You Cultivate, I Farm

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A fleeting thought crossed Lu Xuan's mind, and he sensed something peculiar within his body.

The once tranquil spiritual energy surged suddenly, coursing through Lu Xuan's meridians.

After a moment, the uncontrolled spiritual energy gradually subsided.

Lu Xuan carefully sensed the changes within him, a hint of joy appearing on his face.

His cultivation had skyrocketed, equivalent to the arduous three months of daily practice. He was now just a step away from breaking through to the third level of Qi cultivation.

"After being here for so long, the golden finger has finally arrived," Lu Xuan rejoiced. In his past life, both mentally and physically, he was ordinary. Occupying this body with its average aptitude and background, without external aids, he wasn't sure how he could have thrived in the realm of cultivation.

A stream of information emerged in his mind, granting him an understanding of everything about the white luminous mass.

Any spirit plants or herbs he personally planted and nurtured, upon maturation and harvest, would yield rewards in the form of the white luminous mass. From this mass, various items like cultivation, artifacts, techniques, and elixirs could be obtained.

The richness of the rewards depended on several factors: his involvement during the growth of the spirit plants, their type, grade, and their condition upon maturity, all influenced the size of the rewards from the white luminous mass.

The mass was visible and touchable only to him; others couldn't see it. Harvesting without personally planting the spirit plants wouldn't yield the luminous mass rewards.

"So, by successfully planting a spirit plant, I not only get the plant itself but also additional rewards from the luminous mass?"

"That means double the yield, double the happiness, isn't it?" Lu Xuan gazed at the thriving Firefly Grass and Lunar Erosion Tree in the soil, envisioning multiple white luminous masses shimmering towards him.

"My achievements today are solely due to my consistent efforts in cultivating and diligently caring for these spirit plants," Lu Xuan couldn't help but muse.

He sensed that since the appearance of the white luminous mass, numerous changes had occurred in the spirit field where the spirit plants grew.

Lu Xuan's heart was elated as he concentrated his mind on a Firefly Grass nearing completion.

An almost invisible progress bar appeared above the Firefly Grass, nearly reaching full capacity, indicating that this particular grass was about to reach full maturity.

A message flashed through Lu Xuan's mind.

"Just refreshed by the Spirit Rain, contented, but feeling a bit crowded by the neighboring roots."

"What's this? Instant status of the spirit plants?" Lu Xuan wondered, focusing on another Firefly Grass nearby.

The progress bar was similarly almost filled, and a similar message flashed through his mind.

"The adjacent Firefly Grass is growing quite well, just feeling a bit overshadowed by the neighboring roots, occupying its growth space."

"Well, there's no other way. The spirit field is only this big; I can only make do by adding more roots," Lu Xuan sighed.

Both the growth progress and real-time status were incredibly helpful for him to understand the growth needs of the spirit plants, adjust the details, and expedite their maturation.

Gazing at the nearing completion progress bar, he was eager to cast the Spirit Rain Technique immediately to ripen the Firefly Grass. But he understood the dangers of overindulgence: excessive nurturing could be detrimental to the spirit plants, affecting the rewards from the white luminous mass even if they matured but lacked quality.

With this realization, Lu Xuan's intention to hasten the Firefly Grass's maturity and obtain the luminous mass reward immediately dissipated.

Just as he was about to return indoors, a thought struck him. He turned towards the west side of the courtyard.

If he could perceive the real-time status of the spirit plants, would the truth behind the black-threaded infested Firefly Grass also be revealed?

He focused his mind on the Firefly Grass entangled by black threads.

The progress bar showed no significant difference from the previous two plants; it was also on the brink of completion.

A message flooded Lu Xuan's mind.

"The Firefly Grass invaded by the Black Budworms is in a precarious state. If not dealt with promptly, its vitality will be completely drained by the Black Budworms, turning it into withered grass."

"Black Budworms..." Lu Xuan muttered, relieved of some anxiety. Knowing the origin of the black threads made things much easier; at least, he wouldn't wander aimlessly without a solution.

The name sounded somewhat familiar to him. He hurriedly returned to his room, fetching a thick book.

"Common Pests and their Remedies in Cultivating Herbs."

It detailed over a hundred common pests that might harm cultivated herbs, along with the author's suggested remedies.

Flipping through the pages, Lu Xuan quickly found detailed information about the Black Budworms.

"The Black Budworm, as thin as a little finger in its adult stage, moves swiftly, and has a penchant for consuming the branches and leaves of spirit plants."

"When laying eggs, they stick onto the spirit plants. Once hatched, the larvae rely on absorbing the vitality of the spirit plants to grow. When the spirit plant's vitality is nearly depleted, they automatically move on to seek another target."

"Solution: Only cultivators at the third level of Qi cultivation with expertise in attack spells can safely deal with the adult worms."

"The eggs and larvae are incredibly challenging to detect for lower-level cultivators unless their spiritual awareness is acute."

"Due to the small target size of the larvae and their connection to the spirit plant, handling them easily leads to unintentional harm to the plant. Therefore, proficiency in certain specific spells and precise control is essential for resolution."

Lu Xuan closed the book, contemplating.

"To avoid harming the infested spirit plant, the spells used must meet two criteria."

"One, they must possess sufficient lethality, and two, the scope of damage must be controllable."

Due to his humble background and being at the second level of Qi cultivation, Lu Xuan currently only mastered two low-level spells.

One was the Spirit Rain Technique primarily used for nurturing spirit plants, and the other was a defensive Fireball spell.

However, he was only adept at these two spells and couldn't exercise precise control.

Moreover, neither of these spells seemed suitable as specific remedies for clearing the Black Budworm larvae.

