You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 957: Bait Angry Swordsman

Chapter 957 Bait the Angry Swordsman

His mind was focused on the black-lined monster fish, and suddenly, an idea appeared in his mind.

[Spike Fish is a sword-like spirit. The Flying Sword magic weapon Sword Spike has been nurtured by the strong sword energy and sword intention for many years. It has formed a ray of spirituality and transformed into the form of a fish to live in the Heart Sword Lake. 】

[The spike fish is extremely fast and extremely difficult to catch. It has an attack power equivalent to the realm of pill formation. It can release powerful sword energy and fall into a sluggish state after release. 】

[Things that like strong sword energy have different sword intentions condensed in their bodies. After the monks surrender them, they can understand the corresponding sword intentions and improve their swordsmanship. At the same time, where a large number of spike fish gather, sword treasures will naturally form. It can increase the monk's sword practice speed. 】

"It turns out to be a spiritual fish transformed from a sword-like spirit."

Lu Xuan sighed secretly.

He has a lot of kendo experience packs brought by the Sword Grass Light Group, so he doesn't need to spend a lot of time practicing the Sword Sutra. This spike fish is not very useful to him.

"However, you can change the perspective. One or two spike fish are of little use to us. But if there are more of them, and a small lake is opened near the spiritual field where sword grass is planted, then a lake will be formed that is very beneficial to the growth of sword grass. A special treasure.”

He suddenly became somewhat interested.

"Spike fish like things with strong sword energy, so the undercurrent of sword energy just collected will have a strong attraction to them and can be used as bait to trap them."

Lu Xuan had an idea in his mind.

He did it as he thought. He combined the undercurrents of the sword energy he had collected before and controlled it through the light-escape shadow sword energy, allowing it to swim freely within a certain area.

As for himself, he used the ability of the golden thunder clothes to isolate the breath to perfectly hide his figure.

"Took the bait."

After waiting for a moment, a crimson fish appeared within the range of Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness.

The aura of this new spike fish is more powerful than that of its companion. Wisps of crimson sword aura form slender red ribbons, floating slowly in the lake water, giving it a coquettish beauty.

It seemed unaware of the existence of the undercurrent of sword energy here and shuttled aimlessly through the lake.

"Still pretending to be with me."

"However, it seems that he is not weak in spirituality and actually knows how to perform."

Lu Xuan couldn't help but laugh in his heart. This little trick of Suiyu was full of mistakes and flaws in front of his superb acting skills.

Sure enough, in less than a moment, the crimson fish turned into a red thread, and with lightning speed, it rushed towards the place where the undercurrent of sword energy gathered.

Before it came into contact with the undercurrent, invisible sword energy trapped it, slowly closing in like a big net.

"Caught another one."

Lu Xuan was so happy that he collected the undercurrents of sword energy and used them to trap spike fish.

"I was a master of fishing in the Qianbaozhen River. Now I have entered the Heart Sword Lake and I have become a master of fishing again."

He thought to himself.

I enjoy trapping tassel fish, not only to better cultivate many sword grass spiritual plants in the future, but also to take this opportunity to recall the happy time of fishing in the river as a child.

"Okay, it's almost done. I guess there aren't many spike fish left in this water area."

More than an hour later, Lu Xuanyi still had to put away the undercurrent of sword energy.

At this time, in the large net formed by his splitting sword energy, there were already more than thirty spike fish of different colors.

"The spike fish are very aggressive, but there are not so many imprisonment-type magic weapons to trap them. It seems that we have no choice but to take advantage of the colored sword scabbard."

Lu Xuan thought about it and took out the Yangxuan sword scabbard from the storage bag.

There was a giant sword stuck in the crack of the scabbard. When it was pulled out, there was a vague suction force inside, as if it was reluctant to part with the giant sword. "This sword scabbard has a good life. Every few days, it changes to a flying sword with a different style."

"This spike fish is too thin, and it will definitely not be enough to satisfy it. Fortunately, there are enough of them, and it can barely fill the scabbard."

Lu Xuan put the slender fish into the sheath of Yangxuan's sword.

Afterwards, he put the Yangxuan Sword scabbard into the gluttonous sac and continued to explore the depths of Xinjian Lake.

The further you walked in, the greener the lake became, and countless sword energy turned into viscous spiritual liquid, squeezing crazily towards Lu Xuan's body.

With a thought in his mind, the wind and thunder sword intention formed a dark tornado, with the sword energy roaring inside and the sound of thunder continuing, wrapping Lu Xuan in it, making him feel much more relaxed.

"This junior brother is using the Wind and Thunder Sword Qi? Although the grade of the sword Qi is not high, it may be very difficult to reach such a superb state of cultivation."

A gentle voice reached Lu Xuan's ears, and a moment later, a handsome young man with eyes as bright as paint appeared near him.

"I'm in Xialong Xingyu, from Chongxu Sword Peak. What do you call me, junior brother?"

There was a simple sword box floating in front of the young man, and he asked Lu Xuan with a smile.

"It's true that Jianfeng Lu Xuan has met Senior Brother Long."

Lu Xuan returned the message and said.

"It turns out to be Junior Brother Lu. I heard that Junior Brother is good at spiritual plants and spiritual brews. It was Huan Zhen Sword Master who specially brought it back to the sect from the outside world."

"I didn't expect that my junior brother has such a superb level of swordsmanship and can practice the "Wind and Thunder Sword Sutra" to such a level. If he puts all his thoughts on swordsmanship, he will probably become a swordsman master renowned in the sword sect."

Long Xingyu looked at Lu Xuan with obvious admiration in his eyes.

"Senior Brother Long is ridiculous. I don't dare to be a junior brother."

Lu Xuan said quickly.

"Junior brother, I love spiritual plants more than anything else. I even put my cultivation behind. I only want to cultivate all the rare spiritual plants in the world."

"As for the slight achievements in swordsmanship, it is only because there are too many wind and thunder sword grasses cultivated."

He made up a random reason.

He is very clear about his talent in swordsmanship. After absorbing so many swordsmanship experience packs, cultivating a large number of sword grasses, and adding treasures such as the Transparent Sword Heart, Thunder Sword Gallbladder, and Huanzhen Sword Liquid, he has the swordsmanship he has today. ability.

If you really want to focus on the way of the sword, it won't be long before your true colors are revealed.

"What a pity."

Long Xingyu sighed lightly, then turned his head and looked to one side.

"An angry sword master spirit came over. The spirit looked like a madman, and its aggressiveness was among the highest in the Heart Sword Lake.

Junior Brother Lu is waiting aside. I will clean it up and then come and talk to you, Junior Brother. "

Before he finished speaking, the simple sword box in front of him suddenly started to vibrate slightly, and a deep sword pill came out in an instant, and in an instant it turned into a sword light, sweeping towards the direction where he was looking.

"The Angry Swordsman..."

Lu Xuan looked calm, recalling Mo Yuanfeng's explanation to him.

Buried in the Heart Sword Lake are many late Nascent Soul Lords of the Sword Sect. Some of them have lingering obsessions and are extremely murderous, forming a special kind of sword spirit called the Angry Sword Master.

This kind of spirit monster is aggressive by nature and has been wandering in the depths of the Heart Sword Lake for many years, automatically absorbing various sword intentions. They usually master a variety of mysterious sword scriptures and are extremely powerful. If a disciple of the Sword Sect encounters them alone, they may be injured or even injured if they are not careful. Worry for life.

(End of chapter)


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