X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 5: Unheard Rank (2)

Chapter 5: Unheard Rank (2)

Speaking of which, World Energy was an energy that originated from the 'illness' that spread out a thousand years ago, back then in the Forsaken Age.

Ever since the First Awakeners had managed to make use of this World Energy and had awakened powers beyond imagination, they were able to pass down the energy through their bloodline making it possible for every next generation to awaken their abilities and make use of World Energy as well.

Nowadays, for those who had awakened their abilities, the Academies would help them for their growth for 'five years'. After five years no matter what rank one would become, one would certainly graduate and would be given a Hunter license.

Once an individual acquired a Hunter license, one could be admitted to the Hunter Association and join a certain guild to become a Hunter in one of the three great forces of the Maharlika Kingdom and protect the country.

Those graduates who just became Low Rankers usually admitted to the average guild or if they were lucky enough or have some talents and was a late bloomer, there was a chance that they would be invited by a stronger guild or have a chance to become a Hunter that would guard the palace of the King.

There were close to zero cases that someone was able to attain middle ranker status after they graduated from the Academy.

If someone were able to, then the top guild of Maharlika, or maybe the King himself would invite that Hunter to become a 'Royal Hunter' which was the personal guard of the King.

Even big guilds all over the world or even the 'World Hunter' organization itself might flood at one's doorstep.

It was already been one year since Jim had awakened his power and admitted to 'Maharlika Summoner Academy'. It was the current number one school in Maharlika. This academy was composed of all Hunters who could tame a beast or summon Spirits as their specialty. If not for his family, Jim could never be able to enter this number one school.

Jim was so ashamed to himself knowing that he was the only F-rank left in his batch after they began the class a year ago. The others had already raised their rank.

Because of that, he certainly had no friends and was always been alone.

Of course, no one dared to bully him as well because his younger brother who was at the top students in their school and a popular one at that would become their enemy.

His only dream was to graduate in that school with at least raising a single rank, and become an official Hunter. But seeing what he was reading right now, his viewpoint had changed,

--X-Rank Hunter--

--You are chosen by the dungeon to become the X-Rank Hunter.--


"Just what the heck is this" Jim was dumbfounded reading the words on it, but no more words were detailing about X-rank Hunter. Only a few words that he just read were everything.

Is this referring to me?

I would be so happy if it is the case!

Even though he knew nothing about X-rank Hunter, he could feel that it was not something that would brag about and was somewhat connected to him.

He turned the book to the next page but no more words were written. He tried to turn the pages till the last of it but there were still no more words on it.

Guess that's all. Maybe more words will appear soon?.



Just when he was figuring out the other function of the book, the door in his room suddenly opened. When Jim took a glance at it, he saw his mother coming in holding a basket of fruit.

"Mo.. mom!?.." Jim muttered.

Without saying any words, his mother rushed onto him, putting the basket down on the table, and grabbed him to her embrace right away. She was happy seeing her son awake and fine. Tears of joy lightly dripped from the edge of her eyes as she was hugging him in relief.

Jim was still bewildered seeing his aggressive mom acting that way when she asked, "What happened, son?"

"Ugh... Mom, can you release me first?" Jim was trying so hard to push back his mother so that he could free himself from her arms that were holding him tight, making it hard for him to breathe.

"Oh...so..sorry. But what happened to you son?" His mom immediately released him and asked again.

Seeing his mother in a worried state, he didn't want her to worry even more. Scratching the back of his head with a weird smile, Jim made up some lies to his mom as he said, "Ah that...I...I just slipped so hard when I was in a hurry to leave for school and then I don't know what happened next."

He was worried about her on how would she react if he told her what happened to him especially the sufferings he had experienced from the blue light.

But even if he told it, he knew as well that he would only make a fool of himself, so he didn't mention anything about it.


"Is that so?" Obviously, his mother knew that her son was lying nevertheless, she didn't pursue the matter any longer. She then stood up, wiping the tears on her eyes as she said, "It seems that you are ok now, wait here for a moment and eat the food I brought you, I'm going to call the doctor and ask if we could leave right away."

"Mom!" As she turned around and was about to leave, Jim called his mother.

"Is there a problem son?" His mother turned back to him, looking at him in worry.

"No mom, I just wanted to ask how long did I fell asleep."

"Ah., It's only been less than half a day since I found you lying on the floor in your room, unconscious."

"I...Is that so?!"

"Is that all?"

Jim nodded.

She then turned around and continued to walk away. When she was about to open the door, Jim called his mother once again,

"Mom! Wait! One last thing!"

"What is it now? Do you want to stay here at the hospital some more time?"

"Ehh?... No mom, I just want to ask if this bo...?" Jim was just about to ask the book if it was her but halfway in his words, he suddenly noticed that the book had already vanished from sight.

Where the hell is the damn book now?!

Are we playing hide and seek here?

Jim felt frustrated but there was nothing else he could do.

"What is it, son?" His mom looked at him and tilted her head sideways.


"Nothing mom, take care!" Jim responded as he was looking around.

Damn. Where did the book go?

Seeing that her son had nothing more to ask, she then left the room. Meanwhile, Jim was dumbfounded looking for the book that just suddenly disappeared.

He stood up from his bed trying to find the book but the moment he stood up he felt rather strange. There was overwhelming energy flowing throughout his body. He raised and clenched his hand in front of his chest while staring at it, trying to feel the energy.

He could feel his blood flowing as if the energy was the blood itself. He felt good as if he could overpower everything through his blood.

While looking at his hand, he recalled that when he first tried to clench it in his hardest, a wound was opened on his palm causing his blood to drip. Afterward, the wound closed on its own while his skin absorbed the blood that came out from the wound.

Was that just my imagination?

He then tried to clench his hand as hard as he could and there he felt a little pain as the blood dripped out from his hand. When he uncurled his hand he saw again a wound on his palm closing on its own but it was much faster than before.

"What the hell, is this for real?" Jim couldn't believe what he was seeing though he already saw it twice before.



But for an unknown reason, Jim could hear a roar of a beast not too far away from him. He could guess how far it was and he was sure in himself about its distance and he could actually determine what kind of beast was that just by its roar.

A White Horned Tiger?


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