A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 25: Three Heavens Emperor

Chapter 25: Three Heavens Emperor

Three Heavens Emperor

Helena's eyes widened in astonishment. "So, you mean you could remain like this for a hundred thousand years?" she asked. "Yes, we can." Sylla replied

Helena shook her head in marvel. "How old are your parent?" she asked. "My dad's two thousand years old while my mum's four hundred years old" Sylla replied.

"Wow. Your mum is pretty young... for your dad." Helena said with a small laugh. Then she continued "Sylla, am so sorry about your girlfriend. Just as you said, evil has engulfed everywhere. Almost no where is safe again."

"Yea. Anyways, that was a long time ago. I have totally forgotten about her until you asked. Well, you are my girlfriend now. Aren't you?" Sylla asked with a smile.

Helena scoffed "Me? Your girlfriend? No way I can be your girlfriend. I don't think I can even live up to a hundred years old. We humans don't have a really longgg life span. The way it sounds to me, It's like an immortal having an affair with a mortal. I would be long dead while you would have gotten other girlfriends which you would surely outlive. Besides, talking on the present. Am i not toooo young for you? You are above hundred while am just fiftee... " Helena was speaking but was cut off by Sylla.

"Helena, age is just a number. Besides, you think you humans have the lowest life span? Well, let me tell you something you don't know. Although it's true humans have a low life span and are the weakest generally. This fact became invalid when a genius human showed the human race the path to immortality and vast calamitous power. Now, your human race can possibly live forever and are at the moment the strongest in the world. This new strength-status of your race isn't changing anytime soon or in the next thousand quintillion years. It's a fact that has come to stay with us" Sylla replied.

"Huh? How's that possible?" Helena exclaimed in a questioning tone and asked with a bewildered voice.

"I will tell you. A male human called the 'Three Heavens Emperor' was the one who discovered the path to make humans live forever and ascend to the peak of the power pyramid. This path was called 'mystical summoning' or 'spiritual invocation'. Through summoning, one can cause manifestation of phenomenal supernal entities. These entities materialize in our world and enter into the bodies of the person who summoned them. By summoning them, the summoner offers his or her body as an artery or conduit for their powers. So, summoning spirit of Immortality, life and so on amongst a vast number of others, the summoner can live for an indefinite period of time" Sylla replied.

Helena became shocked. So humans were powerful to this extent. Through summoning they could live for a long period of time or forever. But something wasn't clear to her.

"Sylla, something isn't clear to me. You said they summon those spirits into their bodies to give them power of immortality and other forms of power. Since it is this spirit that gives them that power, is it that these entities reside in the bodies of the summoners forever? Helena asked in a perplexed tone.

"Exactly. The entities could continue to live in the body of the human summoners forever, as long as the summoner wills it." Sylla replied.

"So a summoner could go about with one of these entities in their body?" Helena asked in amazement. "Yes they do. In fact all summoners do this. They want power that is readily accessible to them. The reason is because if they are caught up in dangerous situations, they would be able to control it or eliminate it with the divinely power residing in their bodies. Not doing so, once one gets caught in a web of life-threatening critical situations, there may be no time to conjure any of these entities to borrow immense power. This would spell doom for such a summoner." Sylla said.

Helena nodded with a light of comprehension in her eyes. So, a summoner could move about with an entity in their body just to be ready for danger, as it is a power they can quickly deploy since they don't have race-based bloodline power.

When she understood this, she moved on to her next question. "Sylla, you mentioned human summoners? Are there summoners from other races? I thought it's something that only humans can do?" she asked.

Sylla laughed. "Jealous right? Yes, there are summoners from other races. But majority of them are humans as it is something only humans can do. This is something races in the world don't understand, it's a complete mystery to us." Sylla replied.

"So, how are they able to do it? The summoner in other races" Helena asked in a bewildered tone.

"Only extraordinary, special people in other races can summon. It has to do with them being unique, and hybrids" Sylla replied.

"Okayyy. What are hybrids? Who are they?" Helena asked.

"Hybrids are offsprings produced from the union of humans and people from other races. The reason for the union is out of fear for the human race growing too powerful and establishing hegemonic power. The other races, when they got their hands on books that have summoning spells which are invocation words and tried using them, they realized how enormously hard it was to summon. It was extremely impossible. Although it was extremely mysterious how the human race were able to achieve this, they felt it has to do with the design of the human body. So to remove the nearly insurmountable difficulties in summoning, they made their males marry human females or married off the females in their race to the human males. They didn't care whether or not they were giving out their women to the human race, it was excellent as long as the child was part of their race and could summon." Sylla said.

Helena now understood.

Sylla looked at Helena and could see that an aura of domination and pride had begun to exude from her. She shook her head and smiled.

Then so that all she said won't get into Helena's head, she said but in a careful manner because she didn't want to offend Helena "Another thing you should know about your race is.... that.... you guys brought down chaos and destruction. The decade you humans learnt how to summon, that was the decade chaos swallowed up all the kingdoms."


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