Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.175 LV.2 Different Dimension Factory

CH.175 LV.2 Different Dimension Factory

I woke up to the sound of clothes rustling. I opened my eyes, but as the lights were off, I didn’t actually see much. The room wasn’t completely dark, so I did see the outline of someone moving. As well as the slightly glowing emerald eyes of that person.

“Brian? Did I wake you?” Ria asked in a quiet voice.

“Yeah. But don’t worry about it. What about you?”

“I’m heading out for the servants breakfast. One of them woke me up and told me to come. You can sleep for a bit longer.” 

“Ah. Okay. Enjoy your breakfast.” I said as I closed my eyes again, even if I had no plans about going back to sleep.

I waited for Ria to leave the room before I jumped into the Different Dimension Factory.

When I got into the Factory, I noticed Laura speaking with someone I didn’t recognize. 

She was a woman, about 25 years old by my estimation, and she looked like a mixture of a few Vampire monsters. Her hair was crimson red and eyes turquoise, similar to Vampire Fascinator. Her hairdo came from Vampire Lady, a simple but elegant tied bun. Her dress was a simplified daily wear version of Vampire Grace’s gown, a purple and black dress with some fang or claw looking things, and some gold embroidery to highlight everything. And the last thing she had mimicked were the wings of Vampire Vamp. A real mix of everything.


I guess while I’m at it, I should tell you what Laura wears. She wears a white long sleeve blouse and a pastel yellow skirt on top of black leggings. And on her feet, she has white sandals. No socks, obviously. 

“Good morning.” I said to the two of them.

They turned to look at me and Laura was the first one to speak.

“Good morning, Dear.”

“Good morning, Mr. Brian.”

As soon as the mixed vampire spoke, I knew who she was. Well, at least I have a very good guess. The voice that was like a younger version of Agatha’s should only belong to one person. Well, calling them a person isn’t exactly accurate.

“So you managed to realize in here, Mia.” I commented.

“Yes. We had some difficulty with the information amounts, but we managed to get around that problem.” Mia answered.

“Why would that be a problem?” I asked.

“Mia is still only basic level, so she can’t process information as fast as I can.” Laura answered. “We had to simplify everything first and then she could take it in. Essentially, she sees this space in a simplified version that lacks details. I can emulate it for you if you would like.”

“Sure, if it doesn’t take too long.” I agreed.

“Just a second then.” Laura said as she walked over to me and hugged me.

I did enjoy the good morning hug, until Laura disappeared from my arms. Well, it would be more accurate to say she entered my body. Not in that way, you weirdo. And this isn’t my body, but just my avatar. Laura is always inside my body.

(Just a second.) I heard Laura’s voice in my head, before my vision changed.

The perfectly sharp world that I had been in pixelated and simplified. I guess if you want a comparison, you could say it is like going from an HD-remake of a game back to the original PS2 version. The original version is good, but the new one does look much better. And in my case, the HD-version is the original for me.

(Okay, this is enough. Can you give my HD back?) I requested.

My vision improved back to where it had been and Laura reappeared next to me.

“Well, I can see how that would be annoying, but it isn’t a real problem, is it?”

“No, not really. There might be issues if Miss Lucia tries to come here. She would need Mia constantly processing the information, so the two of them can’t realize at the same time like we can.” Laura said.

“Any ways around that?”

“At least two. But neither of them is exactly easy. First is getting Mia upgraded to Standard level. That way, she could handle the information easier. Or getting me upgraded to Advanced. That way, I could do more of the processing for her.” Laura answered. “That is also the situation with getting others into here. Even with the two of us working together, we could only get that quality, so getting someone with no System Support into this space is basically impossible.”

“Ah. Okay. Were those the two ways, or was that just one way?”

“No, there is a second. Getting the Different Dimension Factory to a higher level. But as it is unaffected by Level Up, there is no simple way of doing it.”

“Would that help? Wouldn’t that just increase the amount of stuff here and by extension the amount of information?” I asked.

In my experience, making the ‘game’ larger is not the way to decrease the internet connection needed to play it. It should be the opposite. Larger game means more data that has to be transferred.

“No, it’s because… Actually, it will be faster if I just introduce you two.” Laura said.

Wait what? Introduce me? Who else has come into my skill without permission? Well, Mia did have permission, so this would actually be the first intruder without permission.

“I’ll leave you two for now. Mistress is waking up and I believe she will need me.” Mia said before we got a move on.

“I recall her saying she didn’t want you calling her Mistress.” I commented, before she had time to disappear.

