When I Fell Madly in Love With the Heroine, the World Changed.

Chapter 47

Chapter 47




Today I must give you sad news.

That platform on which Odin Asgard stood.

And his clear voice was strangely reassuring.

Odin has a serene face and a well-trained body.

Just looking at him, you get a good feeling.

He radiated what could be described as a charisma or aura.

He is aware of his role as a ruler, and has the appropriate talent and will to do so.

And in front of him are many soldiers. The so-called cherry blossoms.

They cheer Odins every move and enliven the video.

- speech is an essential power for a ruler, they say. .

In the previous world, there is a history of German dictators rising through the power of speeches.

In a world where the media is a powerful force, a speech that shocks the heart is probably a very important quality for a ruler.

My beloved sister, Yumir Aasgard, has been killed, by a despicable trap, she lost her life defending her people.

!!!? This is

Kenya looks at Rhodes expression.

Rhode then closed his eyes and slowly shook his head.

He probably meant that he should keep quiet.

Looking around, everyone is surprised by the broadcast, with the likes of Reelbert putting his hands together in front of his forehead and posing as if he were praying to God.

I guess that until the end of the day, Yumirs misdeeds are not known.

So, first of all, I would like to dedicate everyones thoughts to my sister, and wish her a peaceful sleep. A silent prayer.

Then everyone stood up and a silent prayer began.

Three minutes of silence enveloped the Asgard empire.

Thank you, this will bring my sister to life. Thank you, my children.

A voice gently reminding them.

But suddenly the voice raises its voice to a powerful appeal.

I will never forgive you! To the enemy of my country who has done despicable deeds! And I know that enemy is the Asian Union!

- Asian Union? Oh yeah, youre going to blame them

Kenya understood what Odin was trying to do.

I promise you. I promise to overthrow that Allied State. And make them repent for killing my sister. To make their repentance their requiem for my sister!

- I knew it so youre using it as an excuse for war, even on your own sisters death

Now your father is ill. It will be difficult for him to return as emperor. So here I dare to say it clearly! The time for a change of emperor is near. The dawn of a new era is at hand!

And here I swear to you all! When I become Emperor! I will achieve a feat that no one, no nation, in the history of mankind, has yet achieved! My Asgard Empire will be the only nation to unite the world!


Let there be light in the Asgard Empire!

The speech ended to loud cheers.

Looking around, everyone applauded.

Except for Reina, Rhode and Kenya.

The video ends and everyday life returns.

Master Yumir has passed away a member of the royal family has died for the first time.

Colonel Starr speaks out in disbelief.

Everyone remains silent for a while under a sigh.

It is still Colonel Starr who opens the conversation.

Another war, or another Asian Union after the fight against the EU

Yeah, it will be the biggest war ever. So Ken. Why dont you quickly become a Holy Knight and be my knight?

Okay I would say but how do you become a Holy Knight in the first place?

Colonel Starr answers the question.

Oh, theres a certification exam every six months. For a Ken, youd probably pass it in one shot, but theres a lot of practical tests and other things to do for that.

I see.

Of course, its not enough to be strong. You have to be able to behave in an exemplary manner as a soldier. Force that cannot be controlled is just pure violence.

I understand. Then, Colonel Starr, Ill be looking to you for guidance tomorrow.

Yes, you can count on me!

And so the days lessons came to an end.

However, there are no classes on operations in the Special A class, only occasional collections, and practical training in the battlefield.

Kenya and Reina parted ways with Lord and went home for the day.

Well, good night. Kenya-kun.

Oh, good night.

- Is there live-in ever such an unexciting experience?

Siegs house is very spacious and has two showers.

I dont know if its out of consideration for his daughter, but why did he build two! Dad!!!

So we just go back to our respective rooms as soon as we return.

However, they eat dinner together every day, and Reina sometimes laughs at Kenyas silly jokes.

However, as for Kenya, he was hoping for a bit of mufufu development, such as peeking into her bath or entering her room while she was changing.

I asked Rhode to take care of Kaguya, so itll be as it will be fine The Holy Knight exam and the Imperial Sword Festival are almost here, so thats where it all starts.

(Time goes back a little.)

Rhode, I need a favour.

Hey, put on your manners. You never know who might hear you.

After Odins speech, Kenya had taken Lord out to do him a favor.

He asked for a favor in a low voice, lowering his tone when he was warned by Rhode.

Oh, sorry. So, do you have any idea where Kaguya is? I wanted to at least tell you that shes alive.

Kaguya shes someone youve been thinking about in the resistance to the Asian Union? A man in love is a weak man.

Grinning, Rhode looks at Kenya.

No, its fine, so? Is there no way?

There is if you dont choose the means. But diplomatic relations have been severed and information on the enemys military is not so easy to obtain. Its too risky.

Well it is difficult, isnt it?

Ill see if I can find a way. Just leave it to me. So dont do anything on your own.

Ah! Thanks!

Kenya then leaves.

While watching his back, Rhode mumbles.

Sorry, Kenya. But one day you two will meet, probably on the battlefield. but at the time she.

Rhode also turns his feet and his back to Kenya.

May not necessarily on your side, though.

And just like that, the months pass.

The world enjoys a tentative peace, and nearly half a year has passed.

There are no major wars, just everyday life passing.

The day when everything starts to move is just around the corner.



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