A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 18: The maestro makes the first move.

Chapter 18: The maestro makes the first move.

You Xiwang and Ushijima Yuki appeared and people looked at them with strange looks in their eyes, but his sister and Emily, who knew how big of a crush he had over Ushijima Yuki this was bound to happen and given how bold he has become now it came to them with no surprise.

You Xi Wang made the basic introductions of his friends and left before it gets awkward between the three ladies but it turned out that they were all friendly and his aunt and granny were also busy with attending to some guests as they both took over the role of his mother unknowingly, he felt warm in his heart and mumbled to himself in a voice only he could listen: "I have a family again, this time I will not repeat the mistakes I made in my past."

You Xi Wang suddenly sensed a malicious intent pointed at his back, he did not turn and only a sly smile appeared on his face, his eyes turned cold, he walked to his granny who was talking with a guest. He stood beside her and she said with a tone so warm it shocked the guests: "Xi Wang, do you need anything, my child?"

"No Granny, I just wanted to know, who is so interesting that you are conversing for more than an hour." he smiled to the guests and saw a middle-aged man wearing glasses looking at him with a soft smile. You Naixin made the introduction: "This here is, Mr Dimitri Ivanovich, he is the person who supplies your fifth grandpa with Chrono ore and Iron sand." then she gestured towards You Xiwang and said with pride in her tone: "This is You Xi Wang, master of You family and son of You Liangxin and Chen Limao."

Dimitri took the initiative of offering his hand to You Xiwang and spoke with a smile: "Pleased to make your acquaintance Young master You."

You Xiwang took his hand and noticed it was rough for a merchant but there was no change in his face, he replied politely: "The pleasure is mine, Mr Ivanovich, thank you for coming here and share our happiness."

Dimitri wanted to start some small talks, but You Xi Wang took him by surprise: "Mr Ivanovich, I read that the place where Chronos ore is mined, other material is also found, that material is called Lithical iron, what I would like to ask you is can you supply You family with Lithical iron?"

His straight forward question shocked Dimitri Ivanovich for a moment and he replied, his question with a question: "Young master You forgive me for being ignorant here, I know, that Lithical iron may not be used for heavy weapon manufacture as per Council mandates and, other than that it has no uses as it is way too tough and lightening element affinity. What use will you have for it?"

You Xi Wang smiled lightly and said: "I will use it for the future."

Dimitri Ivanovich was not the only one shocked now, even You Naixin could not understand his motives, but before her imagination could go wild You Xi Wang said: "You supply us with the material and relax as I have no intention of disrupting world peace. I swear in the name of the heavens that I will not use lithical iron for weapons manufacture or any destructive means what so ever."

As he finished those words, a bolt of lightning flashed in the sky catching everyone's attention and they heard Dimitri Ivanovich laughing loudly as he raised the wine cup in his hand and said: "Happy cooperation Young master You, may the future be bright." after this You Naixin bargained the price of the material and Dimitri left to create a contract to seal the deal.

You Naixin turned to You Xi Wang and asked: "Xi Wang what is it you want to do with Lithical Iron?"

You Xiwang asked her: "Granny Xin do you know the properties of Lithical Iron?"

You Naixin nodded and replied: "Lithical iron is good for lightening element users and can create heavy weapons like the rail gun, EMP missile, storm arrowheads, etcetera. It is also a good absorber of spiritual energy, but cannot be used for creating spirit formations as it is way too tough and lighting affinity as Ivanovich stated."

You Xi Wang nodded and said: "Granny, when you pass lightning current through Lithical iron it will bend to its users, will, right?"

You Naixin nodded and You Xi Wang said: "If Tianlong technologies pass an electric current and spiritual energy together through the Lithical iron block, they can then will it to change into a sheet, that sheet can make circuit boards, and those circuit boards will be tougher and better than any other company ever, obviously, it will take some effort but if we can do it, imagine who is going to rule?"

You Naixin's eyes were about to pop out as she saw this boy in front of her. She remembered the moniker he had earned at 16 Maestro of material science.

Metropia had a very simple rule in material science 'If you can use spiritual energy on it, you can change simple rocks into weapons of mass destruction' this was the effect of world principles of Metropia.

This move was something You Xi Wang came up this morning when resting in the capsule, he wanted to make better motherboards for his company and tried this material first and he was aware that fifth elder of the family You Zhenshi owns a luxury wristwatch brand which uses Chrono ore, a luxury ore which has a galaxy like shining patterns all over it.

That is how he came up with this plan, but his luck supported him and he met the dealer while he was about to make proper arrangements for She Congming. Just as he thought him a cold smile appeared on his face.


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