A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 20: Treating Mrs Watson's Soul.

Chapter 20: Treating Mrs Watson's Soul.

Everyone in the garden turned towards the direction the voice originated from and saw two people wearing a monotone color schemed battlesuit with a human palm chain surrounding the world sigil in the front. This made everyone understand that they were council law enforcers. The sigil belonged to the council of Metropia.

The male among the two took a step forward and said in a stern voice: "Ladies and gentlemen, I am Takeshi Kinben, law enforcer for the council of metropia. This lady beside me is Ushijima Choma. We apologize to the You family for disrupting your joyous occasion, but we received a tip a few days ago that there has been some people in Silica city who are practicing dark arts in secret. So a week ago we finally arrested one guy and he leaked out some of the people who he knew were also involved in this, one name came up and that name was, She Congming, we have been watching him in secret for a few days and finally today we caught him drawing blood seals for Soul Severing Curse, those who don't know about what soul severing curse is you can look it up on Metronet."

His words were like bombs to the audience who had explosions of surprise in their minds, but actually this was all a condition set up by You Naixin as she guaranteed that She Congming was also a dark dweller and the You family can help them arrest him but the You family must not be named at any cost.

Ushijima Choma pulled She Congming in front as she said in a Cold Voice: "The She family master She Jisuan, follow us to the council magistrate office for interrogation, the same order has been issued for your whole family as well, do not try to run or you might die before you even know it."

Her eyes scanned the whole crowd and stopped on Ushijima Yuki and she nodded slightly showing her approval towards her 'friend' You Xi Wang. It turns out You Naixin credited You Xi Wang on this too much. With that said The husband-wife enforcer team dragged She Congming to the magistrate office along with She Jisuan and other She family members.

The atmosphere in the banquet started to turn dead and guests started leaving one by one after paying respects to You Ziyou and other elders. You Xiwang asked Emily to take Dr Susan and her mother in a guest room in his part of the mansion and tasked Robert to drop his friends to their homes.

Fenny Salah looked at You Xi Wang with a very intent gaze and said: "This cunning brat Lil Wang has grown up to be so sly and secretive, watch out brat or big momma here will spank your ass to a pulp, next time you better tell us in advance this surprise was too much."

Neo Paul only gave him a fist bump and said: "That was epic bro, you smoked the snake well."

Ushijima Yuki gave him a peck on his cheeks and said: "That's my man."

After a short time, the three of them left with Robert. You Xi Wang made his way to the guest room where Dr Susan was staying with Emily, whom he called over after his friends left. He knocked on the door and a smiling face came into his sight as the door opened, Dr Susan smiled and said: "Come in Xi Wang."

You Xi Wang entered and hugged her with his arms around her waist and kissed her lips softly, she also replied, but it was a pure, simple kiss on the lips and no tongue and stuff, he separated from her and asked with a smile: "What do you think now? Is my family good enough?"

Dr Susan knew he asked her this because she had doubted his family in the morning when he proposed her., so she replied while she hid her face in his chest: "I apologize for earlier, and yes they are good... No, they are better than good"

(Author note: she is two heads shorter than You Xi Wang)

"Well, that's music to my ears, now let me treat your mom, but hope you keep it a secret and ask your mom as well as it might cause some dangers for you and other members of my family. Okay?"

Dr Susan nodded and said: "I will ask mom to stay in the house in case somebody notices something and it raises troubling"

You Xi Wang nodded and moved towards her mother, he crouched down and put his index finger on the center of her brows and asked the system to work. The system then injected soul power into her mind space, he closed his eyes and next thing he knew was he was floating in a starry space which seemed endless, he asked the system: "Where is her soul?"

The system replied: [Give me a second to locate her okay, chill a bit your worrying is contagious.]

You Xi Wang nodded and observed the space around him feeling fascinated. A few seconds later the system called out: [I have located her soul, now think about moving forward and eventually you will reach her.]

You Xi Wang followed the instruction and in a few seconds later, he saw a young version of Mrs Watson in a white dress, she looked just like Dr Susan Watson but her hair was black.

He floated near her and reached out his hand and held her as he softly said: "Mrs Watson, wake up, you have been sleeping for a long time, It's time to rise and shine."

The system in the meantime, fixed the cracks in her soul, they were not visible to You Xiwang's avatar as he did not know how to control soul energy.

Some time passed since he had started the procedure, but her soul did not respond, he couldn't help but ask the system: 'Why is it not working?'

The system replied: [Calm down, it will work just give it some time.]

The system kept sharing soul energy to wake her up, finally, when almost all of the soul energy was spared Mrs Watson's soul avatar opened her eyes slowly. She looked at You Xi Wang in front of her and asked: "Who are you and how did you enter inside the depth of my mind space?"

You Xi Wang only smiled slightly and said: "Finally, you are up Mrs Watson, we can talk after you wake up in the real world. You have a very caring daughter who is waiting to call her name." with these words his avatar vanished and he left the mind space.

In the real world You Xi Wang opened his eyes slowly with a smile and saw Dr Susan looking at him anxiously, he spoke softly: "Your mom will be awake in a few seconds, you guys catch up first I need to attend something and you can commute to work from here till your mom is completely healed." he stood up gave her a quick peck on her lips and turned, he heard her say in a soft voice: "Thank you"

He turned and said with a dazzling smile: "Susie my love there is no need to thank you between us, a midnight visit will do, "He laughed as he saw the blushing Dr Susan who said shyly: "Shameless rogue" as he left the room. As soon as he came out and closed the door behind him, he held his head in his palms as the world started spinning and he staggered towards his room.


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