World Development System

Chapter 277

Chapter 277: 277

At this time Minister Joel smiled and spoke, "Baron Jules, as far as I know, you are the head of the Infrastructure department and completed a lot of important projects in the last 2 decades . Everyone here knows that you are quite an achiever but currently a lot of works are only under progress from the time period you had given us when the projects were started . It has already been 2 years late, I understand your circumstances as you are quite old and a lot of people previously had to be transferred previously due to the Rebellion of Lord John for making ballistas and reinforcing forts but this might be having a bad effect on your body . To keep better care of your body Why don't you go to the Northern domain and manage your fief leisurely while improving the Infrastructure at Duke Norman's domain at the same time? You see Duke Norman has already expanded a lot of land in the north . What do all of my colleagues think,"

Understanding that Minister Joel was in fact chasing out Baron Jules out of capital and power center of Aelius Politics instead of praising him in the name of old age and delay of work which was quite common due communication problems . Everyone had their eyes sparkling after watching the scheme of Minister Joel .

One of the Ministers that was secretly under his faction smiled and spoke, "True, Baron Jules has given quite a lot of his blood, sweat and time to the capital . I think he should return to his family while enriching his homeland and village . He can also help Duke Norman in the new projects for the next few years . This can become a pillar of Aelius in the next 20 years . "

One of the ministers almost laughed after hearing the last argument .

Another Minister from Plato's Faction who had problem with Baron Jules spoke bluntly, "I think Minister Jules has quite a bias against Lord John as I saw from his earlier interactions . Previously 3 months back I had a drink at the Royal restaurant in the capital with him when he spoke that Lord John is just an upstart after he was made a Count . He spoke that those cement roads which quite a few merchants proposed to build were rejected by him to make that brat understand the immensity of heavens i . e for offending bigwigs . he spoke that the previous proposal was rejected because not enough time had passed after the construction of those roads in the Southern domain and it would at least take a year to inspect those roads . and I think this bias can affect our co-operation when it comes to the construction sector with Lord John which would inevitably delay a lot of construction projects . As for the authenticity of my statement, a Lot of ministers and bureaucrats were present in the restaurant there that day who can verify it . One of them is Lord Rufus . "

Lord Rufus only nodded so as to verify the authenticity of the previous statement and did not speak anymore . He was from the neutral faction so he did not want to get involved in this power struggle between Lord Joel and Lord Hector .

Baron Jules had a pale face as he understood that his Political career in the capital city would be over after today's fiasco . He roared and spoke, "You are slandering me, I have always been professional when it came to my work . You are unnecessarily twisting my words . Though I spoke those words but when I rejected the proposal, Lord John didn't understand the rules and regulations when it came to inspections as we usually inspected new Infrastructures for 1-2 years before it was passed according to the standard procedures . "

The Minister from Plato's faction shrugged his shoulders and spoke, "Well I am only speaking facts, you yourself know that you have a bias against Lord John Since you lost your third kid in the previous war . Don't tell me you don't hate Lord John and this won't affect our co-operation with Sky as you are in charge of Infrastructure in Capital and the surrounding areas . I guess Lord John Deliberately sent you his proposal so as create problems for you . I guess he one-upped you this time around . You had to keep your lips tightly shut if that was the case . "

Prince Hector had a pale face that was full of anger . He saw that a lot of men under him who had clean hands were trembling after watching the previous fiasco .

Prince Hector looked angrily at Minister Joel and Minister Plato as if he would eat them alive if he got the chance . Prince Hector was just about to lash at them for this conspiracy due to his change in emotions when Duke Norman took him under his control, He spoke in a solemn cold voice, "Your highness, you have to bear the pain this time around . You should see that his Majesty is definitely prepared to pass the Peace-trade deal and demote anyone who blocks his path . It seems it is related to Radiant Chruch and we can't stop that . If you lash out right now, your reputation among the nobility will be greatly damaged while at the same time his majesty may kick you out of the court today . And Minister Joel and Minister Plato too are attacking us because of their political interests in this deal so we must be cautious of their schemes . Minister Joel has a previous feud with you when his previous assistant offended you and you used the Bureau of Personnel to dismiss him so you must be extra careful . I guess he is still holding that grudge as that assistant was quite a capable man . As for Minister Plato, it seems he doesn't want any conflict with the Sky Kingdom for the next 5 years and is willing to offend you . I guess he won't be supporting you for the throne . Prime Minister and Duke Blackwolf's men are still composed and we shouldn't offend them . "

Bearing the rage, Hector called Alistair and spoke, "Prepare a better defense for those who have clean hands . Ask them personally about the problems they faced with regards to that Upstart or are there any schemes which are likely to affect them . "

Alistair nodded and headed to make preparations for those men .

Prince Jabal smiled and spoke, "This Prince too agrees, Baron Jules I think it would be better for you to manage your Fief and do the projects at Northern Domain . You should give more opportunity to the young ones . Isn't that correct, my colleagues what do you think?"

Another minister from the Neutral camp spoke, "This Minister thinks that Lord Jules is quite old and should take some rest in the countryside and give a chance to the young generation . If he gets sick suddenly during an important project and if it suddenly stops then it would be quite a disaster in waiting . "

6 top ministers too joined in the demotion of Baron Jules which swiftly concluded with no one objecting except the ones who were being impeached today .

