X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 6: Killing The Beast

Chapter 6: Killing The Beast

The roar was from a huge beast coming from the outside, at least a few hundred meters away. He didn't want to believe what he just heard at first, but when he looked at it from the window on the third floor of the hospital he was in, there was really a huge White Horned Tiger on sight as big as an elephant fighting few Hunters in front of the hospital as if a conqueror looking down on ants.

It's a B-rank beast! Why the hell is that beast here in the middle of the Town!

Whenever a beast appeared somewhere, it was likely to say that a portal was opened near it. But they were in the midst of the town, and it was unlikely for a portal to appear inside since there was a barrier preventing a sudden appearance of any portal. Beast was unlikely to enter the town as well since the barrier was also fending away any beast approaching the town.

But there was really a blue portal, a B-rank dungeon at that. It was spherical and was floating slightly above the ground. It appeared in the middle of the road causing panic to the people around.

Thankfully it was just a level 1 B-rank dungeon and there were only a few beasts, at least not more than a hundred beasts might be possibly residing inside.

In every dungeon, no matter what rank it was, only the king or the boss of it was in one rank above the level of the dungeon. For example, if the dungeon was an E-rank, then only the boss of that dungeon was a D-rank beast. If it was an S-rank dungeon, then only the boss was an SS-rank beast and the rest were S-rank and below rank.

Every dungeon boss no matter what rank it was, had wisdom almost comparable if not better than human. In the higher level of a dungeon, except the boss, some beasts had also gained wisdom making them much harder to deal with.

However, for the SSS-rank dungeon, it was completely different. It was said that a Demon would appear as its dungeon boss making it almost impossible to clear.

Seeing the situation, Jim could only stay in his room, watching quietly from the window how the Hunters would manage the situation.

There were eight Hunters from a certain guild from the Hunter Association fighting the White Horned Tiger. They were six D-ranks and two C-ranks. The Hunters were having a hard time contending it as they were gradually losing.

"Need assistance here! just what the hell is the damage dealers doing?!" One of the Hunters that appeared to be their leader, exclaimed frenziedly.

"Our healer is healing them right now! Just hold on for a bit!" Another Hunter shrieked.

"What?! Damn it! I can't hold on anymore! Did someone already call for the backups?"

"Yes sir, we have already informed the guild! As for now, let's buy some more time until the reinforcements arrived!"

"Ok fine! Give me a hand here!"

The desperate Hunters and the ferocious beast fought against each other but just after ten minutes, all the Hunters were already taken down by the White Horned Tiger.

People around them who were watching the brawl cowered backward as all of them were deeply frightened.

Jim, who was watching as well, started to worry. He didn't hesitate any longer as he left his room and went outside to help the Hunters right away.

"The citizens might be in danger if this goes on!" Jim thought as he was rushing over.

He ran as fast as he could, albeit knowing that he was just an insignificant F-rank and would surely put his life in danger. He was thinking to just rely on his incredible luck and attract the attention of the beast to let it chase him out instead so that he could at least buy even for a little time until the help from the Hunter guild arrived.

But when he arrived at the place where the beast was, the beast had already been taken care of, lying lifelessly on the ground.

Near the beast, he saw his mother standing elegantly in front of it, holding a book.

At that moment, he already knew it. His mother was the one who took care of the beast.

Her mother elegantly opened her book, then the corpse of the beast that was lying on the ground was sucked inside her book.

"Just a B-rank beast? Is this the highest you can afford now? How poor of you!" The book spoke with the voice of a middle-aged man! No, it was rather the 'entity' that she sealed inside the book that just spoke. It was her tamed beast!

"Shut up and just eat! Don't be picky!"

She closed the book then and went to the injured Hunters. She opened the book again to cast out healing magic to the Hunters who just got injured and they were instantly healed.

She then shifted her gaze to the leader of the Hunters she just healed and a beautiful smile blossomed on her lips. "Take care of the rest of your teammates. Try to be more careful next time!"

"Ah... Yes ma'am... Th..thanks!" The face of the Hunter was reddened as he couldn't stand staring at her beautiful smile.

Just a moment later, the reinforcement from the guild arrived!

They really were late!

Did the reinforcement really need to always arrive at the very last moment when the situation had already been solved?

There were one A-rank, seven B-ranks, and thirteen C-rank Hunters wearing a full armor suit ready for the brawl at any moment. And there were also a couple of numbers of their lackeys and a medical team came, ready to watch the brawl.

Of course, they were more ready to help the injured.

When they saw Charley, they immediately showed their respect towards her and bowed down.

"Ma'am! You're here!"

Normally, Jim's mom wouldn't interfere in this kind of small matter. Even if there were insignificant S-rank beasts causing havoc around her, she wouldn't even care as long as it didn't frustrate her.

But this time, she acted on her own volition, seemingly trying to figure out that something was amiss.

Or maybe, she was just seeing things and her instinct was betraying her.

"Yes, I'm just passing by. Can you take care of the rest, sir?" Jim's mom replied leisurely, not caring about the surprised reaction of that certain Hunter that appeared to be the team captain.

"Y-yes ma'am!... Leave it to us!" The captain felt a little embarrassed as she was talking to him with courtesy.

Without further ado, he and his teammates went inside the dungeon in the middle of the road to cause a brawl in their wake.

"I...I knew her! She is 'Charley Jabat' the Queen of Illusions!" Just after the team entered the portal, a man among the crowd exclaimed confidently.

"What?! Is she really the living legend? I thought she's already retired?" Another man asked doubtfully.

"I don't know as well but she is a real deal. Don't you see that she is no different from the painting?!"

The crowd nodded in realization.

"No wonder it only took a glance for her to kill the beast!"

People around the scene were greatly astonished when they saw her and her power. And they get more astonished when they find out that she was actually the Queen of Illusions, Charley Jabat!

"I will never let this chance go! I must get her autograph! She is my idol after all!"

"Me too! This is a very rare chance!"

The citizens gathered around her trying to get her autograph. She could only put on a fake smile as she was trying to get away from the crowd. Meanwhile, the other Hunters from the guild were also trying their best to block the citizens.

They were supposed to watch the brawl inside the dungeon but seeing the crowd would go crazy just to get near Charley, they couldn't help but block them.

"Stop pushing around! Our Queen is tired right now, just try to get her on the other day!"

"What the hell are you saying! This is our only chance!"

"Yes! That's right! Just let us pass already!"

The situation was in a mess as the crowd was trying to get to the Queen of Illusions. Still, the Hunters managed the situation bit by bit.

Jim showed a bitter smile seeing his mother had already taken care of the beast. He then bowed his head down and slowly walked back to his room.

Of course, he was not happy. Every time he saw how powerful his family was and looked at how worthless he was, he could only grit his teeth in contempt.

Sigh. Why did mom bring me here to the hospital if she could just heal me?!

He didn't know that his mother already tried to heal him even though she couldn't find any injury on his body at all.

He strangely remained unconscious, which made Charley worry even more. She then brought him to the hospital hoping that the doctors might find out the reason why. But even the doctors were completely helpless and couldn't find any reason for him being unconscious.

Charley was still thinking of bringing Jim to 'Luz City', one of the three main cities of Maharlika Kingdom, when she found out that Jim finally woke up. It appeared that there was no need for her to go to Luz City.

Sigh. Forget it.

Jim continued walking back to his room as he stopped thinking about it.


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