Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.174 Telling Ria about my Unique Skill

CH.174 Telling Ria about my Unique Skill

During dinner, I introduced Ria to the rest of the people living in the manor. Well, more like the rest of the people that eat at the same table as I do. I’m sure there are plenty of maids and other servants also living here.

For her part, Ria wasn’t going to join the dinner table, until Thomas ordered her to. He said it would be his taste to confirm if she truly was cured, but I feel like that might have been a lie. After he saw that Ria could eat just fine, he said that she would from now on join the servants for their meals instead of eating with us. Ria herself seemed more than fine with that, so I didn’t comment on it and just let it be.

Well, at least they let her stay, so everything is good now.

“Ria. Are you feeling fine?” I asked her after we returned to my room. I guess our room now.

“Yes. I just … didn’t expect that I would be ordered to join the dinner table.”

“Honestly, neither did I. At least they seemed to accept you, so we should be fine for now.”

“Let’s hope so. But Ria, I hope you will understand this. You are now more important than them to me. You are connected to me with the slave contract and that means you are important. So if they do anything to you, it is the same as them doing it to me. You have to tell me if they do anything you don’t like to you.” 

“... yes, Master.” Ria said, bowing a little. 

“You don’t need to call me Master. You can just call me Brian.”

“Brian. Yes. I will.”

“Good. Now, I’m going to take a bath first and you can take one after me. But before that, I want to see your status. I need to see it for something I’ll do after the bath.”

“My status? Sure. Status open.” Ria said to open her status.

Name: Rhianna
Race: Dhampir
Level: 39
HP: 1090
Mana: 1090
Strength: 675
Defense: 385
Magic: 635
Blood Magic LV.4 (Racial)
Fire Magic LV.3
Mana Control LV.3
Fast Mana Recovery LV.1
Internal Magic Technique LV.5
Unarmed Combat Technique LV.4
Flickering Step LV.1
Power Boost LV.4
Defense Boost LV.1
Blood Sucker (Racial)
Slave. Master: Brian Wood

Wow. She is quite strong. Level 39 is no joke. She also has some nice skills. Other than the racial magic, she also has fire magic, like she mentioned. And Internal Magic Technique. Wonder what that is. Unarmed Combat Technique should be what is says on the tin, something for fist fighting. Defense Boost is something I could use. Not for any real reason, it just sounds useful. Same goes for Power Boost. I think Alice also has Magic Boost, so there is a boost for everything. And Flickering Step. I think Laura mentioned that skill at some point. It is something where you channel mana to your feet to move faster. 

“Ria. I don’t know the skill Internal Magic Technique. What does it do?” I asked.

“Eh? You don’t? It allows me to quick and instant cast magic, but only magic that takes place inside my own body. I use it with Blood Rush and Heated Heart to boost my strength in a fight.”

Heated Heart? Like H-Heated Heart? Like an actual spell card in Yugioh? It is a part of the HERO Flash series of cards with E - Emergency Call, R - Righteous Justice and O - Oversoul. They were all decent cards for the time period, well, H-Heated Heart was the worst of them. And some are still good today. E-call is still amazing. R-justice isn’t that good any more, but back when people still used battle traps, it was nice. And O-soul is still used in some HERO builds, I think.

… I got sidetracked.

“I see. That does sound useful. But yeah, I didn’t know about the skill.”

“But shouldn’t it be well known? I think a lot of adventurers use it as it is a lot easier than mastering all types of magic.”

“I don’t have a need for that type of skill, as I can’t use any elemental magic anyway. I can only use summoning magic. But thanks for showing me. Do you want to see mine?” I asked.

“I… Yes, I would. If you really are willing to show someone like me.”

“I can show you, but you must promise me one thing.”

“You could order me. I am your slave after all.” 

“I won’t order you. Not in this case. I want your promise. And this isn’t for just while you are my slave, but forever. I want you to promise not to tell anyone about my status, no matter what. Can you promise that?”

“I … I promise. I’ll never tell anyone.”

“Then I will … wait. I need to make sure first.” I got up from the chair that I had been sitting on and walked to the door. I opened it and looked both ways to confirm that there was no one in the hallway. I then closed the door again and sat back down.

“Hmm. Maybe I should take a precaution.”

“Brian? What are you speaking of?” Ria asked.

“I just don’t want anyone to walk in while I have my status open. And I also don’t want them to hear your surprised screams. So I’ll take a precaution.” I said as I opened my Pack Opener.

I was actually gonna take out Dark Magician, but I noticed something else I could use. Promo Trades have that one monster. No, not Sorcerer of Dark Magic. Well, he is there as well, but I was actually thinking of another spellcaster from the promo trades.

