World Development System

Chapter 276

Chapter 276: 276

Minister Joel smiled at Plato thought, 'I would have liked to Impeach that arrogant brat Irwin but that guy has the support of Plato and Hasse who won't let me impeach him . And since I want a smooth session today . I better not target him today . '

Duke Norman too was smiling as he understood that a lot of ministers were not going to object to the proposal even if someone put a knife on their throats after looking at their behavior .

Duke Norman thought, 'It seems Profits and power are always eternal interests . Though no one expressed their thoughts their body language and eyes are speaking everything . '

After 30 Minutes, The Imperial Court Administrator, Lord Roman started the Afternoon hearing .

Administrator Roman looked sternly and asked everyone, "How many of you approve the previous proposal made by Minister Joel and Minister Plato? Please Speak and give your opinions frankly . "

One by one a lot of ministers started giving their approvals . This time it was the neutral camp which tilted in favor of Minister Plato and Joel .

The administrator nodded and then asked again, "How many of you Object? Please speak"

This time only a few Military faction leaders and the Ministers under Prince Hector raised their objection because of the short time required for the peace-deal .

'Damn Traitors' At this time Prince Hector was quite shocked and angry at the reaction of his ministers . The top ministers on his side abstained from giving their opinions as this rejection would decide their political career . Alistair meanwhile expected this result as he sighed after watching his master's mediocrity when it came to this political matter .

Alistair thought as he looked at this session and his master, 'I guess master is driven by his emotions when it comes to Sky and Lord John . This will be detrimental for his future if I don't control him for now . '

Meanwhile, all the other ministers abstained on giving Approval as well as rejection which concluded on Passing the above resolution .

King Lionheart smiled and spoke, "This peace-trade deal will be approved because of its great significance and also because of the approval by Imperial Court . A lot of people have died and now it is the time to stop and rectify our previous mistakes, I don't think we want to open another war theater where we will lose a significant amount of soldiers . This deal will strengthen our relationship and create peace while at the same time help Baron Mendez to get back his domain . And the Medicines alone provided by Lord John will have a significant change in the Kingdom, I hope all the ministers and nobles support this will . "

The Administrator Roman gave his stamp and sign after taking signatures of ministers and nobles who gave their approval previously . He passed the documents to Royal Palace's Butler so that he can pass the documents to the King for signature and kept one copy for himself .

Roman nodded and spoke after the resolution was passed, "We will continue with normal procedures of Imperial court . Is there anyone who wants to raise their petitions? Please come forward . "

At this time a middle-aged bureaucrat raised his hand as he looked at the administrator and spoke, "I plead with Lord Administrator Roman to hear this subject out . However, this subject will offend a lot of men when he speaks his mind . "

Roman nodded and spoke, "Please continue and be at ease . As long as you have enough proof and evidence, the person you want to impeach will be given his punishment and you will be protected by the Imperial Court and rewarded for your bravery . However, if this impeachment is based on false rumors then you have to be ready for consequences . "

Bureaucrat nodded and spoke, "This subject feels relieved after hearing Lord Roman out . This minister has been working as a Vice Director at the Water logistics department in Capital for the last 7 years . However, there is one thing I have noticed and always feel grieved about it after watching the pain of commoners . "

A lot of Nobles and bureaucrats who lived in capital understood as soon as the middle-aged bureaucrat mentioned the Water Logistics department meanwhile Marquis Polo had a pale face .

Roman too smiled as he understood and spoke, "Continue, don't stop . "

The bureaucrat nodded and continued, "This bureaucrat for long had collected evidence and proofs against Marquis Polo's Nephew who is the Director of the Water Logistics department in the capital . According to the imperial court, People have to pay 1 tael of copper for 10 liters of water which is used for transportation costs in the Capital by our department . However, Marquis Polo's Nephew using the power of his uncles and father for long sold the water in Capital at 10 taels of copper for 10 liters . First, he sold all the water to his own company and then his own company sold the water at 10 times the price to commoners who couldn't afford to dig wells in their courtyard . In essence, their company only provides services but they have never provided any invoices for the services they provided . Most of the invoices were dodgy in nature and were completely fake when investigated by the finance department . The poor people who formed small groups to save costs and traveled to River for collecting water were being harassed by Marquis's men after they started selling water at 2 to 3 taels of Copper in the name of unlawful distribution and high prices to arrest them . The imperial court doesn't sue people and businessman who sold that water under 1 teal but those who sold over 1 tael were legally liable and this created a flaw that gave all the powers to the water logistics departments in the cities . These are the documents and signatures of 20 percent of the commoners in the capital city who bravely came forward and wanted to file a suit against Marquis and his nephew but were too afraid because of their power . I had once asked one of my subordinates to tell Marquis Polo about the activities of his nephew but he too was soon dismissed by the head after 3 months in the name of coming late at work while he would always come in time unlike some people . After that incident, for years I have collected evidence and finally present it to the court . I also hope that there is a change in the law so that powers are divided . I hope that people should be allowed to sell at the price that they feel is correct which would inevitably create competition and this would stop the exploitation of commoners by those in power and if they provide value-added services, it would be better . You could also see that during the dismissal my colleague had written in his employment certificate that he was unfairly dismissed by the Director due to his company's interests and had clearly pointed out that Marquis Polo and his family had a hand in his dismissal which was ignored by a certain organization . I hope the Imperial Court and Lord Administrator to judge this matter . "

The bureaucrat smiled and looked at Finance Minister with grateful eyes while he stared at Marquis Polo with vengeance .

Boom . . .

There was a hubbub as soon as he finished his speech to Lord Roman . A lot of people understood that today there would be a political storm . Even the people who had clean hands were worrying about their political future .

A lot of Ministers under Minister Plato and Minister Joel eyes shone as they spoke to each other .

One of Marquis under Joel spoke with a solemn and righteous tone, "This minister always had his doubts as he had heard rumors but after hearing this righteous bureaucrat who has come fully prepared I hope your Lord Administrator and Your Majesty also look at the Ministry of Personnel who dismissed his colleague, I think this too is related to Marquis Polo . I am sure he would have bribed him to dismiss him . I also hope that the wronged Personnel is given compensation and again welcomed back with dignity and honor for his bravery . As for the compensation, we can recover that from Marquis Polo's Nephew . I think he gobbled up quite a lot of money in the last 12 years as a Director from the commoners . "

After hearing that the Ministry of Personnel would be investigated, a Minister Under Prince Hector had a Pale face as it was his man who dismissed the said colleague .

Another person from Minister Plato's Faction spoke, "I agree with Lord Marquis . I also hope there is a change in the laws to facilitate the commoners and create competition so that they are not exploited . "

Baron Jules under Prince Hector who had clean hands spoke, "Milord we can't make impromptu decisions without any investigation . "

Joel smiled and thought, 'Finally this old man takes the bait . You were quite cocky and arrogant for the previous 8 years after getting under the wings of Prince Hector . Now I will see how you will escape this net . '


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