Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 6: Chapter 65

Book 6: Chapter 65


After I catch up with Aria a bit, everyone leaves the house to go handle whatever business they have to deal with right now. Whether it’s both my parents having to deal with official political stuff related to my return, Gramps preparing stuff on Tartarus, or even Belle and Arthur having to finally begin preparations for their marriage ceremony. With Belle being more than a little excited about it all.

I feel a little sorry for Arthur, judging by how motivated she seemed. Possibly even a little too excited, with her wanting to make it the biggest wedding ceremony of the century.

Eventually I’m just left alone with Shirou and Tar again. But even she leaves to go shopping.

Which makes sense, considering that she hasn’t been to a human civilization in tens of thousands of years.

So I’m left with Tar. Only for him to leave as well. Because he has duties to take care of as the King of the Fae.

Leaving me all alone at last.

I let out a sigh before walking through my home again, running my hand across the walls as I reminisce about times I had here. About when I was raising Aria, the times she was just a little girl running through the place bursting with excitement, and when I would come here once in a blue moon to rest during the void invasion.

The place is well maintained still, despite me not being here for two decades. Probably because someone had it maintained. Plus Aria was still living here.

But… I feel a little empty right now. As I walk through the house towards my bedroom, then collapse onto my back on the bed.

There… what do I do now?

I don’t have a goal.

Nothing to do.

I can’t really hunt anymore. Not when I’d just end up slaughtering everything in the universe in a single day.

Nor do I have a prophecy to fulfil. No more universe to save.

Not even Aria to raise anymore, since she’s an adult now.

I know I thought about this a lot while I was recovering and talking to Shirou, but I really don’t know what I’m going to do with my life from here on out.

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Money won’t be an issue. I don’t need food or water to live. I don’t age. I probably can’t even die now after killing the Voided Overlord. Not even if I wanted to.

I’ve never had any interest in romance, much less having kids. Although I did technically raise a kid in a way, considering Aria. So that’s checked off even if I wanted one.

Silence fills my bedroom as I stare up at the ceiling, contemplating what to do with my life.

Honestly, the idea of not having anything to hunt ever again… is a little depressing.

I want to hunt. It’s literally in my blood. Or rather, in one of my domains.

My wolf domain.

Hunting is just a part of it.

And it feels wrong to not hunt.

Maybe I can just roam around the universe at random and see what I see? Without using my senses to figure out where I’m going.

That could be fun.

A journey across the universe.

But this time, instead of going to kill void creatures, I’ll be going around just to see the sights.

That’ll probably take a good amount of time. At least it’ll chip off some years of boredom.

Then there are video games.

I blink at that thought before grinning.

Right. Video games.

Yeah, I can use that.

I can hunt in video games, since I won’t be as strong.

Then I can also read and watch TV. Books and TV shows from Earth and other worlds.

Or, at least, worlds that have those. Because some worlds won’t likely have TV.

That gives me pause.

Actually, there might not be as many that don’t have them now that the worlds are all rather connected.

I glance to the side as I hear cheers of my name beginning to spread all across the world. Then I let out a sigh and lower the sensitivity of my ears strictly to block it all out.

Then there’s those people worshipping me… maybe I can tell them to, uh, not do that?

Not sure how that might go.

I continue staring up at the ceiling for hours before hearing someone lightly knock on the door despite my lowered senses. So I close my eyes and scan the front door to see who it is. Only to open my eyes and furrow my brows when I find a certain annoying old man there.

What’s Isaac doing here?

Without hesitation, I teleport him right in front of me using blood magic, making him reappear through a wave of blood coming from the floor as he lets out a yelp and I sit up straight.

“What is it?” I ask while resting my elbow on my knee and my chin in the palm of my hand as I frown at him.

Then, of course, he kneels towards me and says, “Great Wolf of the Blood Moon, I beseech you to visit our temple and grant us your ble-”

I cut him off by teleporting him halfway across the world. Then I lie back down on my bed.

At the very least, I know one thing I need to do after this. And that’s attend Belle and Arthur’s wedding as one of her bridesmaids.

So I have one thing in my plans. I’m not just left completely clueless as to what to do next.

But after that…

Guess I’ll just catch up on my books and hang out with friends and family from time to time before beginning my journey.

And it’s not like I can’t just come back at any moment. So I don’t have to worry about that.

I purse my lips as I stare up at the ceiling, wondering if that plan will really work. Considering the fact that I’ll live forever.

Although the presence of the void creatures enabling leveling up at least makes it so I won’t have to worry about my friends and family dying on me at some point. Since they can continue extending their life spans indefinitely as well.

Silence fills the room for a bit before I finally let out a sigh and crawl under the sheets, dismissing most of my clothes in the process as I almost immediately fall asleep.


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