed brilliantly, emitting red light that dyed everywhere red, then massive rings, condensed from red-scarlet flames discharged from the crystal and shot towards the crystalline lotus of purple fiery energy.

While a massive red-scarlet beam that spanned thousands of feet and possessed the cutting power to lacerate a hundred foot-thick steel shot towards the lotus.


An immense explosion resulted from their collision and ripples of energy, carrying great destructive power erupted and shoved the sisters and Ivory into the distance. The acolytes of ivory were not spared too.

Ivory stood back to her feet. Just as she stood up, she saw Jessica and Alyssa at her front. They had quickly teleported over.

Her eyes widened in fear. Just as she was about to do anything, a formless power came upon her and she became totally restricted in her movement.

She couldn't move.

Both Alyssa and Jessica were emanating the constraining power that enveloped Ivory's figure.

She saw there was no way out of this, she could be killed. She smiled but with fear of the sisters in her heart and said, "Please, I beg you powerful warrior sisters. Please don't kill me. I am only a bandit. I try to steal from people to make a living."

"Oh. The way you fought with us seemed like you wanted to kill us. Those attacks you unleashed were not child's play and now that we have gotten you, you want us to spare you? Doesn't that sound ridiculous and selfish to you? I am sorry, you won't be able to keep your brigandry life. Killing you spawn is removing one of the fiend in the world. Only you know how many people and summoners have fallen to your hand." Alyssa said.

"No, please wait. I swear, I haven't killed anyone before. I only stole from people. I became angry when I felt you were looking down on me. That was my snake's tail you stepped on. I knew you two were powerful and that heavy attacks wouldn't kill you so easily. That was why I went all out so I could at least beat you guys and look down on you. My aim was to teach you guys a lesson. Please, am sorry. Forgive me. I am still young and want to live life. I don't wanna die" Ivory said in a pleading and remorse tone.

Jessica had been quiet the entire moment. Then the formless restrictive power she was emanating ceased and the spatial constrain Ivory felt disappeared.

Only the one emanated by Alyssa still remained and grew stronger once she realized her sister had pulled hers out.

"Sister. What are you doing? Don't tell me you believe this wicked thing?" Alyssa asked in a surprised tone and in annoyance.

"She is telling the truth. Leave her alone and let's go. Every minute we waste here could result in doom for our sister if she is still out there in the wilderness in any place." Jessica replied.

Then she turned to face Alyssa and anger shone in her eyes when she thought of how careless Alyssa was "You rat, see what you got us in. I hope you remember the promise we made to our parent that we would do everything in our power to protect her. Now, you are doing the exact opposite of that. You are not guarding her. Instead, you exposed her to danger" Jessica said in angry tone.

"Hey! Don't call me rat! I have explained to you so many times why I lost her. Why don't you listen, you stubborn thing?!" Alyssa replied and asked in a furious tone.

"..." Jessica was speechless. Alyssa just spoke back at her.

"Excuse me..." Ivory said. Then Jessica and Alyssa turned to face Ivory. "What's it?" Jessica asked with a heart had begun to boil.

"So sorry for interrupting the flow of your argument. I overheard you were looking for your sister and that this lady carelessly dropped her nowhere. But I think I can help you find her" Ivory said to Jessica then turned to face Alyssa, with a smile that showed she was mocking her.

Alyssa's gaze turned cold while Jessica asked "How would you be able to do that?"

Ivory smiled. "Well, I am not going to tell you but just know there are a hundred ways of doing things in this world." she replied.

"Says the woman we overpowered like a tiger to a lamb. Why didn't you have a hundred ways to fight us then?" Alyssa asked.

Then the formless power emitting from her disappeared enabling Ivory to regain her movement.

Ivory only smiled.

"How would you be able to help us?" Jessica asked.

"There's a way." Ivory replied, trying to be suspenseful.


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