Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.211 Just some Rituals

CH.211 Just some Rituals

“Brian! Wait for me!” Ria called out to me as I was … not quite running, but quickly walking into the woods. I just want Lua to have a second to calm down. 

“Oh. Hey Ria.” I said, as I turned to look at her. I definitely didn’t look back so I could check if Lua was coming after me. No. Totally didn’t. I’m not afraid of her with that mace.

“Why are you running?” She asked, as she caught up to me.

“Running? Why would I be running? It’s not like Lua was leveling a mace at me. No. Totally didn’t happen.”

“... what did you do?”

“I? I did nothing. Well, I might have tricked her a bit, but it's not like I did any permanent damage. She could still just say no.”

“No? Brian, did you propose to her or something?”

“... what? Where is that coming from? Of course I didn’t.” Honestly, where in the world did she get that idea. “I just asked her to come with us to the dungeon tomorrow. At first she was a bit hesitant, but after a little trick she agreed to come. But she didn’t exactly like being tricked, so she threatened me with a mace.” I explained.

“Mace? Does she have a mace? I thought she only used her staff.”

“I might have made her one.” I admitted, even though her skill is the one that made it.

“And she thanks you by threatening to hit you? What is wrong with her? Try to stay away from her for a moment, I’ll go talk to her.” Ria offered, and headed back to the village.

“Sure. Thanks.”

She headed back towards the village and I kept heading deeper into the woods. I don’t think I’ll summon all of my fusion and rituals today, just because I’m still a bit too close and I don’t want the villagers to worry, but I’ll at least summon a few monsters.

(How about summoning all of the ritual monsters we have available at the moment.) Laura offered a suggestion. (We only have three of them, you were already going to summon Legendary Flame Lord anyway, and we would get to the next reward with that.)

(And then summoning the one we get as a reward would total 4. … sure. Then I can just leave all of the fusions for later. Use Fusion Gate for that.)

I headed to the clearing which we used to take flight, as there I would have enough space to do what I want. 

“Good.” I said, taking a look at the clearing. I didn’t see any monsters, or anything else for that matter. I wonder why monsters avoid the dhampir village? Is it just survival of the fittest? If you go there, you die, so don’t go there, or something like that? Well, whatever. Good for me. 

I got out the first of the three, well it will be four after the reward, ritual monsters.

“Let’s just start, I guess.” I muttered. “I activate Incandescent Ordeal. I tribute Buster Blader to Ritual summon Legendary Flame Lord.” 


The summoning succeeded and my new magician rose. By the way, I used a Buster Blader as a tribute, because it is level 7 and I have a ton of them. Not a literal ton, only 866. Those Emblems have been getting them for a while.

But sadly, I didn’t have anything for my new mage to do, so I just installed a Book of Secret Arts into him and had him stand guard. I was actually planning on just sending him to the factory, but I decided to keep him out, just to keep guard.

“Alright. Next one.” I said, as I got out the next cards. “Contract with the Dark Master. I tribute Great Moth to Ritual summon Dark Master - Zorc.”


Zorc was quite the large guy. Standing at right around 4 meters tall, he was double the size of an average human. A real demon right there. At least he looks demonic, so let’s just unsummon him before Lua, Ria or someone else comes to find me.

Okay, one more.

“I activate Curse of the Masked Beast. I tribute Mirage Knight to Ritual summon The Masked Beast.”


… wow. I didn’t expect that. The Masked Beast is large. Not quite huge, but large. It stood at about 12 meters tall.


Yeah. Large.

Well anyway, I don’t need you now, so go to the factory. You can play with someone there. Maybe Sorcerer of Dark Magic will be happy to have more opponents to play with.

Actually, who is stronger, Sorcerer of Dark Magic or Shinato?


I know Shinato has better stats, being 3300/3000, while Sorcerer is 3200/2800. But Shinato lacked that pressure aura that Sorcerer has. Or he controlled it straight away. But in the anime, well the movie, Sorcerer had that effect to lower the attack of opposing monsters based on the number of spellcasters in your GY. So maybe SoDM would win. I don’t know. Maybe it is a draw, or something like one wins 60% of the time. I did also install a book into SoDM this morning and that should increase his power, so he is probably the stronger one now.

Now then, the reward.

Summon unique Ritual Monsters
Unique Ritual Monsters summoned: 10
Performance of Sword, Relinquished, Paladin of White Dragon, Hungry Burger, Crab Turtle, Black Luster Soldier, Shinato, King of a Higher Plane, Legendary Flame Lord, Dark Master - Zorc, The Masked Beast
Next Reward is given at 10 unique Ritual Monsters
Next Reward: Chakra + Resurrection of Chakra
[Claim Reward]

Alright. Let’s just claim it and check the next reward.

Chakra and Resurrection of Chakra have been added to the collection.
Summon unique Ritual Monsters
Unique Ritual Monsters summoned: 10
Performance of Sword, Relinquished, Paladin of White Dragon, Hungry Burger, Crab Turtle, Black Luster Soldier, Shinato, King of a Higher Plane, Legendary Flame Lord, Dark Master - Zorc, The Masked Beast
Next Reward is given at 15 unique Ritual Monsters
Next Reward: Fortress Whale + Fortress Whale's Oath

… Well, it could be worse, I guess. But still, friking Fortress Whale. What am I going to do with that? It doesn’t come with a sea. I would have to make one with Umi. Or go somewhere where there is a sea. Or a huge lake at the very least. But at the same time, it might have sucked even more if it was something amazing that I wanted, considering that I literally have no more ritual monsters available. And I won’t have any, until I unlock more sets.

