When I Fell Madly in Love With the Heroine, the World Changed.

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Look! Its Jin-sama! Oh, hes looking at me!

And whos that next to me Kyaaa! Its Ken-sama! Hes so cute! Its rumoured that he stronger than Jin-sama!

No way could it be the two of them hahaha, I wonder which one of them is the receiver. Hahaha. In my opinion, Ken-sama is actually the offensive one after all hahaha.

As I was walking through school as usual, I heard cheers.

I think there was one rotten lady, but I dont want to mention it. I feel rotten too.

Ken, youre a celebrity now. How about it, getting a girlfriend? Youd have one in no time.. no, I dont mean me! Though Id be honoured

Please stop, Im normal.

Jin and Ken have finished their school cafeteria and are walking around the square.

They were now the two most famous knights in the school.

Jin, needless to say, is the youngest head knight of the Holy Knights.

And as the strongest of his generation.

I didnt think it would be so uncomfortable to be used in some weird fantasy. How about you, Jin-san? Youre popular, arent you?

My girlfriend is a KOG. Well, shes crazy about you, and she never smiles at me.

Haha, is it the strength and length of your feelings?

Kenya had become good friends with Jin.

Jin, who invited him to fight every day, felt like a game friend to Kenya.

He was irritated that day, but he was still not bad at all at heart.

He is innocent, honest to himself and loves KOG.

That alone was enough to get on well with Kenya.

And it wasnt just Jin.

Good morning, Jin-kun, Ken-kun.

When we enter the classroom, Reelbert says good morning to us.

And the Zoids also recognize me and at least give me a simple greeting.

Good morning, gentlemen! Many of you have field training today, are you ready?

Colonel Starr also enters the classroom with us and greets us.

Today is the first day of field training.

They say its mandatory training for the Holy Knight exam.

It is true that no matter how strong the skills are, you cant make a holy knight out of someone who has never been on the battlefield.

What do they do for field training, do you know Reina?

No, but it seems that the levelling of conflict zones and so on has been done. Im another day, but is today the day for your Onii-chan?

Oh, yeah, yeah. As I recall, the members are

The members were then called by Colonel Starr.

Well, Ken, Jin and Reelbert are the members of todays field training. Go to the designated place as soon as you are ready.

And with those three members, they go to field training.


Jin-san and Reelbert-san, have you ever done field training before?

Hm? Ah, normally, yes. I have been on actual battlefields, if anything.

In the car, Jin replies, we are now moving to the conflict zone.

Todays field training is to level a war zone, and even in the Asgard Empire there are still rebellions.

Like the resistance in Japan.

Jin says he has already been on the battlefield, but he is the head of the Holy Knights, so he must have a lot of experience in such things.

I have too. Well, Im a small battlefield.

Apparently Reelbert-san has some too.

- Well, I have some too. It was too hard training closer to Hellish.

What I remember is fighting in Japan, where I cut 100 men.

Only Kenya would have had such a hellish first battlefield.

We have arrived.

The driver was a second-class citizen.

They use honorifics for the younger Kenya and the others because they are in a lower position.

Basically, they are forced to do chores.

I have seen this to the point of disgust after spending nearly half a year in the empire.

So only Kenya has been polite to such people, but that is.

Thank you for driving.

No, no. Take care

- I Maybe just want to feel better for myself. Hypocrisy? .

Youre a total wacko Ken you dont even have to be polite to a second class

Yeah strange

We then arrived at a military camp.

This is a long way from the city, close to the border, rather wilderness, but you can see a few buildings.

There is a Resistance stronghold there, and our objective today is to get them to surrender.

A person who seems to be its commander comes towards Kenya, and the others, kneading his hands.

Well, well, well! Todays field training, so thank you for coming all the way here! I am Major Nez, who is in charge of this area!

A rather hunch-backed, rat-like-looking Major comes over, rubbing his hands with sesame paste.

No, he wasnt really rubbing sesame seeds, but he was kneading his hands so hard that they looked as if they were smoking.

Ill be looking after you today. Please take care of me.

This is not the kind of battlefield where someone like Jin-sama can come, but I am honoured to meet you.

Jin finishes his greetings and Major Nez sows the sesame.

It is true that Jin is far above him in military rank. He is a lieutenant general, the next highest rank after general, so it is natural for him to be humble.


Oh! Is that you over there, Ken-sama! Its an honour to meet you!


Kenya is also said to be a knight of the Rhodes, although it is a rumor.

In other words, he is the same as the next head of the Holy Knights, or rather a knight of the Rhode. So he may actually be even higher in rank.


Its a great honour to be on the same battlefield as the two men who will lead the future Asgard Empire! I have a good souvenir story to tell my son!

My name is Reelbert! Im looking forward to working with you today!

Oh, nice to meet you.


Reelbert was the only one who was treated appropriately, perhaps because he was a commoner and not a holy knight.

I think its blatant, but I also think its typical of the meritocratic Asgard empire. Tsk tsk is the same as ever.

What are you going to do? Are you going to go into battle? If you dont mind, Ill give you a report . I know its a bit of a place, but if you dont mind

No, Thanks, Ill borrow three KOGs.

Nez naturally asks if Im going to skip it.

Field training is inherently troublesome, so there are probably many nobles and elites who cut corners.

But here we are.

The serious committee chairman, and KOG junkies Kenya and Jin.

Then there is no such thing as having too much time on your hands.

Understood, sir! Well then.

With that, the three of them are guided to get on the KOG.

They move to the point shown on the screen.

Ken is new to the battlefield, isnt he? You need to relax.

Oh, ah

- What is it, I feel a stirring in my chest. From what Ive heard, the main thing was supposed to be suppression, only returning fire if you were resisted. .

And Kenya to move.

However, the sound of gunshots and explosions confirms my bad premonition.

That battlefield, where black smoke is rising, is not intended to be pacified.

Clearly, what is happening there is not a lukewarm act of pacification.

Why are there children dying?

What awaited Kenya at the other end was the scene he saw that day.

I still remember the hands that were stabbed and stretched out, begging for help.

Children without power.

And now, in front of me, people are being killed when they supposedly surrendered.

Hey, why! You cant just stop them!

And a transmission from Major Nez, which is heard the moment they arrive.

We have just received orders from Odin-sama for the resistance who have not surrendered at all. I will read it out verbatim All but ecpect the Asgardians in the area.

In a hushed voice, he reads it out without any hesitation.

[Kill them] is the order.

Order to slaughter.



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