Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.210 Magic Books and new Dress for Lua

CH.210 Magic Books and new Dress for Lua

Morning always comes. And I go to the factory.

But today, I actually had something to do, so I had Laura call a lot of my spellcaster monsters to the main hall. Access hub. Whatever I should call it.

They were all here for one reason, and one reason alone. I wanted to get some magic books analyzed. And for that, I was going to install Book of Secret Arts into the strongest spellcaster of each attribute at least.

But that also meant that I realized something. Sorting my spellcasters by their attack stat, 7 of the strongest were all dark attribute. Somehow I feel like that is wrong, but I can’t really tell why. 

The one outlier to this rule was actually Neo Aqua Madoor. Not because of his attack, but because of his defense. His 3000 defense was the second highest of all spellcasters I have, being beaten only by Dark Sage.


Anyway, I got sidetracked again. Funny facts about Yugioh monsters aside, my strongest spellcaster monsters by attribute are Sorcerer of Dark Magic, Chaos Command Magician, Kazejin, Neo Aqua Madoor, Gemini Elf and Legendary Flame Lord.


Yeah, I know. I still haven’t summoned Legendary Flame Lord. I’ll do it today in the village. 

But back to the books. Sorcerer of Dark Magic actually recommended Dark Sage over himself, considering that Dark Sage is more experienced, so he has a larger arsenal of different techniques to add to the book. But as I have plenty of books, I just gave one to both of them. Other than that, the installs went to the strongest monster. 

Cosmo Queen also got one but it produced a dimensional magic book, not space magic. And as dimensional magic is the upgraded form of space magic, the book is not that useful for me at this moment. I guess I’ll have to learn space magic the hard way. Well, I’m not sure it classifies as ‘the hard way’ considering that I do have a first class teacher.

Dark Sage had an amazingly detailed book, which was around three times as thick as the others had. Sorcerer of Dark Magic’s book on the other hand was quite short, but it was focused on a type of magic called Celestial magic. It isn’t actually anything like a separate attribute, but instead a type of magic. You can do it with any attribute, if you practice enough. The big difference being the power source of Celestial magic. Celestial magic uses a compressed form of mana called stardust and managing that power is the most difficult part of using it. Well, you’ll also have to be able to make this ‘stardust’ inside your body, then store it, then use it. Yeah. Let’s not go there just yet. I want to learn normal magic first. Baby steps and all of that.

Other things of note were Neo Aqua Madoor’s book being focused more on ice than water, so I also gave his ‘normal’ form, Aqua Madoor, a book, resulting in a more standard water magic book.


Kazejin’s book was also a bit special, focusing on breath based wind spells, as well as spells that work well with water and thunder magic. Or should it be lightning magic? And Gemini Elf’s book had spells that were recommended to be used by two people, similar to how Christina casted a spell with her maid in the dungeon. You could cast them solo, but you might lack either control or power, so two people are recommended. I’ll be sure to share that book to the dungeon database, instead of keeping it just in Tahlia’s database, as well as in the factory. Christina can make herself one if she wants to from there.

Also, because the light magic book of Chaos Command Magician lacked any info on healing magic, I ended up installing a book onto White Magician Pikeru. She might be quite weak, but she is the only light spellcaster I have with an effect to heal life points, so I was sure her book would have at least some light attribute healing spells.


Too bad both Guardian Angel Joan and Shinato are fairy monsters, so I can’t install a Book of Secret Arts into them. They might get some better stuff. 

… yes I know I could do it with DNA Surgery, but at the same time, the low level books are enough for now. I can get the higher level books when they are more timely. No need for more books on things like stardust. Or fairies might have a form of mana of their own, that they use for their high level spells. Shinato did call his spell ‘Divine’ so maybe that is another class of magic like Celestial magic is.

But with all of the books now analyzed, and hopefully stored inside my Libraries, I was ready to head out. Well, first I met up with my daughters. 

Tahlia, interestingly enough, was by the libraries, making sure the new books are sorted correctly. And Fantasia was also in the same room, but she had gotten bored, so she had called up one of the dragons and was flying around in the sky. In case you were wondering, the dragon she was riding is Divine Dragon Ragnarok. Thanks for the reminder that I need to summon King Dragun at some point.