Whatever. Let’s just summon this Chakra and be done with it. Let’s just put toploaders onto these and…

“I activate Resurrection of Chakra. I tribute Buster Blader to Ritual summon Chakra.”


Again, I used a Buster Blader. You should already know why.

Chakra was about 7 meters tall, demonic… thingy. Honestly, he almost looks like a spinning top, but I’m not going to say that to his face.

I unsummoned Chakra and walked back to the village escorted by my Legendary Flame Lord.

“Welcome back.” Lua greeted me as I walked back to the village with my Flame Lord by my side. I didn’t unsummon him yet. Just in case. I guess I do also have Threatening Roar ready to go, in case Lua was actually willing to hurt me, but I really don’t want to know if she was, or if she was just playing around.

“Hey Lua. … are you angry? You can just say no, you know.” I told her. I wasn’t overly hesitant, as she wasn’t carrying her new mace, so I should be safe.

“... no. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was threatening you.” She answered. “It’s just… I was going to run after you, so… I’m sorry.”

“Oh. I see. So you weren’t actually thinking of hitting me. That’s good at least. And I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to trick you like that, and you really can just say no. I just thought that it might be good for you. You know, to be seen by others that know you at least on some level.”

“I … I understand. I’m just … scared. What if they say I’m a monster?”

“Who would say that? You are an angel. That’s about as far as you can be from a monster as possible. Actually, some angels are much more monstrous looking than you are.” Sorry Shinato, but that is kind of the truth. And biblically accurate angels are literal monstrosities. 

“... Thank you. But will it really be fine? Won’t it cause questions?”

“Of course it will.” I answered. “But then again, everyone always questions everything I do, so what difference does it make? You’ll actually be taking some heat off of me, as I have nothing, well I have little, to do with this. Sure I gave you the Level Ups, but that’s it.”

“Are you going to use me as an escape goat?”

“No. No I’m not. Honestly. I’ll admit that this is partially my fault, so I’ll help you in any way I can. But at the same time, I really don’t think you’ll run into any problems.”

“Brian? Are you … are you serious? Any way?”

“Yes. Lua, I still more or less owe you my life, so yes. As long as I can do it, I will.” I told her.

It is how I truly feel as well. Without Lua, I would have died back then. And even with Monster Reborn, well, it isn’t all powerful. They would have still had to heal my body and then use the Monster Reborn. I think Alex has or at least had some Red Medicine, so that might have been an option, but I don’t know. They might not take effect once you are dead. Maybe something like Gift Card would. 


“... then, may I ask for something?” Lua asked.

“Yes, of course.”

“B-Brian.” She began, but it seemed like she struggled to get her next words out of her throat. “M-Marry me!” She blurted out.

… wait, WHAT? Okay… Brain, calm down. This is fine… everything is fine. She just … proposed. That is … normal. And expected. You considered that she might like you. You can deal with this.

“I … Lua. Are you serious with that?” I asked. I probably shouldn’t, but I feel like I have to.

“Yes! I am. Please.” She said, as she took two steps forward and took my hand into hers.

“... I see. I just …”

“Oh. I see now.” She said. “You didn’t talk with Laura, did you?”

“Of course I spoke to her.” I countered. “I speak with her every day.”

“Not like that. Here. Let’s go to the factory.” Lua said, taking a good grip of my arm and pulling me along.

“Hey, you two. I was waiting for you.” Laura greeted us, when we appeared in the factory.

“You broke your promise.” Lua complained to her.

“... I apologize, Lady Lucia.” Laura said.

What did she promise Lua?

“Then you’d better do it now. I’ll give you two some alone time, but you’d better do it, or I won’t forgive you.” Lua said, before walking away. She walked further into the factory and entered the Vampire room.

“... Laura? What did you promise her?” I asked.

“This isn’t the place for this conversation.” She said. “This way, please.”

She led me back towards the control platform, up the small set of stairs that separated the main hub area of the platform, and up to the full length mirror that we had on the control platform. 

With just a little wave of her hand, the mirror disappeared and revealed a corridor behind it. 

Laura. When did you make something like this? Well, let’s see what is inside.

We walked into a smallish bedroom, with a bed that took up about half of it. The bed was what I would call beyond king size. It was just about 3 meters wide, and just as tall. I have no idea why Laura has made a bed this large, but I’ll let it be.

“Wait here.” She said, pushing me down onto the bed. She then walked to a small door, leading to what was a bathroom, based on the peek I had into there when Laura entered that room.

“... what is happening?” I questioned myself, as I was sitting on the bed.

The bed wasn’t overly soft, but not too firm either. It was just right. I wonder how many attempts it took for Laura to make it? Actually, why did she make it? When did she make it? And why didn’t she tell me about it?

Well, all I can do is wait and see.

“I’m sorry for the wait.” Laura said as she walked back into the room.

“No, that’s fi…” I was about to say, but my words got caught in my throat.

Laura? What? Why are you wearing that?

“Master. We need to talk. And this is a serious talk. But first, do me.” She said.

… alrighty then. If you take me to a hidden bedroom and come out wearing a bunny girl outfit, then ask for that. Well, you won’t have to ask me twice. When did she even make a bunny girl outfit for herself?

At the same time, I don’t care. Seeing her in that is making my head go all kinds of crazy. And she literally asked, so yes. Let’s do this.


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