“That is the title she is worthy of, so I shall call her that whenever she doesn’t hear me.” Mia said, before disappearing.

“Laura, are you like that when you speak about me while I’m not around to hear?”


“I’ll take your silence as a yes. Don’t worry. With all the monsters calling me ‘Master’ anyway, I’m kind of used to it.”

As we were walking, I noticed something. There were more doors in the Factory. I know we were kind of close to running out, as we only had 7 or 9 empty ones last time, but now, it seems like there are at least 30 doors that don’t have something painted on them.

I followed Laura to the large room, maybe I should call it the Tower room, as it does have ten towers.

There I saw a young girl with long light brown hair playing with Maiden of the Aqua and Guardian Angel Joan.


She seemed to be 5 or 6 years old and she was wearing something that looked like a child sized replica of Guardian Angel Joan’s clothing. Well, unlike the angel, the little girl didn’t have wings or a halo.

The two monsters that were with her pointed me out as I approached and the little girl turned to look at me. She then took off running towards me.

“PAPA!” She called out.

… Laura? What did you do now?

I crouched down and received the girl running at me. As she clung to me, I felt her clothes change. She had been wearing an imitation of Guardian Angel Joan’s clothes, but now she was wearing a hoodie, t-shirt and jeans, like my avatar was.

“Papa. I was waiting for you. Mama said you would come in the morning, so I was waiting.”

… okay. So there is mama, and I think I’m papa. This makes no sense. But better not to say that to her. Luckily I have a way of communicating without speaking. Let’s just hope it works while Laura is realized.

(Laura, want to explain this?) I asked her, like I would ask Lua when trying to connect with her.

(Her? That is quite simple. She is the avatar of the Different Dimension Factory.) Laura answered.

“Eh?” I let out a small sound before realizing that I probably shouldn’t have.

“Papa?” The girl stepped back a bit and looked directly into my eyes.

Her eyes were a similar shining green as Laura has. Actually, Ria’s emerald eyes when she is in a blood frenzy are not too far either, but not quite there. They lack the almost star pattern that both Laura and this girl have.

“Yes. What is it?” I asked her, fully accepting my role as her papa. If she really is the avatar of Different Dimension Factory, her calling me papa and Laura mama isn’t that far from the truth.

“Is papa sad?” She asked.

“No, of course I’m not. Why would you think that?”

“Papa is so quiet. I thought papa liked to talk.”

“I do. I’m just a bit blown away by how big you already are.” I said to the girl.

“... does papa want a real baby instead of me?” She asked. I could see some tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

“No. I want you. You are my girl and I won’t let anyone take you.” I said to her as I took her back into a hug.

Different Dimension Factory is mine and I won’t let anyone else have her. That card will never get installed into anyone else.

“Papa. Give me a name.” My little girl demanded as she was riding on my shoulders. 

“Sure. Just give me a bit of time to think about it.” I answered as I followed Laura.

I had been catching up with Laura about what she had been doing for the night. In short, she was able to get at least 1 of everything from .

But as she was doing the entire Mia experiment, she didn’t have time for many other things. The one thing she did do, is test out B.E.S. Big Core for me. And that is why we were walking towards a currently empty room in the factory. Well, it wasn’t actually empty, but had 1 monster in it. The aforementioned B.E.S. Big Core.

Oh. Something else I should probably mention is the existence of the little girl on my shoulders. She can realize here for one reason. My Different Dimension Factory skill leveled up to 2. 

According to Laura, the fast level up of my second unique skill came from me reaching level 50. Apparently, it causes a small boost to come from the system that results generally in new skill being learned, or powerful skill leveling up. It could sometimes even cause something called an evolution, which would change a person's race to an advanced one. Something like Sorceress that Jenna was while she was fused would be considered an advanced race. But going through an evolution like that at level 50 was rare. It usually happened later, at either LV.70, 80 or 90. And some wouldn’t evolve before reaching the first level limit of 99.

Also, because DDF is now level 2, there are more available rooms and the rooms are slightly larger. There was also a time dilation effect between the two worlds now. In here, time moves faster. By about 1.2 times. So a minute outside is 72 seconds here. Not a major difference, but that multiplier should grow as the skill level increases.

And if Laura and Mia’s theory is correct, as Different Dimension Factory, the skill not her avatar, grows in level, she should be able to make the processing required to come here easier and we can bring other people here and they won’t suffer the bad rendering quality.

“Laura, I don’t see it.” I commented as I looked at the empty space. There was nothing here. I don’t think she would ever pick the wrong room, but I almost want to say she did. This place was just an empty void, like any of the empty rooms.