After I got out of the factory, I thought I should make the two new light magic books, and maybe the water and ice magic books for Lua, but they would get a bit expensive in terms of generation points. A blank book is cheap, but the higher level information books are expensive to make. So I’ll just tell Lua to read them in the factory instead. Or install a copy of Book of Secret Arts into her Pikeru. Either will work. And I still have the two light magic books I picked up yesterday, so I’ll just give those to her.

During breakfast, I asked Paulina about her schedule. Mainly if she would be fine with going to the dungeon tomorrow. Alice had also reached LV.40 two days ago, so she was now over the level where I said she could attempt some of the challenge rooms.

The main reason I was asking about this was because I was going to go see Christina tomorrow anyway, so I might as well bring everyone to the dungeon while we are at it. And I can also pick her up and she can come with us as well. Just to see how much Alice has improved.

The second reason I was confirming it now was Agatha. I was going to ask if she would come with us as well. Honestly, her having Card Summoner would just be extremely useful for her. She could summon something and ride it to the village. Maybe I can install an autopilot into a Gradius, so that it will only fly that route with zero input from Agatha, so she won’t get lost. Or just give her a bird. 

Or maybe Luster Dragon and Luster Dragon #2.


She could probably use #1 to go back and forth between the village and here. And if she used that lie about the ‘dragon’s blessing’, being able to summon said dragon, #2, wouldn’t be so strange. I think.

Paulina agreed to clear her schedule, so we were good to go tomorrow. 

I also made sure to inform Christina about it, via our notebook letter services.

I told Agatha about my idea on our way to the village. She agreed and said that she would be ready tomorrow morning by the time I usually pick her up for the blood deliveries. 

I wonder. Should I ask Lua as well? Have the whole crew together. She could also introduce her evolved self to everyone.

“... I’d rather not.” Lua answered as I told her my idea. “At least not until I learn how to hide my wings.”

“Well, if you don’t want to, that is fine. But why hide them? They are beautiful, so you should just get used to them.”

“I- I … don’t say something like that…” Lua complained.

“But it is true.”

“I … thank you. But I … I’m just… not used to it. Being stared at… I’ve been getting used to it here, but … I’m not sure how I would do in a big town or a city.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine, and we aren’t going to go to a city, just the dungeon. There will only be about five of us, and Ria, your mother and I have all seen your wings already.” I said, before changing the subject. “What about that offer of a new dress? Mia did tell me that you have been practicing in the factory, so do you want to do it?”

“... right now? … I guess we can. Let’s head inside.” Lua said, leading me to her room.

“Don’t stare, please.” Lua requested.

“... I wouldn’t, but why did you strip?” I asked.

Yes. Lua was in fact only in her underwear. After we got inside the room where she sleeps, she had just stripped to just that.

“It … it's necessary.” She said. “If I don’t, my clothes will get used for the skill again.” She explained.

“Oh yeah. I guess it will use everything you wear.” I commented. “So, which card did you want? Vampire Red Baron?”

“... he won’t fit into the room with his horse.” Lua said. “Can we use Vampire Grimson? I had good results with her in the factory.”

“Grimson? Sure. I’ll summon her now.” I said, searching her from my collection. “Vampire Grimson.”


The vampire grim reaper appeared in the room, holding her large scythe in her hand.

“Master, my lady.” She greeted us. Calling Lua ‘my lady’ I see. I guess she is a monarch and a princess, even if she is a dhampir, not a vampire. “I see that you have called for my assistance.”

“y-yes. I wanted to do what we did in the factory, if that is alright.” Lua said.

“Naturally. I will gladly give my clothes to you, my lady.” Grimson said. “Master, if you would.”

“Sure.” I said, getting the spell card out. “Are both of you ready?”

“Yes.” Grimson answered.

“Mmm.” Lua muttered something, while nodding lightly.

“Alrighty then. Tailor of the Fickle.” I said and activated the card.


The outfit of Vampire Grimson disappeared from around her body, along with her scythe, leaving her in the same state Lua had just been in. In just basic underwear. This led me to figure out that Grimson has blue skin. I guess I should have figured it out earlier, but I just never focused on it. Her eyes were silver in color, and had a glassy look to them, almost as if she was blind.

