Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 6: Chapter 66

Book 6: Chapter 66


Over the course of the next couple of months, I slowly get used to day to day life outside of my mind space again. I talk with my friends and family with them all visiting at least once a day, I get to know little Ryan, and I even supervise the training of some of my friends and Aria. With Aria being more than a little excited by the prospect of showing off how much stronger she’s gotten. Which is a lot stronger.

At this point she’s already Class IV.

A really fast improvement speed considering the fact that she’s both a combat and healing specialist and living in times of peace.

Other than all that, I also occasionally catch up with Tar to find out what exactly he’s been up to in the past couple decades. Although a lot of it mostly just turns out to be him dealing with the affairs of the fae nation in the Farshore. Especially the affairs related to the shift in the crown from his father to him.

And during all of this, Belle and Arthur continue to excitedly plan their wedding. With one being more excited than the other.

Which I find rather amusing.

One thing that does confuse me a little though is Belle’s definition of the wedding reception. Since it’s like she’s trying to mix everything together into one really long event that spans multiple days. As if she’s trying to make up for all of the time I was gone or something.

The first day – from what she’s told me at least – is the wedding ceremony and a party at the Demon King’s castle. Then the second day proceeds with a party at the beach on an island on Earth, where everyone’s gonna be going swimming with barbecue. The third day has a fireworks festival, followed by the fourth being the finale with a surprise for everyone involved.

All they said was to come wearing formal attire. So wear something nice.

I let out a sigh as I lean over the balcony attached to my room.

She really is trying to make this the biggest wedding ceremony ever.

Maybe she’s just excited that I’m back. That or this is all from her having to wait two decades, making all of her desire for the wedding grow stronger and stronger over the years.

Either way, it’s sure to be an interesting even at the very least.

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Although I don’t even remember the last time I wore a swimsuit.

I am a little surprised that the idea of wearing one and revealing that much skin doesn’t actually bother me anymore. Probably because I end up naked half the time I fight anyways even if no one actually sees.

That or I just don’t care anymore.

Not sure which. Don’t really care which either.

Some of it might also be because I lost that annoying curse of pride. Or a lot of it, actually.

Regardless, Belle was overjoyed when I said she could pick out my swimsuit.

It’s her wedding after all. Might as well do what I can to make it more enjoyable for her.

Or her wedding ceremony, technically. What with them having technically gotten married years ago.

I lean over the railing with a frown as my thoughts return to the problem that’s been plaguing me for months now. The issue of what I’ll do with my life after this wedding ceremony is over.

Sure I have some basic plans, but those won’t last me forever.

So what should I do?

There really isn’t anything that could last me forever. Nothing that I know of at least.

Other than maybe just reading and playing games? Possibly?

Seeing as new authors and game developers will be born, and new books and games will be made for me to enjoy.

But is that really all? Can I really just sit here for eons doing nothing but playing games and reading? Maybe watching TV every now and then?

I tap my finger on the railing of the balcony.

No idea.

Shirou told me that the years begin to just fly by the older you get. And just looking at her and hearing her talk sometimes really does give that impression.

But I know she was rather depressed due to how long she had to live alone. Even if I won’t have the same problem since I won’t be alone.

I tried talking to Gramps about this at one point, considering that he’s over two thousand years old, but he just said he was always busy managing Tartarus. Not to mention fighting the humans. So he didn’t really have any time to even consider what I’m thinking about.

Which doesn’t really help me.

Unless I just wanted to create some sort of organization myself, or take over as Demon Queen. But those sound like annoying pains that I don’t want to be involved with.

Although that in and of itself is another issue.

I don’t want to deal with unnecessary stuff like that. Yet I’m also worried about becoming incredibly bored with nothing to do over the years and no goals to achieve.

Kind of contradictory in an of those two things.

Maybe if whatever I managed let me hunt, I might consider it. But I can’t really image making some nation just so that I could kill off things inside of it. Especially since the things still wouldn’t be very strong.

So I’m rather stumped.

I let out another sigh before glancing around Earth with my senses, just to see if anything interesting is going down. And other than a certain kitsune driving her husband – the Black Knight – crazy as they go shopping, which I’ll admit is amusing to see since she’s also treating the guy like a dress-up-doll. Just like she treated me back in the day. But other than that, there isn’t anything interesting going on.

Eventually I sigh again and turn around, entering my room before collapsing on the bed.

Maybe I can ask Belle for advice during her wedding. Right now she seems too busy planning though.

The corners of my lips quirk upwards ever so slightly.

Yeah. I’ll ask during the beach party part of it.

For now, I’ll sleep.


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