I traded 8 spellcaster type monsters for my new card, used the skill to put a sleeve and toploader on it and brought it out.

“Cosmo Queen.”


Ria didn’t react too much to me summoning Cosmo Queen, probably because she saw me summon all of the vampires earlier today. I think otherwise she would have had a reaction.

“Master. What may I do for you?” The purple skinned spellcaster asked. Being called ‘Master’ by a queen now. Wonder what is next? An emperor? But I don’t have an Emperor monster yet. I only have Emperor’s Holiday, but that isn’t a monster. Chaos Emperor Dragon is still in a Different Dimension Capsule.

“I need a barrier that prevents anyone outside hearing us or seeing us. Can you do that?”

“Simple.” She answered. “Would you like to still be able to see the outside?”

“Eh? You can do that? Well then of course. As long as no one outside can see in.”

“As you wish. Reality Wall.”

Reality Wall? What? That sounds… strong? And it also sounds like Space magic, not dark magic.

(Because it isn’t dark magic. It doesn’t fall into any magic category that I have access to, so it is at least on the level of an extra skill. Perhaps even a unique skill.) Laura said.

(Well, she is the ‘Queen of the galaxies and mistress of the stars.’ so using some sort of space-time magic should be doable for her.)

I wonder if she would teach me? I can’t learn most magic as I don’t have any elemental affinities, but perhaps something like space-time magic would be possible. 

“Brian?” Ria asked. “What is this?”

“A barrier of some kind, right?”

“Yes, it is. It doesn’t prevent any movement but creates an illusionary wall around you that won’t let those outside see or hear what is happening inside. I can add a Dimensional Wall if you want to prevent movement as well.” Cosmo Queen offered.

“No. I think this is enough for now. Thank you.” I thanked my summon before I turned back to Ria. “Now, to my status. Status open.”

Name: Brian Wood
Race: Human !
Level: 48
HP: 1220
Mana: 1760
Strength: 345
Defense: 545
Magic: 465
Pack Opener LV.4 (unique)
Different Dimension Factory LV.1 (unique)
Telekinesis LV.2 (extra)
Summoner’s Unity LV.2 (extra)
Inventory LV.2 (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Health Conscious (extra)
Mana Control LV.5
Water Spirit’s Blessing (Greater)
Language Comprehension (humanoid)
Slave Master
Slaves: Rhianna

I saw Ria’s eyes noticeably widen as she looked at my status.

“... Brian? Your skills? They are … strange.”

“That is what you are catching onto? Not the fact that I have two unique skills or the fact that I have the system support?”

“...” Ria went quiet when I said that and just stared at my status. I could see her eyes moving up and down a bit, like she was searching for something. “System Support? I don’t see anything like that.”

“... Ria, do you know what the system support is?” I asked.

“I’ve heard it is some amazing skill, but that’s it. But you don’t have a skill like that.”

“That is because it isn’t a skill. It is … how do I explain it? I guess calling it an amazing skill is close enough to correct, but it isn’t actually a skill. But it is shown by the “!” mark at the end of my race tab.” I told her.

“That? I thought it was a mark that you are special.” 

“Well, that isn’t exactly wrong. Having system support does make you special. But enough about that, back to my skills. The important part at the moment is Pack Opener. It allows me to make and use the cards I use for summoning. And those cards have effects other than just summoning a monster. Let me show you.” I said as I got out a copy of Level Up! “I want to increase my overall level, Level Up!”

Name: Brian Wood
Race: Human !
Level: 50
HP: 1240
Mana: 1780
Strength: 355
Defense: 555
Magic: 475
Pack Opener LV.4 (unique)
Different Dimension Factory LV.1 (unique)
Telekinesis LV.2 (extra)
Summoner’s Unity LV.2 (extra)
Inventory LV.2 (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Health Conscious (extra)
Mana Control LV.5
Water Spirit’s Blessing (Greater)
Language Comprehension (humanoid)
Slave Master
Slaves: Rhianna

We both looked as my status updated in real time.

“WHAT?!” Ria yelled out. At least I didn’t put up this barrier for nothing.

“Yeah. I can do that.”

“How? Why? What is that? Can you do that for me?”

“Level Up. Because it just works like that. Again, Level Up. And yes, I can do that for you. That is why I wanted to show you my status. And that isn’t even all of it.” I said as I got out another copy of Level Up! “ I want to increase the level of my Inventory. Level Up.”

