You Cultivate, I Farm

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

As soon as Zhang Hong departed, Lu Xuan wasted no time. He gathered all his belongings, preparing to seek a solution for the black budworm larvae.

Before leaving, he retrieved a small stone, no larger than a fingernail, and approached the grass puppet.

The stone, pure white in color, emitted a faint spiritual energy fluctuation. It was a fragment of a spirit stone, split from a low-grade one, with broad utility for cultivators at Lu Xuan's level.

"Take care of things while I'm away!"

He inserted the fragment into a gray tuft on the grass puppet's head, emphasizing his instructions.

With the supplement of the fragment's spiritual power, the grass puppet emitted a faint spiritual light, seemingly revitalized.

Though he wasn't entirely confident in the slow-witted puppet's abilities, Lu Xuan had no other choice. He could only hope that during his absence, the spiritual plants in his yard would remain unharmed.

Once outside, Lu Xuan briskly paced along the cobblestone path.

His residence was in the northern sector of Lin Yangfang Market, mostly inhabited by cultivators like himself, harboring dreams of self-improvement and altering their destinies, all crammed into a small area.

As for the central market area, it belonged to the prominent families and powerful forces, a place Lu Xuan seldom ventured.

After a brief period indoors, he felt a bit out of place, observing the familiar yet unfamiliar surroundings.

A deep yellow paper bird, nearly six feet in length, carried a cultivator gently through the air at a low altitude. The bird's body bore varying lengths of feathers, indicating years of use.

Following that, a multi-legged mechanical beast zoomed past above Lu Xuan's head, carrying twenty or thirty cultivators.

These multi-legged mechanical beasts were common transportation within the market. By paying several spirit fragments, one could swiftly reach the market center.

The outskirts lacked airspace restrictions, housing numerous similar spirit beasts and flying artifacts. Occasionally, a streak of sword light would dart swiftly across the higher skies.

Sword light was controlled by cultivators using flying swords, signifying at least mid-level cultivation, an unattainable existence for Lu Xuan at his current stage.

Lu Xuan couldn't help but show a hint of envy. Mastery of a sword, traversing heaven and earthbe it in his past life or this oneremained a distant dream.

He composed himself and quickened his pace, arriving shortly at a gathering place for cultivators in the northern district.

The gathering place housed several shops and stalls, although they were nowhere near as grand as those in the central area, they were more than sufficient for a low-level cultivator like him.

Navigating through the crowd, Lu Xuan swiftly located a middle-aged cultivator in a corner.

The middle-aged cultivator also had a second-level cultivation, slender in build with a prominent cheekbone due to his gaunt face.

His upper lip sported a mustache, and his darting eyes quickly scanned the passing cultivators.

Lu Xuan knew him as Huang, residing not far from his own residence. He frequented this gathering place, well-versed in the various news and connections within the northern district.

However, inquiring from him demanded a certain payment.

Sensing Lu Xuan's gaze, Huang slightly raised the corners of his mustache, offering a friendly smile as he approached.

"Long time no see, Lu Junior Brother. How may I assist you today?"

Lu Xuan reciprocated the smile.

"I've heard of Senior Brother Huang's extensive connections and knowledge of cultivators in the north district. Could you introduce a few to me?"

"I have a few criteria. Firstly, they should be fourth-level cultivators. Secondly, skilled in powerful, finely controlled spells or possessing similar artifacts."

"Lastly, they must be located within the northern district and available immediately."

Lu Xuan conveyed his requirements to Huang, simultaneously offering a handful of spirit fragments.

He didn't expect to find higher-level cultivators, as hiring a fifth-level cultivator would cost more than twice the fee for a fourth-level one.

Moreover, the Firefly Grass was already considerably eroded. If left unresolved, he wouldn't just lose one or more of the Firefly Grass; he'd miss out on the unknown rewards hidden within the white glowing orbs when the grass matured.

Huang received the spirit fragments from Lu Xuan, his face beaming more naturally and warmly.

"There are quite a few fourth-level cultivators in the north district, but meeting your additional criteria, there are only a few."

"From what I know, there are three nearby."

"One is Fairy Lingyun, with significantly higher cultivation, proficient in the Red Cloud Needle techniquea remarkable offense and precision control."

"Then there's Daoist Qin Ming, adept in ice spells but slightly lacking in offensive power, yet unparalleled in control."

"Lastly, there's Daoist Li Xu, obsessed with swordsmanship and adept in transforming sword qi into threads, meeting your criteria."

He provided Lu Xuan with the addresses of these three fourth-level cultivators. After confirming he remembered, Huang grinned and proposed, "How about I accompany you to meet these three fellow cultivators?"

"Senior Brother Huang's kindness is appreciated, but I won't trouble you further."

Lu Xuan knew this meant another price. He thanked Huang with a clasped fist before turning away.

He wasn't concerned about being deceived by the middle-aged cultivator; after all, this was his livelihood. He wouldn't sabotage his own business.


In the courtyard.

The back of the eroded Firefly Grass, invaded by black fine lines, rapidly developed a thin layer of frost, emanating bone-chilling coldness.

Sensing the swift approach of this biting cold, the black budworm larvae attempted to squirm out of the leaf but couldn't match the spreading frost. The black lines froze along with the thin layer of frost.

In an instant, the snow-like frost solidified into hardness. With a crack, the shallow ice shards shattered, causing the black budworm larvae to fall alongside them.

A pale, tender hand reached out and caught all the fragmented ice.

"Wow, Senior Brother Qin indeed lives up to his name, using the Frost Armor Technique with such mastery. I'm impressed."

Lu Xuan exclaimed, half in truth and half in jest, staring at the undamaged Firefly Grass leaves under the frost.

The owner of the plump white hand was a chubby cultivator, smiling as he tucked the shattered ice into his bosom.

"Not at all, while dealing with the black budworm larvae, I ensured the plant's leaves remained unaffected by the frost."

"I observed the surrounding Firefly Grass for you, and I didn't find any traces of the black budworm larvae. You can rest assured for some time ahead."

"However, I noticed that the protective strength of your small spirit field here is a bit weak. Similar incidents might affect it in the future."

The plump cultivator, Qin Ming, reminded Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan waved his hand dismissively.

"We'll talk about that later. As for the payment for this task..."

"Six spirit stones and fifty spirit fragments, as agreed before."

A Firefly Grass wasn't worth much more than six spirit stones, but the substantial payment was mainly for resolving the pest issue in the spirit field and because Qin Ming was a mid-level cultivator.

Qin Ming wore

an innocent smile on his face.

Lu Xuan took out fifty spirit fragments, counted them twice, then retrieved six spirit stones from his waist pouch. He handed them over to Qin Ming, then turned away, muttering under his breath, "Deceptive merchant!"



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