“Princess’s Grace. Make a new dress.” Lua said, probably to activate her skill.

I was expecting a large change, but not a lot happened. Her dress stayed reasonably close to what it had been previously. Some of the parts actually simplified, like the large brooch and the ruffles under it disappearing. 

What remained was a red dress, with a blue and brown leather armor over it, which looked almost like a corset. Her legs were covered by dark blue leather pants and pink and brown knee-high boots. On top of that was a crimson mantle, with a silvery edge. The dress and the leather armor both had small holes for her wings, so her wings were slightly poking out, visible under the mantle. Covering her eyes was a mask that looked like a masquerade mask. It was probably the least original looking of all of her new outfit, as it looked like it was made from gray lace, instead of bone like it had been. In her hands the large scythe from Grimson had turned a six flanged mace. Though Lua is more of a caster than a frontline fighter, so I’m not sure how well she’ll be able to use that mace. But considering that the flanges should be vampiric steel, she should be able to alter its appearance a bit at least.

“... well, I would call that a success.” I said.

“Yes. It really was.” Lua said, looking over her new clothes. “Thank you.”

“I don’t mean to interrupt, but Master, if you would.” The near naked Grimson said.

“Yeah. Sorry for forcing you to wait.” I said, getting out three cards from my collection. “Tribute to the Doomed. I discard Outstanding Dog Marron to destroy Vampire Grimson.” I said to activate my card.


Now I know what you might ask, why? Well, it is simple really. Lua just basically stole the clothes from Grimson and we need them back. And the easiest way to do that is simply destroying her and letting her come back after her death cooldown. And Tribute to the Doomed is the best card I have for ‘peacefully’ killing her. I don’t want to do something like smack her with a comically large wooden mallet after all.Hammer Shot And using God Marron, I mean Dog Marron as a discard just makes sense, since the dog come back automatically as soon as they go on the death cooldown, because of their effect.Accidental joke born because I misspelled dog as god. I was going to fix it, but it was funny so I left it.

“Monster Reborn.” I activated the third card which I got out. This part wasn’t actually necessary, but considering that we just stole the clothes from Grimson and then killed her to get them back, using a Monster Reborn is deserved. 


The now again clothed Grimson reappeared before us. 

“Thank you Master. You really didn’t have to.” She said.

“Maybe, but you also did us a great service, so of course I will. You can go now.” I said, unsummoning the newly resurrected vampire.

I turned back to look at Lua. She had taken off her masquerade mask, and she was looking back and forth between the mace in her right hand and the mask in her left.

“I can’t put them away…” She muttered.

“Put them away? What do you mean?” I asked.

“When I was in the factory, I was able to put away parts of my clothing. Like my weapons, my mantle, or even something like this mask.” Lua said. “But I can’t do it now.”

“... alright. Are you sure that wasn’t just factory shenanigans? You just altering your avatar?”

“No. Mia said it was the skill, so I don’t think so. And I could only do it with clothes and weapons I altered with Princess’s Grace.”

“... okay. Well, I really don’t know, so… Maybe you need your skill to level up, but the factory somehow treated your skill as being at a higher level?” I offered.

“... your skill is weird.”

“Yeah, tell me about it. But it's not like yours is completely normal either, so I guess we are even.”

“... but it only makes dresses, so it isn’t nearly as good as your skills. Especially the Pack Opener.”

“I would still consider that good. Also, your new clothes look amazing.” I complimented her.

“Eh? I … thank you.”

“When you are ready for a second one, just ask. But honestly, that will be a great daily wear dress. I kind of prefer your other one, but that one might be a bit much for daily use, so this is great. But I do wonder, how defensive do you think it is?”

“I guess we could try it out in combat to find out?” Lua offered.

“So the dungeon. Tomorrow?”

“I… I guess.” Lua agreed. “Wait? You tricked me!”

“No I didn’t. I’ll come pick you up tomorrow morning, around the time we arrived today.” I told her, before escaping the room.

“Brian!” She called out after me.

I looked back just to see her taking a good two handed grip on her mace.

Yeap. Time for me to take some distance. I know I have decent defense, but I still don’t want to take a mace to the face. Or any other part of my body for that matter. 


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