A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 21: New dawn Of The You Family.

Chapter 21: New dawn Of The You Family.

You Xi Wang entered his room with staggering steps. He threw his coat and waistcoat down and fell on the bed losing his consciousness. Emily was looking for You Xi Wang after she changed her dress. She advanced into the guest room where Dr Susan Watson was stayed. She knocked on the door and after a few moments a cheerful Dr Susan came into her sight and she smiled as she spoke in askance: "Sister Susan, Young master....."

Her words were interrupted by the excited Susan as she spoke fervently: "Emily, my mother is awake. She woke up after Xi Wang treated her soul, she wanted to thank him but he left already. I have tried calling him, but he is not answering, please bring me to him along with you."

Emily was also happy for her and she did not dwell too much on it and only replied: "Follow me then sister Susan, Young master must be in his room." Susan nodded and followed her to You Xi Wang's room.

Emily now had special access to enter the room after what happened in the morning, it was courtesy of You Zhichi after she saw her precious little brother in that terrible state she allowed Emily to have the special access.

Emily smoothly keyed in the PIN and entered the room. She was followed by Susan, who looked around and saw him lying in the bed as if sleeping with his clothes all over the place. She smiled and jokingly said: "I did not expect him to be this messy."

Emily smelled something fishy, and she said hurriedly: "He is never like that, he is a disciplined person, I am feeling uneasy, let me check on him first." she walked near the bed and turned You Xi Wang over to lie on his back and her fears came true. She hurriedly tapped her wrist band and called You Zhichi.

"ZHICHI! HURRY OVER, YOUNG MASTER IS NOT FINE." her voice was filled with urgency and it was loud. Susan also came near the bed and saw You Xi Wang laying there with a pale face. She checked his pulse, it was also very faint, his breathing was shallow. She now understood why he left hurriedly. The method he used to treat her mother caused him to end up like this.

The spear of guilt pierced her heart, and tears started forming in her eyes. You Zhichi arrived wearing her icy blue pyjamas, her hair was dishevelled and looked like wild bushes. Her pretty face had a worried expression, She was followed by her aunt Chen Qianbei, who was also in a blue night gown paired with a matching robe to hide her mesmerizing figure from the world.

Chen Qianbei noticed both Emily and Susan were crying in silence she put her palm over her nephew's forehead and instantly knew what the problem was so she started infusing her own soul force in his body and he changes were visible instantly, colour returned to You Xiwang's pale face, his breathing became normal and deep, after ten minutes Chen Qianbei took her palm back and stroked his face, a motherly affection appeared in her eyes as she kept up with her action.

You Zhichi saw her aunt's action and heaved a sigh of relief, but still could not resist from asking: "Aunt, how is he now?" her aunt only smiled and replied: "He is fine and is in a deep sleep now, he will be fine in the morning don't worry"

She turned toward two other ladies present in the room and asked in a cold voice: "Who can tell me why his soul energy is overexerted? You have one chance, to come clean now or do not blame me for being harsh."

Susan, who was already in guilt now, could not resist and fell on her knees and said while weeping: "He treated my mother's soul that is why he ended up like this. It is all my fault. Please punish only me, let my mother go."

Emily had no concerns other than being her young master being happy and healthy, You Zhichi was also somewhat same, but she wanted her brother to be strong, happy and healthy. They both wanted to blame Susan but before they could open their mouths Chen Qianbei said in a not so cold voice: "First, I guess it was Xi Wang, who treated your mother on his own accord?" Susan only nodded while crying her eyes out.

Chen Qianbei continued: "He did this because he loves you and cares about you and as for his condition, it seems this brat underestimated soul afflictions away too much, so do not blame yourself and be happy that he made so much effort for you and you better pay it off by being loyal to him and taking care of him. Second, he must have asked you to not unveil any of the information to anyone, right?"

Susan nodded again and Chen Qianbei continued, "Swear in the name of heavens that what happened in this room and how he treated your mother will never be spoken by any of you ever again in this life. This is to keep him and you all safe from those ill-intended dark practitioners."

You Zhichi and Emily understood that they were wrong in blaming Susan for what happened to You Xi Wang. Also, when they heard Chen Qianbei's words, they realized the implications of You Xi Wang being a soul power practitioner. The three of them swear in the name of the heavens and after consoling each other as they left the room while Chen Qianbei sat for a little while more stroking his head full of affection. She stood up after some time and left the room while muttering to herself: "Sis, he is just like you, going an extra mile for those he loves." by the end of this thought, a soft smile formed on her face as she left towards her own room.


Next morning, the rays of the sun illuminated You Xi Wang's room, and he grunted in displeasure, he turned on to his side to avoid it and continue sleeping, but his wish ended when he heard his sister's voice which said: "Bro, wake up you sleepy head, Grandpa and the elders summoned you for your first family meeting."

He groggily sat up and rested his head over her shoulder, You Zhichi smiled and stroked his back slowly and waited for him to speak: "Good morning big sis"

She replied in a bell-like voice: "Good morning," he raised his head and looked at her for a while as he fully woke up. You Zhichi raised her hand and ruffled his hair and asked him to get ready as the elders were waiting.

He followed her instruction and left to get ready.


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