The Spirit Rain Technique, initially meant for nurturing, would, in Lu Xuan's estimation, not only leave the larvae unscathed but might even stimulate them further...

As for the Fireball spell, while its destructive power was adequate, casting it would result in both the Firefly Grass and the Black Budworm larvae meeting their end.

"It seems I'll have to seek help in the market and spend some money to resolve this crisis."

"Fortunately, with targeted remedies, I can save some resources," Lu Xuan sighed faintly, feeling the slightly deflated cloth bag hanging from his waist.


"Lu Xuan, are you home?"

A brisk voice echoed through the door as knocks resonated.

Shortly after, a grayish-black grass rope slithered from the corner of the courtyard, gently tapping Lu Xuan's knee.

It was the grass puppet stationed in the yard, sensing an intrusion into the spiritual field and alerting Lu Xuan.

"You waited until they were at the door to alert me. If there were ill intentions, you might not have reacted even if the house were being robbed."

Lu Xuan looked at the retreating rope, unable to help but sigh.

The voice sounded familiar, one of the few cultivators Lu Xuan had met since his arrival in this realm.

"Coming, Big Brother Zhang!"

He replied, walking to the courtyard gate and opening it.

A tall figure with a simple appearance walked in.

This visitor was Zhang Hong, at the third level of Qi cultivation, residing next to Lu Xuan. He had a partner at the second level of Qi cultivation and a six or seven-year-old child. When Lu Xuan first arrived, Zhang Hong had offered valuable guidance, steering him away from many wrong paths.

"Zhang Big Brother, please come in for some hot tea."

Lu Xuan led Zhang Hong indoors.

Zhang Hong glanced at the thriving Firefly Grass and Lunar Erosion Trees lining the stone path and nodded.

"Lu Xuan, you've tended to these spirit plants quite well. Looks like there'll be a good harvest soon."

"Just average. Nothing compared to the spirit plants in your field, Big Brother Zhang."

After Zhang Hong settled, Lu Xuan served him a cup of hot tea.

In the teacup, two or three tender green tea leaves floated and swirled endlessly.

Zhang Hong didn't mind; he knew Lu Xuan's cultivation and resources. A cup of tea with added spiritual essence was already quite courteous.

"Truly Clear Rain Tea, it feels like a gentle rain nurturing the soul. Only here at your place can one have such a cup."

"At home, my wife doesn't allow anything like this. Dull."

Zhang Hong savored the effect of the spiritual tea, closed his eyes, and shook his head, thinking of the restrictions at home, unable to resist patting his thigh.

"No way around it. My wife wants to prepare for Little Yuan's future, so we have to be thrifty."

"That's understandable."

Zhang Hong sighed, "Sometimes, I envy your freedom, Lu Xuan. Being alone, free from the pressures of providing for a family."

"Living as you please, without bickering over trivial matters like groceries, not worrying about a child's growth or their cultivation path, not fretting about which sect they'll enter."

"So carefree!"

"If you were in my shoes, you might long for a wife and child, the warmth of a family."

Lu Xuan smiled.

"You, young as you are, understand so much."

Zhang Hong chuckled, just a passing remark, steering the conversation elsewhere.

"I came to inform you about something. I heard from another source that the prominent Wang family in the market obtained information about a hidden realm. They'll recruit hundreds of cultivators at or above the second level of Qi cultivation to explore it."

"Think about it. If interested, prepare in advance."

"Exploring a hidden realm?" Lu Xuan pondered, lost in thought.

"I'm considering going. Staying in the market and cultivating spirit plants barely sustains regular expenses."

"As for you, I suggest at least considering it. With the Wang family's foundational cultivators leading, encounters with powerful beasts or spirits are unlikely for us."

"Most importantly, Lu Xuan, you're still young. While being a spirit plant cultivator is stable, resources are limited, progress is slow, and spending too much time tending to plants might dull your ambition to advance further."

Watching Lu Xuan contemplate, Zhang Hong advised.

Lu Xuan nodded slightly. Indeed, Zhang Hong made sense. Exploring the hidden realm had risks but remained within manageable limits. Moreover, new realms often meant significant gains. Even if he got the leftovers, it would take a while to fully utilize them.

Previously, he might have considered it. But now, with the appearance of the white light cluster, any slight chance vanished.

Venturing out for cultivation resources, returning to exchange for elixirs, techniques, artifactsall achievable through cultivating spirit plants at home!

Safer, more profitable, and cultivating is so fulfilling!

Pretending to deliberate, looking conflicted, he eventually raised his head, expressing regret to Zhang Hong.

"Big Brother Zhang, I understand your kindness. However, I've always been cautious, not one for risks. With my low cultivation and lacking exceptional skills, venturing out might lead to trouble with no return."

"So, I'd rather stay home, tending to this small patch of spirit plants, quietly."

"As for the future, I'll take it as it comes."

Seeing Lu Xuan's determination, Zhang Hong sighed.

"Your thoughts aren't wrong. Exploring the hidden realm, while not overly risky, doesn't mean it's entirely safe. Even a slight mishap could cost lives, especially for us lower-level cultivators."

"But I have to take this chance. Little Yuan shouldn't follow my unorthodox cultivation path."

The two fell into silence. After a while, Zhang Hong bid farewell, asking Lu Xuan to look after his child.

Lu Xuan agreed, watching Zhang Hong leave and closing the courtyard gate.

"With the appearance of the white light cluster, I should avoid putting myself in danger in the future."

"If there's less than a ninety-percent certainty... no, less than a hundred-percent certainty, it's best not to venture recklessly."

Lu Xuan glanced at the Firefly Grass and Lunar Erosion Trees by the stone path, feeling confident in his decision



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