“It is there papa. Can’t you see it?” The girl on my shoulders said as she pointed to the sky.

“No. I don’t think I can.” I looked at where she was pointing, but it just looked all the same white void.

“Right there. That blue light.” She said.

I tried to follow her finger and noticed something that might have been blue. But it was super difficult to see in this white room.

“Yeah. I think I see it. But that doesn’t look like a spaceship to me.”

“Mama, make it visible.” 

Laura didn’t answer her and instead just looked up to the sky. After a few seconds, the blue glow became more noticeable and the rest of B.E.S. Big Core appeared around it.


That thing is huge. I was expecting something maybe a bit larger than Gradius, but this thing is at least 100 meters from the forward guns to the thrusters.

“Laura, I don’t think I can use this thing.” I said, looking up at the giant spaceship.

“Don’t worry. I predicted that part. That is why I already installed Opti-Camouflage Armor to it. That is how it was ‘invisible’. While camouflaged, you can only see a soft glow of the main reactor. I also added a Machine Conversion Factory and a defensive 7 Completed to it.”

“That isn’t the problem. This thing is too big to land anywhere.”

“But papa, it can beam you up to it.” The avatar of DDF said.

“Wait. When did you have time to watch Star Trek? You are too young for that.” 

“That wasn’t a reference. It has a teleportation beam that can be used to pick up and let out passengers.” Laura said.

“... so it never has to land?”

“Correct. Want to test it out?” 

“If we have time.”

“We should still have some.”

I spent a bit of time getting familiar with the features on my new spaceship. Getting into it was actually easy. Just get it to activate the beam, step into it and a few seconds later, you are in the ship. Getting out is basically the same. And it can stay in camouflage for the entire time, so no one on the ground will likely see it. Unless it is raining. Having a giant spaceship that acts as an umbrella could give it away.

“I think I should head back for now.” I said as I took the avatar of Factory off of my shoulders and placed her on the ground. “I promise, I’ll come up with a name for you today and I’ll come give it to you in the evening.” I said to the girl as I lightly patted her head.

“Yes. I’ll wait.” She said, smiling. “... but papa, you can’t leave yet. You haven't met big sis yet.” She added.

… oh God. When did I get two children?

The avatar of the Factory dragged me along. We entered the Different Dimension Treasury room and headed straight for the back area. Few of the goblins did come and try to talk to us, but she just brushed right past them. Laura walked behind us and gave a small apology to them, saying we were in a hurry. We really became an instant family.

We got into the office of the Goblin of Greed and he greeted us, but again, my little girl ignored him and just walked to the hidden door. She then used her own hand on the scan panel to open the door. The interesting part was not that it worked, but that the ground below her feet rose before she scanned her hand so that she could reach.

Goblin of Greed looked a bit disappointed that he didn’t get to open the door for me, but he quickly sat back down and got back to doing whatever he was doing.

As we walked into the scientific marble that is my Different Dimension Treasury, I noticed a girl sitting at a small table. She was reading a book while occasionally taking a sip of tea from her tea cup.

“Big sis. Papa is here.” Factory said to her.

She put her book down, got up from her seat and looked at us.

She seemed about Alice’s age, or maybe a year younger. Something like 15 or 16. Her hair was long and electric blue in color, with some white stripes. Her eyes were silver in color and she was wearing a pink onesie. Not something you would expect from someone that drinks tea and reads books on quantum mechanics. The clothing part, not the eye color.

“Father. I am happy that you made time to come see me.” She said as she bowed lightly. Her voice added to the pile of things that pointed out her true identity to me.

“Of course I would. Might I assume that you are the avatar of Different Dimension Treasury?” Considering where she is, her voice, what she is reading and the fact that Factory was able to manifest an avatar, this girl should be the avatar of Treasury. I think.

“Yes, I am.” She answered.

“Well, it is great to meet you as well. Should I assume that you also want a name?”

“If father has the time to give me one, I would be happy to receive it.” She answered.

“I do have the time to think of one. But not now. I’ll add you to my previous promise. I’ll give you both a name in the evening. But I’ll have to go now.”

“Thank you, father. I’ll be waiting.” Treasury said as she sat back down.

“Yes, papa.” Factory said, as she tugged my hand.

I looked at her and she opened her arms wide, so I took her into a hug. Then I set her back down and gave my other ‘daughter’ a hug as well. No preferential treatment here. Other than one getting more level ups than the other, but I can’t exactly do anything about that.

Then I walked over to Laura and gave her a little kiss before returning to the real world and getting ready for the day.



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