A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 19: Rattling the snake out of it's hole.

Chapter 19: Rattling the snake out of it's hole.

You Xiwang was walking along with You Naixin mingling with the guests and strengthening the connections when both of them were returning to their table where You Zhichi and others were sitting, they had Chen Qianbei join them and that was when You Xi Wang smiled suddenly and said to You Naixin: "Granny it's time to act and crush the snake's fangs."

You Naixin was ecstatic when she heard this and left to execute the plan with a gleeful smile on her face, which sent shivers down the spine of both You Xi Wang and Chen Qianbei. They both looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Chen Qianbei took this opportunity and asked You Xi Wang: "Xi Wang, although you have a good idea about how to use the Lithical Iron but do you not think many geniuses in the past had the same thing occur to them but none succeeded?"

He replied with a dazzling smile: "Aunt, there is one thing that I did not mention to granny."

Chen Qianbei was brimming with curiosity as a businesswoman herself, she wanted to know how her nephew was going to pull this off. Noticing her expression, You Xi Wang chuckled and said: "Add a little soul power and Lithical iron will bend to your will."

This single word 'soul power' was enough to freeze her heart for a second and she looked towards her nephew bewildered. She looked around and noticed nobody heard them. That was when she realized You Xi Wang did not move his lips while he spoke the second half of his sentence. It was directly delivered to her mind space, only she could hear it.

This was the new ability You Xi Wang gained after he broke through the night before the duel, this was also the hidden trump card the system mentioned, which, if used in an offense is too dangerous as it was not mastered yet and You Xi Wang also learned that it can communicate in secret.

You Naixin returned and Chen Qianbei could only smile as she spoke into You Xiwang's mind: "Xi Wang ability to practice soul power is too precious and is coveted by the elements who still dwell in the shadows so be very careful and make sure to never expose it to anyone until you can trust them with your life, as might drag your loved ones into a mess."

You Xi Wang gave a covert nod and focused on You Naixin, who was excited like a teenager fleeing home telling no one. Her expression was enough to tell him that the plan has been set in motion.

The trio returned to their table and noticed everyone looking at them in askance, Emily asked first: "Granny Xin, what made you so happy?"

"Hehehehe..... You all get ready to watch the best show of your lives, enjoy." she said mischievously, which made the gazes turn towards Chen Qianbei who did not answer and sat down, while You Xi Wang was looking at She Congming when everyone noticed his gaze they also looked at She Congming.

Neo Paul said jokingly: "Bro, what's the point in staring at him. Tell me and I'll make him crawl around in circles for you."

Fenny Salah retorted: "You brawn for brains kitty-cat, I know, Lil Wang is now going to play with this snake, but brat you better gift his snakeskin to big momma here, hehehehe I'll make a whip out of it and punish you, sissies, when you do wrong with me."

Her words made everyone giggle except You Xi Wang and Neo Paul and they ignored replying to her.


She Congming was sitting at the table reserved for him and his family, he was sulking since the morning when You Xi Wang made a fool out of him and now when he saw him foiling his plan of using Xue Jingshen, but his hatred reached its peak when Ushijima Yuki appeared holding his hand, he wanted to tear You Xi Wang to pieces.

She Jisuan noticed his son and spoke: "Do not make any foolish mistakes this time and be patient in the future, I will help you deal with this You Xi Wang."

She Jisuan looked as if an adult version of She Congming was sitting next to him.

She Congming nodded while staring at You Xi Wang, their eyes met and he noticed You Xi Wang gave him a playful wink and with a smirky smile, he stood up and whispered something in Ushijima Yuki's ears making her fair white face turn red as she offered him her hand and he took it leading her to the dance floor as they both danced you Xiwang did not forget to give She Congming a provoking glance now and then.

She Congming felt his blood evaporate in the heat of rage. He stood up and excused himself by saying he needed to visit the washroom. He walked to a secluded area of the mansion and tapped his wrist band and called a number tagged as a Master Skull.

"Hello," a desolate and hoarse sounding voice sounded, and She Congming replied: "Master, disciple asks permission to cast a soul severing curse on a person,"

The voice replied: "You can do that, but if you get caught I will not help you, the rules of Death Sect are Unbreakable, whatever dark arts you use, you are the only one responsible."

"Disciple understands thank you, master." She Congming replied and disconnected the call.

He had a sinister smile on his face and mumbled: "You were smug were you not You Xi Wang, let's see how I make you die and that bitch Yuki will cower under my crotch."

Unknown to him, You Xi Wang's system detected the dark soul power inside him and had already alerted You Xi Wang when he thought on how to make She Congming pay a price for his actions he first asked You Naixin to make him lose his masculinity, she asked someone to drug the wine She Congwing was consuming and also asked a core formation practitioner to keep watch on him.

You Naixin was informed that She Congming had some covert relationships with dark art practitioners and this suspicion was finally confirmed a few hours ago but just as she was thinking what to do, You Xi Wang asked her to make a move. This gave her an idea. She Congming was still a teenager, luring him in a trap was too easy for her.

She Congming bit his finger, it started bleeding, and he started drawing symbols on the ground muttering some obscure language, while the practitioner tasked to look after him, had been recording the whole process and informed Council enforcers, they arrived in just a few minutes and also witnessed She Congming immersed in his actions.

They had a somber look on their faces, they looked at each other and a female enforcer said: "We need to stop him now if he finishes, someone will suffer a terrible fate."

The male enforcer nodded as they both made their way towards She Congming and said: "You are under arrest for practicing dark arts, your family will be informed after you are taken into custody."

She Congming who was immersed in his action woke up when he heard these words and was shocked when he realized what was going on. He was not given any opportunities to make any explanation. His hands were cuffed by the male enforcer and he was being dragged back to the garden. He knew his life was now over.


Back in the garden when You Xi Wang and Ushijima Yuki finished dancing, everyone applauded and both of them returned to their seats.

Fenny Salah asked in annoyance: "Granny Naixin, you promised me a show. Don't tell me you meant these two love drunk show-offs swaying their butts on the dance floor was what you meant."

Before You Naixin could reply, a powerful voice sounded, making everyone have bewildered expressions.


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