Name: Brian Wood
Race: Human !
Level: 50
HP: 1340
Mana: 1880
Strength: 355
Defense: 555
Magic: 475
Pack Opener LV.4 (unique)
Different Dimension Factory LV.1 (unique)
Telekinesis LV.2 (extra)
Summoner’s Unity LV.2 (extra)
Inventory LV.3 (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Health Conscious (extra)
Mana Control LV.5
Water Spirit’s Blessing (Greater)
Language Comprehension (humanoid)
Slave Master
Slaves: Rhianna

Again, my status updated.

“I can also use it to increase the level of skills, as you just saw.”

“...” I think I might have broken Ria. She is just standing there, silent.

“I guess she needs a moment. Cosmo Queen, can you take care of her for a bit? I’m going to go take a bath. Oh and you can take down the barrier.” 

“Yes, Master.” My summon agreed.

(Brian, for future reference, you don’t have to ask Ria to show you her status. As her Slave Master, you can look at it through your status, by pressing on her name while you have your status open. Or you can just think about it.) Laura informed me while I was washing myself.

(Okay. Thanks for telling me that. But I also want Ria to really trust me. For some reason that definitely isn’t just the mission.)

(I know.)

(But Laura, if we have something like a link through the system already, could we use it to send mental messages between us like I do with Lua?)

(... I don’t know. I don’t think there has ever been anyone that would have attempted that. Even the system link I did with Mia is rare. But it might be possible. Do you want me to look into that?)

(Go for it. It would be super useful if it were possible. And also look into if it is possible to bring others into the Factory while you are at it.)

(I was already going to experiment that idea with Mia tonight. If we can get her in, we can test Miss Lucia next. Then we can try Rhianna.)

(Thanks for always working so hard, Laura. Don’t forget that I’ll need that B.E.S. Big Core tomorrow, so please get that as well. It is a super rare, so we can’t even get it with a Different Dimension Capsule in time.)

(Actually, I already have a capsule getting it. I activated it in the morning, just in case. It won’t be ready by the time you wake up, but it should be ready by the time you finish breakfast and are ready to go.)

(... Laura. I love you.)

After my bath, filled by Aqua Spirit, I dressed up in my PJs before returning to the room that Ria was in.

“So, did you have time to process all of that?” I asked.

“... I think so. I still don’t really understand the whole system support thing, but I think I got the other parts. Except that I don’t really know what your skills do.”

“That’s fine. You’ll get used to them soon. At the end of the day, I’m basically just a summoner. I summon monsters and they fight for me. All of my other stuff is just there to make that easier. Now go take a bath. I’ll then use two level ups on you and we can go to bed.” I ordered her.

I did have Aqua Spirit replace the bath water. No sharing it at this point. I also left her summoned, so that she could help Ria. I don’t know if she wants to, but I did tell her to make sure Ria lets the water drain after she has finished.

Ria came out of the bath looking great. Not that she doesn’t usually look good, but after a good wash, her silver hair was shining. She had dressed in a nightgown that had been brought for her. Another thing I should be thankful for. Her own sleepwear was just a shirt and underwear. That thing should be more comfortable.

“Now then. I’ll use the level ups on you. One on your overall level and one on one of your skills.” I said. “What skill would you prefer?”

“Would you pick for me?” Ria asked.

“I can,but are you sure?”

“You are my Master. I’ll do what you want me to do.” Ria said.

“Okay then. How about I use the skill level up on your Defense Boost? Your defense is your lowest stat and Defense Boost should help with that.” I offered.

“Yes. If that is what you feel is best.” 

After the two level ups, Ria showed me her stats again.

Name: Rhianna
Race: Dhampir
Level: 41
HP: 1100
Mana: 1100
Strength: 685
Defense: 445
Magic: 645
Blood Magic LV.4 (Racial)
Fire Magic LV.3
Mana Control LV.3
Fast Mana Recovery LV.1
Internal Magic Technique LV.5
Unarmed Combat Technique LV.4
Flickering Step LV.1
Power Boost LV.4
Defense Boost LV.2
Blood Sucker (Racial)
Slave. Master: Brian Wood

Good. The level ups worked fine. I didn’t think they wouldn’t, but there could have been some slave BS in the way.

I unsummoned the two monsters and we both went into our own beds. Well, Ria was sleeping on a mattress on the floor, not in a bed.

“Good night.” I said to Ria as I switched off the lights.

“Good night.” She answered.

It really was going to be good. Because I had a real good reason to know that Ria had really accepted me.

Mission: Good Master
Slave Rhianna respects you as her Master.
Reward: Kitchen Dragonmaid

Got a Dragonmaid. I’ll look into what she can do tomorrow. Maybe she can help with Mystik Wok things or something. She is a Kitchen Dragonmaid after all. 



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