At this time a Department head came and gave his report to the administrator regarding the signatures .

After confirming the authenticity of signatures, Marquis Polo's Nephew too was impeached with a hefty fine while the bureaucrat who was unfairly impeached previously was given a big compensation which was received by his family . It was later revealed that Lord John had already recruited the bureaucrats who were fair but unfairly impeached during the last half-year into his domain for administrative matters .

A lot of people at the Imperial Court gasped as they understood that Lord John had made an ample amount of preparations and schemed before he had dared to openly offend and rebel against the Royal family .

A lot of people agreed with the impeachments while another lot of people gasped as they saw this new Political storm in Aelius which would be demoting a lot of people in the court today to show their sincerity to Sky and Lord John .

In this way, a lot of Military personnel under Plato too were affected as some were too stubborn and were against Sky openly or some were too neck-deep with Prince Hector .

Only some with power like General Irwin saved their assess this time around .

Baron Jules was immediately sent to the Northern domain under Duke Norman out of the Imperial Capital . While Marquis Polo's Nephew was immediately dismissed with 2 times the fine he generated over all the years . or he had to pay 1 time the fine with 1 year of imprisonment while at the same time they would take back his noble title making him a commoner . As long as he didn't pay 2 times the amount, he and his family would remain commoners .

A lot of Ministers smiled as they understood that for a lot of Nobles their noble title was more important than money and in this way Minister Joel was sucking money out of a lot of Bureaucrats and nobles today who were under investigation .

The Ministry of Personnel too had a lot of changes who used too much their power while at the same time today was the day where many of the laws were changed which were with fewer flaws as after they saw the laws of Sky and north frontier domain .

The spies from all the foreign countries too were shocked as they saw the political storm which swept Aelius apart .

Prince Hector and Prince Felix's power in the court had reduced a lot in a single day While other Princes and the Neutral camp had increased their power as others took positions which were dismissed such as Director of Infrastructure Sector in Capital was going to be governed by a guy from the Neutral camp .

Prince Hector grumbled as he looked at years of his work being undone in a single day . Today 1/5th of his power was reduced by Minister Joel and Plato . Looking at Lionheart he felt as if he was an abandoned son right now .

Prince Hector raged and grumbled as he looked at Minister Joel, Plato, Hasse and others, "All of these damn traitors should just die . They dare block my path to revenge and Throne . I would make all of them pay in the future for the transgressions which took place today . As for Jabal he too would die a bloody death for humiliating me . He dares to act arrogant in front of me . This time that Rebel had prepared quite a lot of pits for my men . 10 men got unfairly demoted while they never took bribes nor did they have any sort of corruption . "

Meanwhile, Duke Norman and Alistair sighed as duke Norman thought, "It seems Queen Cecelia's family wasn't involved in this power struggle as they had already made their stance clear to Minister Joel . Making Minister Joel your enemy is quite risky . He looks at his enemy for years waiting to get a perfect opportunity and when he strikes, he strikes big . "

Prime Minister Hasse smiled as he looked at Joel and spoke, "It seems Minister Joel still hasn't lost his edge after all these years . You are still as sharp as ever . "

Finance Minister Joel smiled as he spoke, "Aah you jest me, Lord . When it comes to Lord Hasse I will always pale a shade . "

Hasse spoke in a very soft voice, "It seems you were teaching his highness quite a good lesson today on politics . From the looks, he has lost quite a bit of power in the court and the favor of his majesty . What do you say, Milord?"

Joel only smiled as he didn't dare to comment on this subject as his comments could be exploited in the future . On the surface, it looked like Joel was doing his all to get credit on pushing forward these policies with Plato as he was in dire condition after the war but at the same time, he was avenging his previous humiliation in court 4 years ago against Prince Hector for dismissing his assistant .

It looked like a very friendly conversation on the surface but the old fogies here knew that they were always polishing their daggers to stab them back as they were bitter rivals in the past for the Prime Minister's seat .

Joel thought, 'This old fogey is still trying to probe me . I better not give him any information on this deliberate scheme or else all the blame will fell on me . '

Joel vaguely answered as he moved forward with his investigation, "Aah I thought Prince Hector would have contacted you yesterday after hearing about my proposal but it seems that was not the case . Its quite busy today . Lets do our best to complete all the investigation . As for the previous storm, I am only doing my best for Aelius and naturally, I will expect the best from all the colleagues in the Imperial Court . "

Hasse thought as Joel left to meet other ministers, 'I wonder if he is still vying for my post . It's good that I didn't make any decision in the previous war and was privately against it or I would have daggers at my back from all the sides and especially Joel . Today, his performance was quite good as even I had to support him to make my stand clear . As for Prince Hector, it looks like he had this information yesterday but still didn't seek me out to retain the power of his men . From the rumors, he is as arrogant as ever . Anyway, Prince Hector has lost the favor of the Imperial Court and his majesty so it will be easy for me to work for now . That brat is quite a headache and you always have to speak carefully around him . And I better not get entangled with him right now as it seems his majesty is doing this to teach him a harsh lesson . '


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