You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 958: shadow stone

Chapter 958 Shadow Stone

An instant later, a black shadow moved as fast as lightning and appeared in the sight of the two people.

Only then did Lu Xuan see the true face of this angry swordsman.

The black shadow has no physical body, and has a vague posture of a monk. The sword energy hangs down, like clothes fluttering in the water. The overall feeling is extremely sharp, and there is a slight tingling sensation from the spiritual consciousness dozens of feet away. feel.

"Well done!"

The sword box in Long Xingyu's hand suddenly jumped up, flying swords came out one after another, and the sound of sword whistling could be heard in the surrounding area.

Sensing the powerful sword energy, the empty eyes of the black shadow seemed to light up instantly, turning into afterimages and rushing towards Long Xingyu.

Long Xingyu's swordsmanship was superb, and the many flying swords had various changes, which made Lu Xuan beside him dizzy.

The Sword Master's strength should be slightly inferior, but he has a strong fighting spirit and attacks many flying swords like a demon.

Every part of its body can release powerful attacks, its limbs turn into sword blades, and various sword energies spurt out from its seven orifices, making it difficult to guard against.

However, his strength was still no match for Long Xingyu. A moment later, he was chopped into countless dark black fragments by numerous flying swords and merged into the lake water.

"Senior Brother Long is so powerful, he can kill an angry swordsman so easily!"

Lu Xuan praised loudly while still far away.

There was no need for him to take action anyway, just a few words of flattery wouldn't hurt.

"Hahaha, this angry swordsman is still a bit tricky."

Long Xingyu laughed.

"That's not easy to be killed by senior brother."

Lu Xuan said with a smile.

"It's not that simple."

"Just break it up, it can't be killed so easily."

"Those incomplete fragments will condense together after a long period of sword energy and sword intent, and hundreds of years later they will condense into a new Angry Sword Master."

Long Xingyu said in a deep voice.

"I see, junior brother has learned a lesson."

Lu Xuan nodded lightly.

"Junior Brother Lu, we are destined to meet here at Heart Sword Lake. You are also a spiritual planter. Why don't you go with me to capture those sword-like spirits and subjugate the sword bones and souls together?"

Long Xingyu invited Lu Xuan.

"Thank you, senior brother, for your kindness."

"It's just that my strength is low, senior brother. I'm afraid of dragging you down, senior brother. At the same time, I'm used to being alone. I'd better explore Xinjian Lake slowly by myself."

Lu Xuan declined.

If he were to be with the Sword Sect disciple in front of him, how could he search for treasures in this Heart Sword Lake using his unique means?

As for Long Xingyu wanting to harm himself, he has no worries about this. After all, they are from the same sect and have no interest in each other. They are also in the magical treasure land of Jianzong. If there is a conflict, it will be difficult to avoid the sect Yuanying Zhenjun. .

More importantly, he has enough confidence in himself that he is not worried about encountering that kind of situation.

"Okay, senior brother, I will take the first step. Junior Brother Lu, you can find a few more treasures."

Long Xingyu was just out of good intentions. Seeing that Lu Xuan didn't agree, he didn't force himself and left.

After his figure completely disappeared, Lu Xuan chose another direction.

"Another angry swordsman."

With his spiritual consciousness at its maximum, even if he is affected deep in the Heart Sword Lake, he can detect all movements more than a hundred feet away.

He sighed softly in his heart, used the small movement technique, and the figure disappeared instantly.

After a few breaths, a black shadow came to Lu Xuan's previous location. The limbs of the black shadow turned into sword blades, and the fighting spirit surged.

But there was no breath from the monk's hand around him. He could only look around blankly and fly away.

"There is nothing in return, so there is no need for me to take action." The sword energy spirit fluid deep in the lake bottom fluctuated slightly, and Lu Xuan's figure appeared silently.

According to his understanding, this angry swordsman is extremely difficult to deal with and has an undying desire to fight. Even if he kills it, he will not get any benefit. It is better to avoid it directly and save some spiritual energy.

He walked slowly on the bottom of Xinjian Lake.

What comes into view is an endless expanse of rocks with weird shapes everywhere.

Every piece of reef has deep or shallow sword marks, which are probably the result of being washed away by countless sword energies at the bottom of the lake.

"It is said that there is a sword-type spirit called Shadow Stone hidden in this area."

"The shadow stone has no body, or the countless reefs in front of it are its body. It has extremely strong hiding ability and can freely switch between each reef, making it extremely difficult to detect its traces."

Lu Xuan thought to himself.

However, this shadow stone is extremely versatile. It can record the essence of sword intentions scattered in the Heart Sword Lake, and it can be used to deduce and practice sword techniques on its own.

If you get a piece, the sword cultivator can penetrate it, learn swordsmanship with the spirits hidden inside, and hone the way of swordsmanship.

"Strong concealment ability, can also switch body..."

"Even if you bring hundreds or thousands of rocks back to the bottom of the lake, it's very likely that there won't be a single shadow stone."

"However, it's different here with me. No matter how strong your hiding ability is, as long as you swallow a trace of the sword intent I release, you will have nothing to hide."

"Even if you switch to another reef very quickly, you can't hide it from me."

Lu Xuan smiled slightly.

With a thought in his mind, dozens of tiny rays of sword intent shot out and landed on nearby rocks.

Then he concentrated his mind and felt the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness.


Lu Xuan shook his head and continued to differentiate dozens of rays of sword intent.

"Still not."

After several attempts, no thought came to my mind.

Lu Xuan was not disappointed and patiently shuttled through the strange rocks.


Suddenly, when his mind fell on one of the long rocks, a thought flashed through his mind.

[Shadow Stone is a sword-type monster with average strength and strong hiding ability. It has no entity and can be freely switched among the special reefs of Heart Sword Lake.

Proficient in the art of swordsmanship, he can record the sword intent appearing in nearby areas, capture its essence, and store it in his body. 】

"Hey, your true colors are revealed."

Lu Xuan smiled slightly and came to the long reef in an instant.

I was about to put it into the storage bag, but when my mind focused on it again, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no movement.

"It's quite fast."

Lu Xuan sighed with some surprise. When the spirit in the reef moved, he didn't notice it at all.

"However, as long as it is slower than my mind, it is within my capture range."

He thought secretly in his heart.

Immediately, hundreds of swords flew out, instantly finding the reef hiding the shadow stone spirit. At the same time, a bag of shadows flashed past, and the reef was involved.

"Stay peacefully in the gluttonous sac."

Lu Xuan smiled slightly, and his mind entered the gluttonous sac in his dantian, and he saw a sword-qi villain appearing on the surface of the reef from time to time, running rampant, trying to find another place to stay.

"Finally, I have such an opportunity. Grab a few more shadow stones and keep one to practice your sword skills. Whether the rest is dedicated to Jianfeng or sold to Jianzong disciples, it is a good choice."

(End of chapter)


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